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This girl had something wrong with her head!

Assuming that she created some unbelievable image on me in her cute head, the story that she would tell once we got to her sect would cause a hell lot of problems! Considering how even I didn't know what was going on, there was no way I could agree to this request!

"I would be thrilled to accompany you there! But are you sure we can actually get to your sect in the first place? Didn't your mount run away a moment ago?"

Shit! What the hell is wrong with my head! I was already in deep trouble by simply walking through this forest, how I was supposed to play it out upon meeting with someone capable of deciphering this situation!

Yes, If I were to explain to this cute youngling how did the situation look from my perspective, maybe she would take some pity on me and still keep her decision to help me out. Well, while this sounded plausible, this wasn't hamburgerland anymore. If she were to lose this fake respect that she holds towards me, I would be killed in less than it takes to blink!

But If I follow her to her sect, her master is bound to discover how trash I am! The only bright side in that perspective was that it would take me a little longer to be killed! It's decided then!

"Young lady, during my exile I had to burn my cultivation down to escape my pursuers. With the previous events, I lost my last bit of strength! Even if I try to recuperate during the walk, I might not be able to recover my power at all!"

Hearing these words, the girls face twisted. She probably assumed that I will defend her on our way back! Step by step, I had to work my way towards building a legitimate reason behind my trashy state!

"Master doesn't need to worry!"

Putting a bright smile on her face, his girl tried to hide how frightened she was. From what I could recall, this forest served as a challenging place for young cultivators from nearby sects. Recalling how well equipped she was, this was probably her first time visiting this place! Without a mount and after sustaining some minor issues, her mental trauma from the zombie babies could be enough to render her unable to overcome the obstacles here!

"Let's just get going. I will do my best to protect us both!"

With adorable expression surfacing on her face, she took out a small jade from her storage ring - a few class better than the one that I have on me.

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"If I won't be able to make it, I hope Master can pass this jade to the sect elders."

As she tossed this stone at me, I tried to pry into its content but there was no way a mortal like me could do so!

Seeing my chance to improve our relations right here and now, I grab her hands and force her to look me into eyes.

"Don't worry young girl. We will both make it, even if it will cost my life! I already burned my last bit of strength for you, I won't let this sacrifice go in vain!"

If you want to steal, go rob a bank. If you want to lie, be consistent with your story and lie big! Even if I was going to die as soon as her sect master sees me, it would be better for me to bask in the admiration in her eyes for the time of our journey!

My words seemed to have some effect on the young woman. With a slight blush appearing on her face, she shook her head and stood up.

"Oh, and don't mind the muttering from me. I want to try some ancient chant to help me recover faster!"

I warn the girl as we start moving deeper and deeper into the forest. With all those strange events happening, I have a feeling that it was work of this strange gift from god!

When we moved a bit away from the scene of raining babies, I gather all the mental energy I have and silently mutter "SYSTEM OPEN"

In a flash, my vision blurs and a typical gaming window showcasing a string of words and numbers appears before my eyes! Who would've guessed that wasting my life away on reading the cliche novels would pay off in such a way!

While making sure that I'm still walking, read the short list of my stats.

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HP: 413/413
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Mana: 200/200

Level: 7

Experience: 37/700

Free stat points: 0


Strenght: 17

Agility: 13

Inteligence: 4

Wisdom: 15

Constitution: 14

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Resistance: 78

Charisma: 9


Energetical Affinity: 3

Maritial affinity: 4

Mana affinity: 2



Charm - 3 level


What the hell is that! It seems like only my intelligence is the same as when I was still a part of civilised society on earth! How can I judge it? Well, I don't feel any dumber than I was on the earth!

What does this ridiculously high resistance stat mean? How did I attain this charm skill! Well, nothing can be gained without a proper solution!

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Nothing happens. Well, I guess I will try again.





"For beginners!"


Nothing seems to be working except for this darn status screen!

"Log out!"

Infuriated by this system unresponsiveness, I want to try the most obvious choice. If there is an RPG system, maybe I will be able to come back to the real world! Contrary to the expectations, my entire vision goes blank with the onslaught of sudden windows popping up in front of my eyes! With the swarm of information showing for me, I can distinguish only one message.


"Log function is now permanently turned on!"

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