Chapter 12 - This little green tea is too bold!

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The next morning, Tang Bai put on a small floral lace apron with matching exquisite sleeves and went to cooking class with Tong Meng.


They would learn a new dish in each class, and the final exam is a random sample of the dish they previously learned, created within a limited time, and scored according to the presentation and taste.


However, top students could challenge difficult cuisines outside the scope of the exam. Once they are successfully produced, they can get a full score in cooking class.


The dish the teacher was teaching today is fish porridge.


The other ingredients were fine, but killing a fish made Tong Meng worry, he looked at Tang Bai.


The red fish was alive and kicking on the chopping board. When it was about to jump out of the chopping board, a single beautiful hand held the fish's head and the other hand held a knife to knock the fish stunned neatly.


Tang Bai skillfully cut its belly and scraped the scales, cutting from the fishs’ head to its fishtail, and then he took out the fish spine along with the other fish bones.


The slender fingers were like green onion roots, and the fingertips were still faintly pink. People couldn't help worrying that this beautiful hand would be cut. The picture of killing a fish made by Tang Bai was pleasing to the eye.


After seeing the demonstration by the top student, Tong Meng also held the red fish. Because of his lack of experience, he failed to stun the fish with one blow, leaving the fish struggling for a long time in severe pain.


Tang Bai tilted his head and quietly looked at the omega classmates around him who were killing fish.


Yesterday, many readers in the comment area said, how can an omega kill someone when they’re so delicate? At this moment, an idea suddenly popped up in Tang Bai's mind——


Is there any difference between killing people and killing fish?


The hand lifted the knife and fell, breaking the fishs’ stomach.


“Tangtang, your knife skills are awesome.” Tong Meng couldn't help but praise while cutting the fish.


His wet eyes were as simple and unsophisticated as a fawn, Tang Bai pursed his lips and smiled as if embarrassed to accept others' compliments, and the dimples on his cheeks surfaced shallowly.


It was already eleven o'clock after class, Tang Bai packed the fish porridge he made, took a bento, and went to ask Director Huang to approve his request for leave.


This time, Tang Bai was planning to use his shield called Gu Tunan for the last time, asking for leave on the grounds of “breaking up with Gu Tunan face-to-face”.


After all, he and Gu Tunan have met each other’s parents on both sides. He must formally and decisively break it off with Gu Tunan clearly so that the Gu family won’t say behind his back that he’s impolite.


“Xiao Tang, if you think about it, do you really want to split with Gu Tunan? Gu Tunan is an alpha with such superior conditions who is hard to find…” Director Huang persuaded him painstakingly. As he talked, he sucked his saliva, “It's so fragrant, are you going to give this porridge to the alpha last night?”


Tang Bai nodded.

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“The alpha last night was also good. Although his family is not as good as Gu Tunan, he’s good in other aspects, especially his looks.” Director Huang patted Tang Bai on the shoulder and suddenly said with passion: “Since you have made your choice, then take good hold of it, don’t change your mind easily! You should know this!”


Tang Bai: “......”


Tang Bai: “Teacher, you have misunderstood, Xie Ruheng and I are not in this kind of relationship…”


Director Huang: “Oh, oh, it turns out that his name is Xie Ruheng, please send the love bento to student Xie, it won’t taste good when it’s cold!”


 Tang Bai: “......”


Forget it, just misunderstand if you misunderstand it. It's also convenient to ask for leave in the future.


Tang Bai went to the Federal Military Academy with a bento. He decided to find Xie Ruheng first, and then talk with Gu Tunan after lunch.


The Federal Military Academy only started its official military training tomorrow. According to the novel, Xie Ruheng should be fine, but Tang Bai stood in the guard room for a long time before seeing Xie Ruheng striding over.


“Brother Xie!” Tang Bai shouted vigorously. When talking, his dimples were cute and sweet enough to be intoxicating. He handed the lunch to Xie Ruheng, “I made fish slice porridge, I don't know if Brother Xie will like it or not~”


“Next time you don't have to send it every day, it's too much trouble.” Xie Ruheng took the lunch.


“No trouble, no trouble. This is my homework for my cooking class. If I don't give it to Brother Xie, it will be given to my classmates as excellent work by the teacher.” Tang Bai said sincerely, “I am happier giving it to Brother Xie to eat.”


They stood closer, and Tang Bai found that Xie Ruheng seemed to have just taken a shower. He was wearing a hat and his hair was wet.


Tang Bai took out the small handkerchief, raised the handkerchief, and beckoned with his little hand, “Brother Xie, bow your head.”


Xie Ruheng: “?”


Tang Bai gently wiped the water droplets on Xie Ruheng’s black hair with a handkerchief, and said worriedly, “Your hair hasn't been dried yet, ah, brother Xie, your hair quality is really good. Do you use conditioner when washing your hair?”


At such a close distance, Xie Ruheng smelled the seemingly scent of milk on Tang Bai's body. He took a deep breath calmly, not paying attention to what Tang Bai said.


Water droplets flowed from his cheeks to his neck, and Tang Bai smoothly wiped the watermarks on his neck.


Xie Ruheng's breathing stopped slightly.


One’s neck is a very fragile part. He has never exposed his weakness to others so unabashedly, usually he resisted with every part of his body.


When Xie Ruheng wanted to take a step back, Tang Bai took a deep breath and squinted his eyes contentedly, and exclaimed: “Xie Brother, you smell so good. What brand of shower gel and shampoo do you use?”


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Xie Ruheng’s pupils shook like an earthquake.


If an omega says to an alpha that “I like the way you smell” it’s equivalent to saying “I like your pheromone”, rounding up, it means I like you!


This little green tea is too bold!


Xie Ruheng, who didn't want to show his timidity, pretended to be calm, offered his most calm voice, and replied like a love veteran: “You smell good too.”


Tang Bai took out a perfume bottle, “Do you like it? I’ll spray it for you~”


Xie Ruheng didn't react for a while and saw Tang Bai sniffing him like a small animal, “Forget it, you smell very good now, plus my smell will be mixed with yours.”


Your scent, plus, my scent.


An invisible car whizzed past Xie Ruheng's soul. Xie Ruheng looked in a daze, and couldn't think of a more exciting show of affection.


He lost...


“By the way, Brother Xie, are you free today? I haven't taught you etiquette yet.” Tang Bai asked.


Xie Ruheng was silent for a moment and said: “My etiquette classes aren’t in a hurry, so I don't need you to teach it today, and...I will be busy during this time, and I can't accompany you to the slums tonight.”


“Sorry, I broke my promise.”


Quite busy, huh? Is something wrong?


“It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I just plan to go to your school library to borrow books and look at materials related to mechanics. It will be the same when I go to the slums after a while!” Tang Baisheng was afraid that Xie Ruheng would blame himself, repeatedly saying: “Reading professional books is also a kind of material collection, and it doesn't affect my writing at all!”


I thought that after the pigeons were released, a pampered little omega like Tang Bai would be angry. I didn’t expect Tang Bai to be so considerate. A little warmth appeared in Xie Ruheng’s eyes, “What book are you looking for? I'll accompany you to the library to borrow books.”


“《Mechanical Principles and Structure》, 《Common Weapon Processing and Manufacturing》, 《Energy Vibration》, 《Mecha Modification and Painting Technology》...” Tang Bai opened his mouth and reported a series of book titles. Without leaving any hints of shock, Xie Ruheng was a little surprised that Tang Bai understood these books.


But Xie Ruheng wasn’t surprised remembering that Tang Bai's grandfather is the head of the Weapons Research Institute.


He took Tang Bai to the library to borrow these books, and then hurried away, looking like he was busy with a lot of things to do.


Tang Bai asked what Xie Ruheng was doing and if he could help, but Xie Ruheng didn't say anything.


If he’s this busy normally, it’s no wonder he’s so thin, maybe I’ll make Xie Ruheng a supper at night!


Tang Bai's eyes lit up and he thought it was okay. He was sitting in a restaurant waiting for Gu Tunan. He thought that Gu Tunan would be late as usual, but he didn't expect Gu Tunan to arrive on time this time.


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It turns out that Gu Tunan still has the concept of time in his mind, Tang Bai thought with emotion.


“Have you ordered?” Gu Tunan asked when he picked up the menu. After hearing that Tang Bai hadn't ordered yet, he chose a few dishes, thinking that omega likes desserts, and added a glass of mango coconut milk shaved ice.


After ordering food, Gu Tunan folded his hands and looked directly at Tang Bai, ready to have a good talk with Tang Bai, such as staying away from Xie Ruheng, and wanting to be his fiancée, he must keep a distance from other alphas.


“I am looking for you today to talk about our breakup.”


Gu Tunan: “......?”


“Oh, I was wrong, not a breakup.”


Gu Tunan's expression was calm and took a sip from his water glass.


“After all, we have never been together.” As soon as Tang Bai's voice fell, Gu Tunan was choked by the water and coughed repeatedly.


“What the hell do you mean?” Gu Tunan's voice was a little hoarse after coughing. He frowned and looked at Tang Bai as if he was watching an unreasonable child.


Tang Bai didn't like the look in Gu Tunan's eyes, and he didn't like the look of being“looked down” at all.


Because this look lacks the most basic respect.


He raised his chin and looked at Gu Tunan proudly with his beautiful amber eyes, “I want to break up with you, I will explain it clearly to my family. There is no love between us, and the three views of our personality are not in harmony. It’s not suitable for us to be together.”


Gu Tunan's expression became stiff little by little.


“If you are worried about your uncle and aunt being angry, just blame this on me. I insisted on leaving you. You tried to get me to stay, but you didn't succeed.” Tang Bai raised his eyebrows and blessed without sincerity. “Finally, I wish you an early discovery for your favorite omega.”


Gu Tunan frowned all the way to his chin, as if to leave an irreversible wrinkle, “ want to be with Xie Ruheng?”


Tang Bai: “???”


What are you two thinking about?


The unpleasant feeling of everything being encumbered by others was stronger than ever before. What Qin Jun said at this moment was very clear in Gu Tunan's mind:


——“A humble maggot worthy of wriggling in a slum. I really don't know what your little fiancé sees in him.”


——“Your prospective fiancée, your possession, your omega, was tainted by an outcast.”


——“Untouchables are truly worthy of strays, only worthy to kneel and lick the omegas alphas have used.”

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His good education prevented Gu Tunan from uttering bad words like Qin Jun, but the unhappiness in his heart was nowhere to be resolved. His thin lips were slightly pursed, and his gray-blue eyes were like a layer of ice. Until he finally, slowly asked: “Can't you smell the stench from him?”


——“Even if his skin is well-born, it will shed dirty and lowly blood.”


Tang Bai: “???”


What nonsense are you talking about? I smelled it! My omega is bright and super fragrant! Much more nice smelling than your smelly alpha scent!


“Don't you feel nauseous to eat with him, someone who has cleaned a toilet?”


——“Eating with this kind of bug is really unappetizing…”


The confused Tang Bai's small face suddenly sank, “What did you say? What happened to Xie Ruheng?”


“He attacked his classmates and was punished by the school." Gu Tunan said coldly: "He was punished to clean all the toilets in the school for a month. Presumably, after a month, the smell on his body won’t be able to wash away.”


Tang Bai: “!!!”


Tang Bai was about to split, his fragrant, poor, and innocent light of the omegas actually has to endure this kind of punishment!


However, it’s clearly stated in the original book that Xie Ruheng and Qin Jun had a conflict during the first etiquette class. Why did this matter advance?


Tang Bai asked uncertainly, “Did Xie Ruheng wring Qin Jun's neck?”


A hint of mockery flashed through his gray-blue eyes, and Gu Tunan disdainfully said: “Xie Ruheng went to sell you his misery?”


“Did he tell you that since Qin Jun insulted you with words, he started beating people?”


Tang Bai: “?????????”





? - yes, omg Tang Bai, that is certainly concerning.


Bento - not that this is important, but every time Google Translate translates bento it comes out as urinal...


Encumbered - restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.


Sell you his misery - I don’t know if this is purely Chinese slang but it means that Xie Ruheng was supposedly acting pitiful to look miserable in front of Tang Bai.

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