Chapter 26 - The protagonist attacked and fought for him?

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The fifth day of military training.


Before dawn, a group of alphas were already gathered in military uniforms.


Among the heroic military cadets, Qin Jun had a particularly swollen nose, it looked especially swollen every time he turned to the left, turned to the right, and when taking a step forward. The stinging pain from his nose would cause Qin Jun to slow down, and then stand while having his face twitching.


“Qin Jun, did you get into a fight?!” The instructor shouted unbearably.


There was a burst of laughter in the squad.


“Is this funny?!”


The instructor scowled and scolded: “Some of you students don’t train seriously, fish in troubled waters, ignore military training discipline, and spend time outside of school!”


“We are in military training! Do you think that we still use ancient methods to train our troops? Why do you think you fight and train all day long? It’s to hone your will! Military discipline is like iron, and will is like steel! To fight against our enemies! But when you ignore your duties, and you fucking run to drink, who do you think will guard our border?! Who will guard our people?! Who will guard our federation!!!”


The cadets were silent.


“I am a soldier in the First Star Cluster of the Federation. I don’t know how your Federal Military Academy punishes students who go out drinking or for ignoring proper discipline, but in our regiment, you’d be thrown out!”


The First Star Cluster of the Federation is a corps established by the founding Marshal. In the chaotic years of the Federation Uprising, this team achieved “freezing to death without tearing down houses and starving to death without taking captives”, with strict military discipline and a true division of benevolence and justice.


The team followed the founding marshal for 30 years and experienced countless large and small battles. When the Federation declared its independence, the first group of old people in the First Star Cluster all died on the battlefield, including the founding marshal, who died three days before the Founding Ceremony.


Although the soldiers died, their military tactics won’t die, their honor won’t die, and the First Star Cluster will last forever.


The whole Federation recognizes that only the best soldiers can join the First Star Cluster, and the soldiers of the First Star Cluster are the best soldiers regardless of their rank.


The instructors teaching at the Federal Military Academy are all from the First Star Cluster. They aren’t from a family. In front of the federal First Star Cluster, no one dares to say that they’re from a family——


The founding of the Federation is only a hundred years old, and the families with the deepest heritage in the entire Federation only have a history of one hundred years. The blood of their ancestors isn’t cold, their bones aren’t cold, and the battle on the border never stops. No one dares to presuppose privileges in this federal division.


However, the saddest thing is that within a hundred years, the class system has solidified again.


In ABO’s society, an alpha’s physical fitness is inherently dozens of times better than a beta. A top alpha can even stand alone against a thousand-member army composed of betas who are manipulating mechas.


With a strong physique, unmatched mental power, and a natural dominating leader, alphas are born stronger than betas, and this gap can’t be made up by acquired efforts.


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Betas can only find a chance to contend with alpha while manipulating mechas, so mecha manufacturers are respected, but the energy bar mines that drive the mechas are in the hands of powerful alphas…


The concept of aristocratic families appeared quickly, and privileges emerged endlessly. The only thing to be thankful about is that the federation’s class hasn’t yet been completely solidified compared with the huge empire that has long been decayed.


Civilians can join the First Star Cluster and can enter the Weapons Research Institute. One is a division of the Federation and the other is the Weapons Factory. By working in one of these two places even nobles can’t easily insult you.


The instructor wasn’t afraid of Qin Jun’s identity. The live screen faithfully recorded the entire process of the instructor’s madness. Soon a teacher rushed to the drill yard, the teacher didn’t speak to Qin Jun since this was being recorded on a live broadcast of the military training.


The Federal Military Academy was originally an academy for cultivating revolutionary talents. Seven founding marshals, fifteen honorary generals, and countless soldiers dedicated to the revolution have emerged from the Federal Military Academy. The students and their descendants from the Federal Military Academy may be there watching the live broadcast, they are the spears and shields of the Federation, and nothing can chill them.


The teacher connected to the broadcast channel and pointed at Qin Jun and said solemnly: “Qin Jun, Class 1 of Class 18 Mecha Combat Department, ignored military training discipline. He did not return to the dorms at night and drank outside of school. His actions are a bad influence on this school and Qin Jun is now being notified of his criticism and will be punished with cleaning the school’s toilets. This is mandatory and will last for a month!  I hope everyone can take this as a warning!”


The criticism announcement could be heard in the whole school, because of the existence of the live broadcast, the scope directly expanded to the whole star.


There weren’t many people in the live broadcast room at 5 o’clock in the morning, but there were also a decent amount of people. This announcement made everyone excited.


【 Hahahahaha is this pig head Qin Jun? I’m suddenly awake with laughter 】


【 What did Qin Jun think, that he was so ugly on the first day that he didn’t change his mind but also went out to spend a lot of time? 】


【 It seems that I went to the clubhouse in Yexing City. A friend of mine seems to have seen Qin Jun there 】


【 What did he do there? Hire someone to beat yourself? 】


【 What is voluntary labor? Sounds like a very light punishment 】


【 Before, voluntary labor is cleaning the toilet 】


【 Fuck, Qin Jun is going to clean the toilets?! Oh my God, I regret that I didn’t make it into the Federal Military Academy! If I got in, I could shit every day in the toilets that Qin Jun is responsible for! The kind that doesn’t flush properly! 】


【 Stop talking, it smells 】



Qin Jun raised his head in disbelief. Cleaning the toilets was the punishment he had specially asked Wang Zhi to arrange for Xie Ruheng. Why was it his turn today?!


“Wang Zhi! Why do you alone decide my punishment!!!” Qin Jun was so angry that he almost jumped up and down.


The teacher looked even colder when he heard the words, “Mr. Wang has been dismissed from the school for taking bribes. If student Qin Jun isn’t satisfied with the punishment and continues to make trouble, I can directly change it to a school suspension.”


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Wang Zhi was actually fired…


If you make trouble, you’ll be suspended from school…


Qin Jun didn’t expect things to develop to this point, he was dumbfounded, if he was suspended from school, his father would definitely kill him!


Thinking of how his father wanted to cruelly break his leg last time, and looking at the teacher’s unrelenting icy eyes, Qin Jun realized that something was wrong, he became cold and tried to mobilize his blue and purple facial muscles: “I… will follow the school’s arrangements.”


When he staggered out of the field, Qin Jun looked back at the people behind him, glancing over those gazes that were either gloating, indifferent, or contemptuous. When he met the pair of dark phoenix eyes, the feeling of his chest yesterday instantly appeared.


Severe pain and anger, Qin Jun turned around fearfully, his eyes were fierce in a place where no one could see——


Damn Xie Ruheng, you must have reported my violation to the instructor! Tang Bai can’t always protect you forever! You wait for me!


A scavenger robot who was cleaning nearby quietly watched Qin Jun, faithfully recording all the expressions on his face, and then sent it to Tang Bai’s light brain.


Tang Bai who was making Longyin Strawberries: “……?”




“Brother Xie! Was Qin Jun scared when he saw you just now?!” Qiu Yan couldn’t help turning his head to Xie Ruheng excitedly as they were doing mecha assembling exercises.


Xie Ruheng assembled the basic parts in his hands and hummed lightly when he heard Qiu Yan’s words.


“Brother Xie is mighty!” Qiu Yan was full of gossip: “Brother Xie, don’t you know? Last night someone saw Qin Jun being beaten by Gu Tunan and crying! I heard that Gu Tunan hit Qin Jun’s face with a punch and Qin Jun had a nosebleed and bled all over Gu Tunan’s face!”


“Hahahaha it’s really funny, Brother Xie, can you imagine Gu Tunan kicking Qin Jun out of the dormitory with blood on his face hahahaha——” Qiu Yan was laughing passionately, and suddenly found that a classmate was looking at him with twitching eyes.


Qiu Yan: “?”


Qiu Yan, who faintly felt something was wrong, turned his head and faced Gu Tunan, who had no blood on his face but had a terrible expression.


Qiu Yan: “…………”


Ha, ha, ha, I’m dead.


The gray-blue eyes were like a cloudy sky, but the dark clouds blocking the light weren’t Qiu Yan. Gu Tunan never cared about the opinions of insignificant people, and he rarely even joins the conversations between his classmates.


Someone mentioned Tang Bai, and Gu Tunan looked over.


At that time, no one said anything, but in fact, with their backs to Gu Tunan, everyone jokingly said that the iceberg had blossomed into spring and that green grass was growing on the top of the mountain…

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Gu Tunan passed by the dumbfounded Qiu Yan and silently stood in front of Xie Ruheng.


He looked at Xie Ruheng, but what came to his mind was the figure of the two of them leaving together after Tang Bai gave Xie Ruheng the Buddha to jumping over the wall.


The two figures walked so closely, one step was steady, the other was walking and hopping. Tang Bai’s steps would deviate from Xie Ruheng’s trajectory after a few steps, but no matter the distance between them, it wasn’t long or far. In the end, Tang Bai would walk in small steps and then go back, like a little sticky cake.


When Tang Bai bounced around him like this in the past, he only felt like it was annoying.


But in the bustling crowd that day, he looked at Tang Bai’s fading figure, looked at the swaying strand of dull hair, and suddenly found that Tang Bai was like a lark.


A lark that sings tactfully in his palm, and then flutters its wings and flies away in the blink of an eye.


The hand hanging on the side of his leg suddenly clenched, as if trying to grasp something.


Gu Tunan took a deep breath, raised his left hand, and stretched his palm under Xie Ruheng’s eyelids. His thumb was bent ninety degrees, his index finger was raised, and the other three fingers were folded. This was a gesture of challenge.


Only the most powerful alphas could get high-quality omegas, as long as he realizes that Xie Ruheng is no match for him——


Then his omega will return eventually.


All the military academies: “!!!”


Are you going to fight?!


Seeing the hand that appeared abruptly in his field of vision, Xie Ruheng raised his head without changing his face, with their eyes facing each other, without any words. But both sides understood the other’s meaning: “With what?”


There are a lot of things to be assessed tomorrow morning, including basic first-aid, mech assembly, fighting skills, etc., taking a look at the messy mecha parts on the table, Gu Tunan said lightly: “With assembling mecha parts.”


High school knowledge of mecha assembling is Xie Ruheng’s weakness, but he said nothing.


The hand wrapped in black gloves made the same gesture, “Okay.”


The barrage boiled instantly.


【 Fuck, why are these two handsome team leaders suddenly fighting?! 】


【 For Tang Bai, I recommend everyone to see the hot post on the Forum of the Federal Military Academy. 】


【 Really, your military academy students are highly efficient. I just went to the forum and took a look. 】

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【 The post is updated! The title of the post is #Mecha department two big school grasses fight for the omega Tang Bai# 】


【 I’m back from eating melons, Tang Bai is Gu Tunan’s prospective fiancée and Xie Ruheng’s situation is unclear, sounds like a green tea bitch. 】


【 But a green tea bitch is still loved by you as a dream love O. Every day I say what sweet little pepper I love, the new era of independent self-improvement omega, I dare not say I don’t like Tang Bai. 】


【 Doesn’t Tang Bai just have a good appearance, have a good family background, have a grandfather who is the director of the Weapons Research Institute, and a rich dad? In addition to cooking, singing, dancing, painting, and tea… what more is there?! 】



There was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room, but Tang Bai, one of the protagonists at the center of the topic, blocked the barrage and stared at the screenshot of the live broadcast in shock.


No, the gesture of this challenge is too much like a fight, right?!


One person only has half-hearted feelings, and if you get together, you better be careful!


And when Gu Tunan challenged Brother Xie, wasn’t the description of the two people’s eyes described in the book as “evenly matched eye contact”?


It’s too early, when did you get to this point?! Why are they fighting so inexplicably? Is it because of the enforcement of the plot?!


Tang Bai covered his mouth, shook his head, and opened the barrage. He saw the barrage discussing Xie Ruheng and Gu Tunan’s fight being about (TB) him.


The protagonist attacked and fought for him?


No, they are obviously in love and are trying to kill each other!!!





Fish in troubled waters - to try to capitalize on or benefit from a situation, circumstance, or experience that is fraught with disorder, difficulty, confusion, stress, etc.


Presuppose - (of an action, process, or argument) required as a precondition of possibility or coherence.


Longyin Strawberries -  The raw material of Longyin Strawberry is specially selected large strawberries. The most important factor is not the size of the strawberry, but the fresh taste and sweet and sour strawberry taste. The finished product is only a bite of sugary syrup. Known as “the most complicated processing procedure in history”, it’s also a dessert strawberry that’s worth 800 yuan (around 124 dollars).


Lark - a small ground-dwelling songbird, typically with brown streaky plumage, a crest, and elongated hind claws, and with a song that is delivered in flight.


Tactfully - with skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.


Green tea bitch - so the author does know the term green tea bitch… I don’t exactly understand why the author continually makes comparisons with green tea, but green tea bitch fits what they’re trying to say so much better. This term refers to a woman who presents herself as innocent, sweet, and kind in order to approach guys who she finds useful, potentially in the sense of money, power, or purely fulfilling. (green tea part). Yet this woman is actually calculating and all her good qualities are fake merely in order to appeal to the guy. This woman uses many methods to achieve her goal, usually involving lying and being immoral (bitch part).

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