Chapter 3 - This omega is super delicious, oh no, this meal is really good…

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Xie Ruheng was thinking about what Tang Bai's eyes meant, but he didn't expect the other party's words to be even more unexpected.


Ask him to eat lunch?


This development was something he never expected.


There was a rare trace of confusion on the handsome face, and Xie Ruheng tried to analyze the meaning of this move.


Is this omega expressing/showing him that he’s good at cooking and considerate?


Xie Ruheng had been living in a slum before entering the military academy, and the only omegas he’s seen before are the omegas in the red light district.


Those omegas would laugh and let him light a cigarette, or ambiguously put a room card with their body temperature still remaining on it in his palm, or invite him to drink.


There has never been an omega who has presented him with a bento.


Seeing Xie Ruheng's thoughtful appearance, Tang Bai blinked his eyes, and then realized that there was a loophole in his words——


This was personally made by me. We omegas need to pay attention to our diet and take care of our bodies.


We omegas, need to pay attention to our diet and take care of our bodies.


We omegas.


Tang Bai: “!!!”


Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!... How could he let such an important secret come straight out?!


If the light of the omegas career line was destroyed because of his words, wouldn’t he become a sinner through the ages?!


The snow-white skin was soaked with red blush, and the tips of his nose, ears, and chin were all pink. Tang Bai was so anxious that his eyes were red. He tried to resist the panic in his heart and stumbled to remedy: “...... Alphas should also pay attention to their diet.”


At this moment, Tang Bai behaved very much like a little omega who was uncomfortable and clumsy in front of his sweetheart.


Xie Ruheng’s eyes stared at the “sweet and shy” Tang Bai, he rolled out a low chuckle from his throat.

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Many of the spectators in the underground arena were of high-class nobles, those who were outwardly full of benevolence and morality but privately indulged in the primitive and savage pleasure of cruel fighting.


It's just that Xie Ruheng didn't expect an omega to be interested in this bloody game.


This appearance, doesn’t it look very delicate and pure? If this omega cried then it would become a weeping beauty that would provoke your tender affections.


Is this the type of omega that would half-choke half-sob out jiayou while watching the game? Seeing the bloody game, pitifully covering his eyes, even though the teary eyes that could be seen between the fingers were thrilled with excitement?


His penetrating sharp eyes scanned Tang Bai back and forth, his red blushing cheeks, slightly opened lips, and delicate waist; trying to analyze Tang Bai's heart.


It’s unknown what inner world is revealed by just looking at one’s physical appearance.


Tang Bai noticed Xie Ruheng's sharp gaze like a police officer interrogating a prisoner. His little heart couldn’t help but thump, and he raised his chest nervously, wondering what Xie Ruheng was laughing at.


But what must he do at this time? Telling Xie Ruheng directly: “We live in the world of a novel”, “You are the protagonist of this novel”, will be regarded as freakish…


Tang Bai pursed his lips nervously and squeezed out the small dimples on his cheeks.


Xie Ruheng looked at this omega that exuded a lovely atmosphere all over his body. It was a pity that he didn’t eat food from strangers, even if the stranger who was suspected to be one of his fans was an omega that looked very in line with his aesthetics.


“This bento doesn’t seem to be something that was going to be given to me in the first place?” Xie Ruheng pushed the bento back in front of Tang Bai and asked with a smile.


Tang Bai, who was desperately thinking about how to explain all of this, was interrupted, thinking blankly for a few seconds, and then realized how improper his behavior was just now.


Giving Xie Ruheng the bento that Gu Tunan didn’t want. What kind of operation was this? The future light of the omegas should have an exclusive bento!


The standard of excellent homework in ordinary cooking classes is not worthy of Xie Ruheng!


Think about it carefully, the food Xie Ruheng ate in the book didn't seem to taste very good all the time.


At the beginning of the Federal Military Academy, most of the freshmen training meals in the Tucao cafeteria were too unpalatable, but Xie Ruheng ate the noodles without having his face change colors and ate all the meals in three or two quantities.


The most important meaning of eating for Xie Ruheng was to fill his stomach. The taste was only an additional item. When he was young, he often couldn't eat enough, and even searched for food in trash cans. Later, Xie Ruheng focused on the battle situation and even forgot to drink nutrition solutions when he went to battle. Ending up with him having stomach trouble.


Wu wu, our light of the omegas life is too bitter, it’s not good to not eat...


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Tang Bai’s eyes were hot, and his amber pupils instantly filled with water. He held two tears, staring at Xie Ruheng lovingly and reproachfully, his voice was stained with a nasal tone. “I'm sorry, I will definitely give it to you next time. I’ll make it delicious.”


Xie Ruheng: “......”


The beautiful little omega cried in front of him again, and his every pore exuded an aura of comfort, really… really...


It makes people feel overwhelmed...


Tang Bai choked and sobbed, thinking that the light of the omegas hadn't been taken care of by others, he felt uncomfortable.


Although he doesn’t need to have endless luxuries, the most basic omega nutrition meals, skincare products, underwear, etc. should be arranged. Why will no one help him prepare these... Hey, a sudden thought appeared!


Is the reason why he knows the big secrets of this world because he has some kind of duty?


Because his light of the omegas hasn’t been taken care of by the world, the world has entrusted Tang Bai to take care of Xie Ruheng, so that Xie Ruheng will have a happier life?!


As soon as this idea appeared, it was like seeing the sun in the sky after a rainy day.


The eyes soaked in tears suddenly radiated bright light, Tang Bai's heart was surging and excited for a moment, he couldn't help himself, he couldn't help but look at Xie Ruheng, his tone was full of hope: “I can be responsible for your three meals a day, ok??”


Although he may not be of much help in other aspects, Tang Bai can definitely improve his diet.


Moreover, Tang Bai’s School of Etiquette and the Federal Military Academy are on the same street. Three meals a day can be delivered to Xie Ruheng. After eating well, Xie Ruheng’s mood will definitely improve.


Tang Bai was full of motivation when he thought that his actions would bring warmth to the light of the omegas and contribute to the omegas' equal rights cause, he couldn’t wait to roll up his sleeves and start cooking now.


Xie Ruheng: “......?”


How did the topic suddenly jump to this point?


Suspecting that he had missed something, Xie Ruheng once again saw a sense of confusion in his eyes. He didn't know what was going on in this omegas little head. Even if you want to pick up an alpha, you must proceed step by step. How can this little omega be so enthusiastic and active? Although initiating is good sometimes there’s still something called restraint, you know?


Tang Bai saw Xie Ruheng's weird expression, his little head tilted, and he wondered if his conditions were not attractive enough, so he picked up a piece of braised pork on the bento, ready to deduce how delicious the food he cooked.


His little nose moved, Tang Bai inhaled the aroma of the braised pork made from internal organs, and bit off the braised pork in one bite.


The cooked meat was not hard, and every piece of shredded pork was soaked in sauce. The fat was not greasy, and the texture was as tender as tofu. Tang Bai squinted his eyes happily, and his teeth were reluctant to finish chewing.


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Although there was a certain element of performance in it, Tang Bai also felt that his craft was great.


He gave a thumbs up shamelessly, and said, “The food I cooked is super delicious.”


After speaking, he happily continued to eat the vegetables. His eating was quite pleasing to the eye. The rose petal-like lips seemed to be smeared with lip gloss, his white teeth were faintly revealed between chewing, and the satisfaction in his eyes was sweet enough to overflow— —


It just looks so delicious.


Delicious in every sense.


The tip of his tongue was against his itchy palate, Xie Ruheng thought without changing his face, yes, this omega was super delicious, oh no I mean, this meal is really good...


Seeing Xie Ruheng's eyes burning hot and his adam's apple rolling, Tang Bai knew that Xie Ruheng was greedy! The food he cooks is so delicious, who wouldn’t be greedy!


However, Xie Ruheng's attitude of being greedy and reluctant to agree made Tang Bai worry. The temptation of just being responsible for three meals is not strong enough, is there any way he can help Xie Ruheng?




There it is!


His strand of dull hair curled up!


He can also help with Xie Ruheng’s etiquette!


Tang Bai remembers the plot in the book. The etiquette aspect of the chief exam is one of Xie Ruheng's shortcomings, even though Xie Ruheng invited ordinary etiquette teachers on the market to teach. No matter how hurriedly he learned, it was no better than the noblemen who were born and were influenced by the surrounding environment.


In fact, the etiquette department exists to prevent civilian students from becoming the chief. The nobles do everything possible to cut off the way for the civilians to rise. If it weren’t for Xie Ruheng, a peerless genius, it would have been impossible for a civilian student to become the chief.


But Tang Bai is different. He knows the plot. The novel can supply him with what etiquette will be tested. He can list the etiquette content to be tested, and let Xie Ruheng specialize in that content, isn't it solved?


He not only wants Xie Ruheng to win, but to also win with glory, not a narrow victory like in the book but a full-on win by extinguishing the enemy, pulverizing the combatant the best way he can so that Xie Ruheng can never look down on Gu Tunan!


Humph! My family’s light of the omegas is beautiful alone, what kind of love were you in!


Tang Bai’s eyes glowed, those shiny, sweet enough to melt everything eyes looked at Xie Ruheng intently, and said quietly: “I not only can prepare lunch for you but can also teach you etiquette.”


Tang Bai still used his small hand to cover his mouth when he spoke, as if he was discussing military secrets.

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But this matter was far more important in Tang Bai's mind than any military secret in the world, he was helping the protagonist of the world with his career! Doesn’t it affect the direction of the world line every minute?!


Xie Ruheng found Tang Bai so cute with his mouth covered with his small hand, and took a deep breath, trying to calmly analyze the current situation.


It’s no secret that he wants to compete for the chief position in the military academy, but Tang Bai, a non-military academy student, has such a clear understanding of his affairs and knows that he needed an etiquette teacher recently...


It seems that he likes me a lot, and he did his homework in order to chase me.


At least, Xie Ruheng thought so.


Although Xie Ruheng's original plan was to work hard and start a career first, and then fall in love after a successful career, he is not a rigid person. When love really comes to the door, who will shut out love?


Especially, why would he reject an omega that perfectly fits all of his sniper orientations?


Sensibly aware of Xie Ruheng's expression loosening, Tang Bai's gaze became more eager, and he screamed wildly in his heart:


Jimei, look at me! A little omega like me who can cook, teach etiquette, and give you spoilers, as long as you want, as long as you want! Now I can bring the bento home myself!


The sunlight came in through the glass window, coating Tang Bai's light coffee-colored curly hair with a gold border. This pitiful expression of prayer was hidden, and reminded Xie Ruheng of the little milk cat with the sign of “please raise me”.


It doesn't seem to be an illusion, he really smelled a faint smell of milk from this omega.


The little beast in his heart… Slowly, slowly covered his face, with a squeak, it was hit by Cupid’s love arrow and fell to the ground.


There was a moment of silence, and the narrow and long phoenix eyes suddenly gave a playful smile. With a mole at the end of Xie Ruheng's eyes, the corners of his eyebrows showed a casual and unassuming “seduction”, which was difficult to see without blushing.


“Okay,” he said.





Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! - this was originally 62 “ah’s” in the Google Translated version. Yes, I did count lmao.


Jiayou - a phrase for encouragement, essentially means cheer. Here’s an example: “Cheering for you!”.


Jimei - mèi mei, younger sister, young woman. Basically little sister.

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