Chapter 33 - Then he'll get a championship back.

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Tang Bai was relieved to hear Xie Ruhang say that, and he was sure that if he kept up the eye candy, Xie Ruhang wouldn't go blind on Gu Tunan this time!


But Tang Bai still has a lingering worry in his mind, wondering if the plot of the book can be changed or not, as it is now, Gu Tunan is still unreservedly in love with Xie Ruhang ......


"Yo yo yo yo Lu Lv, when did you get a date? A roar interrupted Tang Bai's thoughts, and he turned around to see an unfamiliar omega standing uncomfortably by the mech department's martial arts stage, head bowed behind a cadet.


The omega and the alpha beside him bear a slight resemblance to each other, both are handsome, but the omega is more feminine.


Someone laughed and said to the alpha, "Quite a couple hahahaha."


The alpha known as Lu Lv holds the umbrella for the omega, "This is my brother, Lu An, so watch your mouths."


...... Lu An ?


Tang Bai somehow feels familiar, like I've heard that name before, no, I've read it somewhere -




It's in the book "This omega is a marshal"!


Lu An is the omega who tried to kill himself after being raped by a nobleman, his brother was Xie Ruhang's subordinate. When Xie Ruhang returned from the bloodbath, he found out about the incident, Xie Ruhang killed the nobleman and was court-martialled for it.


Tang Bai stared blankly at the omega not far away, red-faced and afraid to look up, embarrassed by the misunderstanding of his brother's friends for half a day, instead of going to the police bloodlessly, recounting his rape experience over and over again in front of everyone, shaking his voice and being nakedly examined ......


Tang Bai could not imagine that the mimosa-like omega in front of her would be so numb as to be unresponsive to the outside world, as in the book.


He was suddenly so sad.


It was sadder than when I saw this episode in the book.




Lu An cowered behind his brother's back, wishing he could hide in his shadow and wishing the ground would suddenly open up so he could find a place to burrow down and dig some dirt to bury himself.


Lu An looked up in disbelief and saw a beautiful noble omega standing in front of him with a smile.


He knows this omega, Tang Bai, the omega who has been on the hot list for the past two days and has also started a live tea class.

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Lu An was almost dumbfounded to see Tang Bai in person. He was sure that those who called Tang Bai a green tea on the internet had never seen Tang Bai in person, because Tang Bai really looked like a gracious and elegant beauty, and her every move showed good breeding.


"We have milk tea and dessert there, would you like to come and join us for afternoon tea?" The voice was also better than what you hear online, so sweet that it melted your heart.


Lu An followed this beauty in a daze, and when she took his arm, Lu An's whole face turned red, "You look so cute when you're shy~"


Damn, the neck might be red too.


It was a fantastic day, he and Tang Bai exchanged contact details and Tang Bai gave him a butterfly ornament, blue in colour, saying that she wanted him to wear it every day and that he should not go to a party in the future and to contact Tang Bai immediately if he met an alpha named Cheng something.


Lu An placed the blue butterfly ornament in her hand and looked at it again and again, unable to stop smiling.




Tang Bai is writing at home.


He had previously written that Jun Tongchen had won the mech building competition and was given the opportunity to go to the Federation Military Academy for further mechanical training, which should have made Jun Tongchen happy, but entering the Federation Military Academy meant a certain chance of revealing his omega gender.


This is because once an alpha enters the susceptible phase, the omega is easily affected and even injections of more inhibitors are useless.


Jun Tongchen didn't dare to gamble, he couldn't afford to, so he planned to remove his gland.


For evidence, Tang Bai looked up a lot of information on gland removal, and he was impressed by one respondent's answer.


Basically all omega in the red light district have undergone this procedure, and after removal of the gland they cannot be temporarily marked by bite marks and can be played with by many alpha's, however the procedure is quite damaging to the body and the damage is irreversible, omega who undergo gland removal have a shorter flowering period and age faster than normal omega ......


Tang Bai saw that the comments below the respondent were all smiling and saying that this kind of omega was the sluttiest, so he took a deep breath and chose "obscene pornography" to report them one by one.


He didn't understand how anyone could have a yellow conversation on such a topic, it was clearly a painful thing to do.


Xie Ruhang in the book also had his glands cut, although Xie Ruhang had a camouflage agent, and although the camouflage agent was more effective than the inhibitor against the effects of the alpha susceptibility period, Xie Ruhang considered cutting his glands before going into battle.


For Xie Ruhang in the book, he can't afford to have his camouflage potion fail on the battlefield. If it fails at the military academy, at best he will expose himself and be expelled, but if he goes into a rage on the battlefield and affects the situation, it will be his comrades and the Federation he has to protect.


Xie Ruhang therefore cut off his own glands with his own hands.


Tang Bai recalls the episode and is still overwhelmed by the heaviness that overwhelms her.

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He doesn't want this episode to happen again, but it's nearly insurmountable. Even if the Federation allows the omega to go into battle, the omega will still go into heat, which will affect his comrades, and given Xie Ruhang's character, he will remove the glands.


And then there was the potion disguised as alpha. Tang Bai had secretly looked up a lot of information during this period of time and asked the elders of the Institute, but the answers he received were that it was impossible for such a potion to exist, much less to be researched.


No one can improve the camouflage potion, nor can that master potion-maker at the black market.


What does he have to do ...... to change all this?


Tang Bai suddenly felt a great sense of powerlessness. To make Xie Ruhang live a long life, he had to give up his ideals, but for Xie Ruhang, it was better to let him die.


All he could do was to walk on the same path as Xie Ruhang and do his best to make sure that Xie Ruhang could see the dawn at the end of his life.


Then he will inherit Xie Ruhang's will and see everything in this world for Xie Ruhang.


Mama Tang pushed open the door with her midnight snack and saw Tang Bai's tearful, vulnerable face, almost ready to cry until she fainted.


Mama Tang: "......?"


I must have opened the door in the wrong way.


Mama Tang approached Tang Bai with a confused face, who turned off the lightbulb, and before the lightbulb screen disappeared, Mama Tang saw a flash of "Notes on Gland Removal Surgery".


Mama Tang: "??????"


Mama Tang said in a trembling voice, " Tang Tang, if something happens to you, just tell your mum, don't keep it to yourself!!!"


Tang Bai wiped her tears from her eyes and said softly with red swollen eyes, "It's okay, Mom, I'm tired and I want to be quiet."


Mama Tang hastily asked, "Do you need mummy to sleep with you? No, yes, you are so big, so do you want to have a late night snack, Mama made it especially for you, ah, you have to be quiet, Mama will go out now, I won't disturb you no more."


Mama Tang was so confused that she didn't even know what she had said. She walked out of Tang Bai's room dazed and confused, originally thinking of a blind date with Tang Bai tomorrow, but all she could think about was "what to do for gland removal surgery".


No! She had to go to the old man to find out what Tang Bai had searched for, whether it was a mistake to press the button or something.


"You're asking me to look up the browsing history of the Tang Tang Lightbrain?" Grandpa Tang shook his head, "You're not being ridiculous! How can you just look up a child's **?!"


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"But Tang Tang he's going to have his glands cut!!!" Mama Tang choked out, "As soon as I walked in the door, I saw Tang Tang crying like a tearful man, I've never seen Tang Tang crying like that before ......"


Grandpa Tang: "?!"


Soon the two adults found out Tang Bai's browsing history, what which hospital can perform gland removal surgery, how harmful it is to the body to remove the gland, the tools needed for gland removal surgery ......


Mama Tang's eyes went black and she was about to faint. She called Papa Tang with her last breath, crying, "Honey, why aren't you back yet?


The man's calm voice came from the other end of the light-brain, "It's normal for children to be old enough to go into weapons research."


Mama Tang: "Not this one thing! Tang Tang is going to have her glands removed!"


Papa Tang said while taking care of business, "It's normal not to want to go on a blind date, and it's just as well to like slum boys ...... What? What did you just say?"


The voices that had been in office stopped and the only sound on the comms was the intermittent huffing and puffing of Mama Tang.


"It's, it's all my fault! It must be because I've been arranging blind dates for Tang Tang every day, forcing the child into this state ......" Mama Tang blamed herself.


Grandpa Tang, who had been clutching his beard for a long time, said in a despondent voice: "I'm to blame, it's me ...... It's my fault that I delayed Tang Tang for so many years ......"


Papa Tang, who is invincible in business, covered his red eyes, "No, it's my fault, I've been too busy working to take care of Tang Tang ......"


The three elders scrambled to admit their mistakes, hugging and crying in remorse.


Tang Bai sneezes three times in quick succession, almost wrinkling the mask he had put on his face, and strokes his dumb hair in confusion, feeling like someone is talking about him.


On the other side, an emergency family meeting is held after the three adults have finished crying.


Mama Tang said tearfully, "We have to find a way to discourage Tang Tang, we can't let him ruin himself at such a young age."


Papa Tang rubbed his temples and after much deliberation said, "I am sure Tang Tang must have thought carefully before deciding to have this kind of surgery, children are older and have their own considerations, we have to respect their opinions, if things really come to this, I will find the best doctor for Tang Tang, it's okay. "


Mama Tang: "......?"


That's it? You've been trying to come up with a solution for half a day and this is it?


Mama Tang couldn't believe it! Mama Tang tried to get Grandpa Tang to comment, but Grandpa Tang muttered, "What have we done to our good boy? Let's stop all the dating and let him do whatever he wants to do next ......"

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Mama Tang: "??????"


Are you both crazy?




Unaware that the family was already about to fall out over an oops, Tang Bai posted the chapter on Jun Tongchen's gland removal and saw the comments section explode as usual.


Some people are heartbroken for the protagonist, but many more are still cursing.


The main character of the story is a sick author and the plot is absurd, Tang Bai has no ripples in his heart after reading it, and he even feels that it is not as exciting as the comment section of the last chapter.


After all, the last chapter was littered with complaints that the plot didn't make sense, that it was impossible for an omega to win a mech-building contest, that the omega's intelligence was limited to dressing up for Palulu dolls, and that the omega was in heat and even asked to fuck the mech ......


Tang Bai looks down at the Merit Badge pinned to his shirt alongside the Palulu brooch.


-- "Although I don't know why you won't reveal your identity for now, I know you'll win a lot of medals of honour for your strength."


Fingertips glide over the ornate Palulu brooch and the simple, sober Standard of Excellence badge, both of which are gently pressed to the chest by a white hand.


It was as if he heard the longing that had been hidden deep inside him for years fall out with the thumping of his heart.


In fact, he wanted it more than the two badges ......


It is the badge of the winner of the mech building competition.


Aren't the comment sections all saying that omega can't possibly win the mech building competition?


Then he'll come back with a title and smack everyone who says omega can't do it in the face!


Tang Bai lifted his face, crossed his arms and struck a particularly middle-aged pose to immerse himself in his world when the door to his room was suddenly pushed open.


Grandpa Tang, Mama Tang and Papa Tang, who was in video mode, looked at him with shock.


Tang Bai: "......"


For a moment, Tang Bai felt that she was socially dead.

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