Chapter 41 - The ugly daughter-in-law wants to meet her father-in-law.

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Tang Bai looked at the list of preliminary results and couldn't take his eyes off the ID "Cheng Yangbin", the second place winner.


The IDs of the contestants in the mech building competition will be filled in by the contestants themselves, some will give their real names, others will give a code name or screen name.


If the name 'Cheng Yangbin' is true, then what a coincidence that he met the noble alpha who raped Lu An in the book.


Coincidentally, he scored one point higher than Cheng Yangbin, whose IDs were next to each other, one above the other, causing Tang Bai to feel physically nauseous.


Cheng Yangbin, whose presence in the military academy is felt as the head of the mechanical department, is a member of the council after graduation as a representative of the outstanding young mech builders, in which he and Bai Zhi are the two opposite factions.


While Bai Zhi advocated for the advancement of the omega, Cheng Yangbin exploited the interests of the omega and the common people.


It is also mentioned in the book that the Qin Family is actually a puppet of the Cheng Family, and that it is the Qin Family that holds the energy crystals and divides up the human resources of the slums, while in reality the Qin Family is supplying most of the benefits to the Cheng Family, and the Cheng Family's appetite for energy crystals is growing, and eventually they are even selling them to the Empire. The Cheng Family's appetite grew, and they even sold energy crystals to the Empire ......


When Cheng Yangbin was killed by Xie Ruhang himself, Gu Tunan and Bai Zhi investigated many of Cheng Yangbin's unspoken crimes to help Xie Ruhang get off the hook, one of which was bribing the judges at a mech building competition, and the plans for the mech were not made by Cheng Yangbin himself. The Cheng Family bought the plans from an Imperial mech designer.


Tang Bai had been following the competition for a long time and knew that it was not a previous edition. He thought it might be next year or the year after, but he did not expect Cheng Yangbin to participate in this year's edition.


Quite good.


An expressionless Tang Bai gave a cute smile as he added to the official staff, "I would like to have my mech against the second place finisher's mech during the evaluation."


Official Staff: "!!!"


Officials: "Are you sure you want to play against Cheng Yangbin? Although his score is only one point lower than yours, Cheng Yangbin's mech is very strong, so if you lose to Cheng Yangbin in the evaluation, the officials will probably adjust your ranking."


Cheng Yangbin was a hot favourite in this mech building competition, and was the one many speculated would win, being hailed by netizens as a once-in-a-century mech building genius.


Why a century? Because the last mech-building genius was Tang Bai's grandfather.


Tang Bai narrowly defeated Cheng Yangbin by one point, and not only did netizens say that there was a shady deal going on, but even the staff were secretly discussing the ranking, with many believing that Cheng Yangbin would have been number one if not for the malicious scoring of Bai Zhi, an omega who knows nothing about mechs and is just making things up.


There are also many who believe that Bai Zhi is just hating on A and deliberately suppressing promising newcomers, and the hashtag #omegagetoutofmechbuilding has climbed to the bottom of the interstellar entertainment gossip list.


Tang Bai's novel has also been negatively criticised by a group of tourists for "omega out of the mech building scene", and his article has been locked due to too many reports. This has led Tang Bai to suspect that someone is maliciously steering public opinion against him and Bai Zhi, mainly targeting Bai Zhi, whose vests are supposedly being swatted in the process.


Tang Bai: "I'm sure. Since many people think that the judges have scored Cheng Yangbin low, why don't we evaluate Cheng Yangbin's mecha as well, so that everyone can see who is really number one? [smile.jpg]"

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A staff member sent Tang Bai a sweaty emoji to say, "We need to consult with the Cheng Yangbin contestants."


Tang Bai: "Okay then. [smile.jpg]"


Tang Bai's mood at the moment was perfectly reflected in his yellow bean smiley face as he waited for a while and instead of hearing back from the staff, he received a private message from Bai Zhi, the judge.


" Jun Tongchen, I heard that you asked to do a public test with Cheng Yangbin's mech and Cheng Yangbin said he would accept it, but would need to take me out of the test and let the other nine judges score it. Are you sure you want to go ahead with the public test with Cheng Yangbin's mech when I can't score it for you?"


Bai Zhi sent this message and waited quietly for a reply from the contestant, who he initially admired as "Jun Tongchen" and his design ideas.


Because "Jun Tongchen" has designed a mecha that can be operated by omegas, which has never been done before, he thinks it is a great innovation and a step forward in the history of mecha, which is why Bai Zhi gave it a ten out of ten.


But "Jun Tongchen" was a little too reckless this time, trying to clarify that there was nothing wrong with him, but trying to challenge Cheng Yangbin at the same time was just too impulsive.


If Cheng Yangbin had come first in the preliminary round, it would have had an impact on his plans for the rest of the year.


If "Jun Tongchen" doesn't win, he'll have to go for the alternative, but for now Bai Zhi has decided to see how Tang Bai does first.


Tang Bai, who is oblivious to the complex psychological activities of the big man: "Thank you for caring so much about me!"


"Please don't worry! I didn't make this decision on impulse, I'm sure I want to continue to challenge Cheng Yangbin!"


Seeing this inexplicably silly reply, Bai Zhi was reminded of the Tang Family's little omega.


It must be his illusion.


Bai Zhi: "Good."


Bai Zhi: "[Horse to success.jpg]"


A stallion runs across a blue sky and green grass, while four glittering fonts light up Tang Bai's kazran eyes.


Tang Bai: "[Horse to success.jpg]"


Once you accept this retro trendy emoji setting, you'll be in a high mood in no time!

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The two stallions run wild on the green grass of the savannah in an unmistakable harmony.


The conversation that followed was similar to what Bai Zhi had told us, with Tang Bai accepting the terms of the other nine judges and making an appointment with the staff for the day after tomorrow.


He needs to have his entry mechs ready by the day after tomorrow.


While other contestants may have been preparing for this competition for years, having built their mechs before registering, Tang Bai registered on short notice. Although he had the basic parts, operating system and general framework in place, it would take him over 20 hours to assemble at the earliest, so Tang Bai was prepared to enlist the help of his grandfather.


"Grandpa, didn't I sign up for the mech building competition? I ran into a problem during the competition ......" Tang Bai did not mention the matter of Cheng Yangbin, he simply said that he needed his grandfather's help to catch up with the progress, as he also had little evidence to prove that Cheng Yangbin had bribed the judges and paid for the design.


Grandpa Tang stroked his beard and watched Tang Bai mumble in front of him, and when Tang Bai mentioned the name Cheng Yangbin, the flash of disgust in his eyes was caught by Grandpa Tang.


When Tang Bai finished his speech, Grandpa Tang sighed and said slowly, "I have been following this mech building competition, several of the judges are my disciples, although I am old and don't care much about the affairs between the juniors, but I started this competition, I have the responsibility to ensure that it is fair and just. "


" Tang Tang, Grandpa is relieved to know that you entered the competition anonymously because you didn't want your identity exposed and wanted to win on merit, and that you wanted to solve the problem in your own way when you were aggrieved."


Grandpa Tang said softly, "But Tang Tang, if you encounter something you can't solve on your own, don't be a hero, come back and tell Grandpa and he will give you a hand." For if you are a bird pheasant, I will be your refuge.


And when you are a fledgling, I would like to be the place where you return.




"Young Cheng, are you sure you can win against that 'Jun Tongchen' in the next assessment?" Qin Jun diligently poured a glass of wine for the outstanding-looking alpha in front of him.


The alpha has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tailored outfit that gives him a broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted figure, adding to the majestic appearance of this popular mech-building genius.


Just ask, who can refuse a mech-building genius of noble birth, amazing talent, extraordinary looks and courteous manners?


If Qin Jun hadn't played omega with this Cheng Gongzi and developed a deep bond, he wouldn't have believed that this Cheng Gongzi was essentially no different from him.


Apart from the fact that his family and looks are better than his, the character and talent that his fans have blown out of proportion are all things that Cheng Family has painstakingly packaged in order to send this son of Cheng to Parliament in the future.


Even the mech-building competition was a gold-plated trip for Cheng Yangbin, with the Cheng Family bribing two judges with the same high quality energy crystals that the Qin Family had handed over.


The demand for high grade energy crystals for mech builders to research advanced mechs was extremely high. Cheng Family was so generous that, after being tempted by box after box of energy crystals, the two judges, who had no background in mech building, relented and promised to give a maximum of nine points.


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With the high quality of the mech designs Cheng Family had bought, the first place in the preliminary round should have been a sure thing, but then there was a surprise surprise.


Cheng Yangbin shakes his glass and says calmly, "There's no way I'm going to lose."


"A first class mech builder and I have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the ' Jun Tongchen ' mech, and the biggest advantage of that mech," the blue eyes flashed with a hint of contempt, "is that it lowers the threshold of mech manipulation, allowing that bunch of loser omega's can touch mechs too."


" Bai Zhi is not involved in the scoring, so how can that 'Jun Tongchen' compete with me? Is he going to be cute?" Cheng Yangbin raised his glass of wine and drank it down, then leaned back on the sofa and said to Qin Jun, "Good job buying the water army this time."


Qin Jun had worked hard for half a day, but all he got was a light praise from Cheng Yangbin, which made Qin Jun, who was also being hailed outside, hold his breath, "I'll drink to Cheng's first place in the preliminary round! "




" Brother Xie, you should know about the Jun Tongchen incident, I would like to ask for your help."


Xie Ruhang, who was using a small number in the readers' group to angrily denounce the website for locking the text: "......? He quickly clicked his head to see if he had cut the wrong number.


"Brother Xie, can you help me test my mech?" Tang Bai, who was breathing heavily, said, "I promised the officials of the mech building competition a public test and I want Brother Xie to be the assessor because the free combat mode in my mech system is very special and I think only you, Brother Xie, can make the best use of it."


Xie Ruhang breathed a sigh of relief, "Of course."


Tang Bai exclaimed, "That's great! I love you so much! The mech is at my house, but Grandpa and I are still busy testing the mech, so we don't have time to come and pick you up, here's my address, Brother Xie, can you come over now?"


Xie Ruhang: "!!!"


Xie Ruhang's pupils quake: "Is this, is this too sudden? I'm not ready for this."


Tang Bai: "?"


Tang Bai: "Do you need to warm up before you can operate a mecha? It's okay, I'm not in a hurry now, Brother Xie you can come later, just in time to have dinner at my place, by the way Brother Xie what do you like to eat, I'll talk to my mum and let her make it for you, my mum's cooking is better than mine!"


Xie Ruhang's heart was filled with the panic of an ugly daughter-in-law about to meet her father-in-law, and he panicked, "I'll eat anything, don't bother your mother."


Tang Bai: "Okay then, it's a deal, I'll see you at dinner time, I'm off to test the mechs, so let's not chat~"


Xie Ruhang: "!!!!!!"


Wait a minute! We haven't even discussed what to wear and what to say on my first visit and you're leaving!

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Feeling like the world was about to fall apart, Xie Ruhang glanced at the time and realised to his horror that it was now four o'clock!!!


He got up with a swish and opened his wardrobe and it was full of untouchable pieces of tofu!


Perhaps it is a slum habit that Xie Ruhang is not used to buying too good clothes, as expensive clothing is easy to spot and can lead to unnecessary trouble.


He usually wears a military uniform at school and a pair of ripped jeans in the slums, and the white shirt and black trousers he wore on his last outing with Tang Bai are one of the few things he can pull off, but it's a bit too casual.


Shouldn't you dress formally for your first visit to your date's home in high society?


No, he had to go to the shop and buy a suit and a gift, at least three, for each of Tang Bai's three elders.


Xie Ruhang rushes downstairs, forgetting to put on his gloves.


" Little Xie!" "Little Xie, where are you going?" "Little Xie, wait!"


Xie Ruhang stopped in his tracks and saw Lu Xiaoshan approaching with two red apples, "Little Xie, these are our family's own apples, my dad picked the best two to give to you and Tang Tang, thank you for helping my dad find a doctor."


"And my flowers, this is for brother Tang Tang, thanking him for the biscuits he gave me last time." Jiang Quan said, holding a bouquet of wild flowers she had picked from somewhere.


"I have something for Brother Tang Tang too!" One child carefully pulled an egg out of his arms, "This is for Brother Tang Tang."


"Me too!" "Me too." "This one is for my brother Tang Tang."




A group of children surrounded Xie Ruhang, who froze for a moment, even as he saw that one of the children's gifts was a nice stone.


"You have so much stuff, how can Brother Little Xie carry it?" Mr. Ling came up with the bags, " Mr. Xie, are you going out now?"


"Yes, I'm going to Tang Bai's." Xie Ruhang said in a fit of desperation, "I don't know what I'm going to wear or what gifts I'm going to bring to the house."


For the first time, Mr. Ling saw the normally calm and collected alpha show a furtive unease befitting his age as he laughed, "It's too late to buy clothes, I have a brand new suit at home that should suit Mr. Xie's body type, and as for gifts, I have a jar of treasured gold buds ......"


When Tang Bai heard the doorbell, he stepped on his slippers and ran to the door with Snowball. When he opened the door, he saw Xie Ruhang in a suit, carrying a large bag of things and a serious face. ,,,Website m.. ...

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