Chapter 43 - The fancier the mecha! The harder you beat people up!

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Xie Ruhang was confused: "Why does it ...... has two ears."


Tang Bai enthusiastically explained, "Oh, this is a signal transmitter."


Xie Ruhang: "......"


Xie Ruhang tries to struggle a bit: "Do you like rabbits a lot? Why did you design it in the shape of a rabbit?"


"I love all things cute!" Tang Bai gently stroked the mech helmet, in a soft manner as if it were a real bunny, "If there's a spider mech alien mech, then why not a cute little bunny mech?"


"There are a lot of omegas that aren't interested in mechs, except for a portion that are genuinely indifferent to them, and I'm sure there are a lot of omegas that are actually being constantly told by the outside world that omegas shouldn't be interested in hard metal."


Tang Bai looked up, his eyes shining brightly, "If I make the mechs cute and cuddly, in line with the public perception of the omega aesthetic, then what's to stop those people from getting interested in them?"


"Interest is the best teacher, and chances are there are many omega's out there who are as talented at mech building as I am!"


"And I really like the cute model of mecha!"


Xie Ruhang was suddenly unable to say no, he could not resist Tang Bai's eyes, bright and clear as a clear spring, reflecting the young man inside him.


Each alpha is made up of a teenager, a beast and a wise man, the wise man being sensible enough, the teenager with a passion to follow his dreams and the beast with nothing to plunder.


At first Tang Bai was attracted only by his beast, wanting to get closer, savage and rude, surrounding the little omega stupidly ready to pounce and take a bite.


But since when is the beast tamed and the young man attracted?


Perhaps it was when he discovered Tang Bai's stubbornness in defending her shining ideas and dreams in a society that was extraordinarily harsh on omega's-


From the first published article?


He strives to convey his power in words that are not yet mature, and he has never wavered in spite of the numerous bad reviews he has received.


Or was it the time the entrance ceremony went to bat for him?


Or maybe it was from the moment he was handed the plans for the mech, that he realised Tang Bai had never given up his love of mechs, never given up his resistance to the world, after all these years.


Once he thought he was alone against the world, and he was often filled with resentment towards the world, he hated the injustice of the world, the ruthlessness of the strong and the cowardice of the weak.


But when he meets Tang Bai, he realises how gentle, empathetic, kind and loving an antagonist can be.


Well, and a bit of a crybaby, but that's not a big deal.


He fell in love with Tang Bai, and his hostility melted away little by little.


The name Tang Bai has a magical effect on him, making him wait patiently. He is willing to wait until he has achieved fame and fortune, and the day Tang Bai shines brightly, they will be together again.


Until then, he is willing to suppress his instinctive urges and possessiveness for Tang Bai, because the boy is sincere and willing to give his heart.


So now ......


Xie Ruhang slowly reached out and took the pink bunny helmet from Tang Bai, frantically reviewing the green tea points in his head -


A good deal! Moderate compliments! Loud compliments!


Xie Ruhang said aloud, "This mech helmet is so cute!"


Tang Bai smiled with relief, "I knew you'd like it, Brother Xie, so go and change into your mecha battle suit."


Xie Ruhang: "?"


Xie Ruhang, who had a feeling that something wasn't quite right, took the rabbit helmet and went to change.


He went into the changing room and put on the mecha combat suit he had brought with him. The alpha in the mirror was wearing tall boots, his legs were long and straight, and further up was a strong, lean waist outlined by the mecha combat suit.


Xie Ruhang's beautifully muscled body, excellent shoulder width and bone structure are uniquely suited to the work of an artist who has created an exquisite sculpture.


One of the most unusual aspects of the custom-made combat suit is that it wraps around even the hands, so ascetic that it refuses to show the slightest hint of skin tone.


Xie Ruhang, who has changed into his mecha combat suit, picks up his pink bunny helmet with a serious expression, as if he is examining an inter-dimensional creature.

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Xie Ruhang was silent for a moment and said through clenched teeth, "It's good that it's not green!"


Pink Bunny Helmet: "......"


Xie Ruhang continues to reassure himself, "Nerve link!"


Pink Bunny Helmet: "......"


The pink bunny helmet sits regally and coolly on Xie Ruhang's head.


Handsome alpha with untamed eyebrows and an in-your-face intimidating presence, all eyes will be on him when he walks out of the room ...... s pink bunny helmet.


The rabbit on the helmet has two long ears and innocent red eyes, which wiggle as Xie Ruhang walks.


Mama Tang, who delivers the midnight snacks: "!"


Papa Tang detecting the enemy: "!!!"


Grandpa Tang, who is unsure about being alone: "!!!"


"Too! Lovely! Lovely! So cute!" Tang Bai jumped up and reached out to touch the rabbit ears on top of Xie Ruhang's head, his little face was so excited that he was puffing and jumping around Xie Ruhang, looking more like a cute little bunny than Xie Ruhang: "It's true that only cold white skin can handle the Death Barbie powder!"


Seeing Tang Bai's heartfelt smile of joy, Xie Ruhang's reluctance turned to sweetness.


Looking at the interaction between the two children, Mama Tang whispered with her midnight snack, "Tang Tang looks really happy with Little Xie."


Grandpa Tang grunted with his hands behind his back.


"Brother Xie, Grandpa and I have been working together on mecha pet eggs and Grandpa said he wants you to adopt one!" Tang Bai dragged Xie Ruhang to see Grandpa Tang.


Actually, it was Grandpa Tang who was persuaded by Tang Bai to send mecha eggs: "......"


Grandpa Tang handed a metal spherical object in his hand to Xie Ruhang with a stern face, "The mecha pet can be helpful in your school training, you need to study hard." Don't hook up with my grandson.


It is a pitch-black metal egg, the size of an adult's fist, very cold to the touch and not lightly weighted.


Xie Ruhang, who heard about mech pets for the first time, suspected that he was ignorant, but fortunately Tang Bai was there to introduce: "This is the first mech pet that my grandfather and I created, and my original idea was that omega could have mech pets to protect themselves, but the cost of this mech pet is too high and it is a bit difficult to popularize it ...... "


Xie Ruhang took the mecha egg, "Thank you, Grandpa."


When Xie Ruhang turned around to pilot the Pink Rabbit mech, Mama Tang said to Tang Bai, "By the way, I was just packing up Little Xie's gift for you, and I noticed why there was a rock in it?"


Inside the bag are other odd, cheap little items that don't fit into the sophisticated packaging picture.


"Those are gifts from the slum kids lah ......"


After hearing Tang Bai's explanation, the corners of Mama Tang's eyes were moist: "They are good kids."




Day 2.


Two mechs were consigned to the evaluation site. One was a grey-green mech with an electromagnetic cannon on its left arm and a laser cannon on its right arm. In the pursuit of great firepower, this mech eschews heavy defensive systems and has a wild and stern appearance, making it a handsome mech that alpha could only dream of.


In contrast, the other pink rabbit mech looks like child's play, completely in the aesthetic blind spot of most alpha.


Cheng Yangbin, with his spring-like smile on his face, stands beside the giant mech, his polite, aristocratic persona contrasting greatly with the wild mech.


"Hello fellow fans of the mech building competition, I am Cheng Yangbin and this is my mech." With his white glove pressed to his left chest, Cheng Yangbin nods slightly and speaks to the camera with affection.


[Ahhhhhhh Cheng Yangbin You are so handsome!!! I love you, God!


[Cheng Cheng has a starry sea in her eyes when she smiles! And his voice is so sultry! Voice control died repeatedly!


[You are truly number one! Don't be afraid! We'll always be there for you!


The camera focuses on another unmanned pink bunny mech, Tang Bai, who has not arrived on the scene, turns on his voice changer and speaks to the crowd, "Hello everyone, I'm Jun Tongchen."


[The mechs are too hot to look at]

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[Bunny is so cute that he will cry for a long time if he punches you]


[Why didn't you come to the evaluation site, are you too ugly to show your face?


[beta is generally uglier than alpha, and this backdoor scumbag is afraid of being crushed in both talent and face]


Ten judges were on hand to start the regular tests first, testing the mechs' various stats such as defence, attack, speed and killing power.


Bai Zhi was not qualified as a judge, but he was still able to help out with the testing. Seeing that several judges wanted to pilot Cheng Yangbin's mech, Bai Zhi volunteered, "I'll be the mech-assist assessor for Jun Tongchen's mech."


Bai Zhi is in the cockpit of the rabbit mech and the interior is adorable, with lace and rhinestones everywhere, the cabin is scented with grass and even the starter is made in the shape of a carrot.


"Do you see that carrot?" ' Jun Tongchen 'instructed him across the air, "That's the starter, you toggle it to turn on the mech."


Bai Zhi gripped the carrot as instructed, his hand exerting a slight force to awaken the sleeping rabbit mech.


This mech goes from rabbit curled up and sleeping to rabbit with ears up, rabbit with head up, rabbit with head up.


The massive pink rabbit stood up, its steel teeth shining with a metallic, oppressive feel, and the staff on hand stared wide-eyed at the rabbit mech that was not a match for cuteness.


"Do you need to put on some music?" ' Jun Tongchen 'thoughtfully asked.


Bai Zhi tightened his grip on the starter, his turquoise eyes staring at the stunned looks of the crowd on the display as he realized for the first time ......


Those alpha's are so small on the display.


"No." Bai Zhi's throat was inexplicably dry, "What do I do next?"


The trigger buttons for the three kills were painted with pink skulls, and under the guidance of 'Jun Tongchen', Bai Zhi used each of the three kills on the test sandbag. The loud sound of the punches bursting made Bai Zhi's heart pound, but he saw that the staff around him were even more upset than he was.


It was the fear of flesh and blood against a beast of steel, and they feared they might be mistakenly injured by him, a novice.


The two beams of red light ended when the rabbit gaze was released, leaving the test sandbag with two pitch-black holes and a damage figure of 12,789 points.


"The coolest kill move is the Bunny Stampede." ' Jun Tongchen 'said to him in a lighthearted tone.


In a trance, Bai Zhi thought that the Jun Tongchen from the book had come out to show him another power that was even more mesmerising than power - the power of the world.


The thunderbolt, with a raised hand, beckons.


A blinding electric light surrounded the mech's entire body as Bai Zhi sat transfixed in the cockpit, watching the damage numbers on the test sandbag jump higher and higher, his heart beating faster and faster along with him.


[Eh, don't tell me, this rabbit's stats are quite impressive]


[Easy to use is true, don't call it a rabbit mech, call it a dumb mech]


[Although the damage value is high, but it is difficult to play freely, just three kill moves, the cooldown can only run all over the field]


[I heard that this mecha's mecha-assist mode is for omega, and three kill moves are enough for omega]


[I still like Cheng Yangbin's mech for no other reason than it's handsome and that's what a fierce A should be!


The results of the first round of tests are in. In mech-assist mode, the Pink Bunny mech has a high damage value but gives less freedom to the mech-mechanic, while Cheng Yangbin's mech has less damage value and more freedom, resulting in a tie between the two.


Cheng Yangbin's eyes flashed with gloom, his mech's damage output was actually no match for a rabbit?


On camera, Cheng Yangbin quickly tempered his indignation, believing that he would have the upper hand in the free-for-all mode, as his opponent's gimmick was the neural link, which required a high level of mecha mastery, and where would that "Jun Tongchen" find a mecha genius?


He asked a judge from the Ministry of the Army to assess the free combat mode, a lieutenant general who has been in a lot of battles and has a great sense of combat and can use the strengths of his mechs to perfection.


With this in mind, Cheng Yangbin smiles charmingly for the camera again, sometimes posing absently against his mech, sometimes ruffling his wind-blown hair and exuding his testosterone for free.


Fans in the pop-ups wowed and screamed, hitting Cheng Yangbin first on the public screen.


While Cheng Yangbin was having a good time, the public screen suddenly changed.


[Ahhhhhhh Xie Ruhang is so handsome! I'm crazy! Xie Ruhang is so handsome!!!]


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[Crap, Xie Ruhang, why is this here?


[Who is this alpha? He's so handsome!


This alpha is too damn sexy in a mecha battle suit!


Xie Ruhang stepped out from the backstage with Cheng Yangbin, making him look like a dwarf of the otherwise handsome Cheng Yangbin.


Cheng Yangbin wore nude make-up today, which took an hour to apply by a professional make-up artist, and his clothing and accessories were carefully matched to match the "high value" label of his persona.


But when he stood next to Xie Ruhang, Cheng Yangbin's slightly oily face suddenly became a little greasy against Xie Ruhang's matte, cool white skin.


Cheng Yangbin's marketing frenzy during this period, he has attracted a wave of uncouth face fans, face fans every day to blow his beautiful face and also build mechs, is the essence of Kua Kua Jing, blowing Cheng Yangbin floating in the air, at the moment these face dogs ......


All asking Xie Ruhang's identity in a frenzied manner!


Xie Ruhang turned to the camera with a cool expression, "I am the assessor for the 'Jun Tongchen' mecha free combat mode."


Pop-ups: "Ahhhhhh hello man god you have such a nice voice you have such a nice face my baby has flown out man god I love you!!!"


Cheng Yangbin, the former god of men, looked uncomfortable as he gave Xie Ruhang a smile: "Without further ado, let's get straight to the evaluation."


Xie Ruhang gave him a bland look, nodded and turned around and left without even saying a word of courtesy.


Pop-ups: "Aaaahhhh me Xie Ruhang so cool aaaahhhh!"


Cheng Yangbin: "......"


A live ball followed Xie Ruhang to the interior of the cockpit, and pop-ups watched as Xie Ruhang breezed in and fished out a cute pink bunny helmet. He tilted his head back as if warming up, his sexy throat knot standing out as he tilted back tactically, and the bridge of his handsome nose had the sinister feel of a cliffhanger.


Before the pop-ups could take a screenshot to admire the beauty, they saw Xie Ruhang look up and put the pink bunny helmet on his head with a blank face.


Pop-up: "??????"


Because Xie Ruhang was so calm the whole time he was wearing his helmet, it made the frightening pop-ups look particularly sick: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


[Am I seeing things? Why does my god have two rabbit ears? And they're pink?


[Xie Ruhang What are you doing? I won't allow you to trash your image like this!!!]


[Is this design the devil???]


Xie Ruhang closed his eyes and felt the familiar tingling sensation in his scalp, as if tiny currents of electricity were running through his brain.


He moved his wrists and the giant pink rabbit twisted its large paws in sync as he shifted his stance, the pink rabbit mech shifting position in small increments as he opened his eyes, the cold Dead Sea laser port glowing inorganic red.


"The assessment begins!"


Lieutenant General Mo had just heard the assessment announced when he saw two beams of Dead Sea laser light coming at him preemptively!


Why did you use a killing move so soon?!


Lieutenant General Mo was slightly stunned, but his excellent reflexes and extensive combat experience allowed him to react quickly and dodge the two laser waves perfectly.


Just when he thought Xie Ruhang was going to dodge or come up for a test, the pink rabbit in front of him didn't hesitate to unleash Bunny Stampede!


The surface of the rabbit mech was covered with electromagnetic nets and countless waves of electromagnetic light came rushing in, wrapping around the grey-green mech in a flash, followed by the stormy and thunderous rabbit iron fist. Unfortunately, the grey-green mech was only paralysed by the electromagnetic nets for a split second, and after the three-second paralysis ended, the rabbit fist did not even touch the grey-green mech.


This is the downside of the mecha kill move, especially the one designed by Tang Bai.


Overly nanny-serviced, the position and range of the kill move release is set by the mech's combat system, and once the opponent is too strong and jumps out of the original attack range all of a sudden, the kill move will be in the air.


[Crap what the hell? Did this mecha master give up? He let go of all his killing moves as soon as he came up?!


[Just for a good start?


[Only one of the three kills hurt Lt. Gen. Mo, I don't know if I should praise Lt. Gen. Mo for being a bully or Xie Ruhang for being a fool]


The eight mechanical legs of the grey-green mech were like agile spiders, while at the same time Lieutenant General Mo manipulated the mech into a counter-attack, the electromagnetic cannon on his mechanical left arm was raised at speed and the hole was aimed at the pink rabbit mech not far away.

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It's time to end this game of child's play. It's true that military cadets lack experience in combat, and when they encounter a tough opponent, they get confused and lose their bearings.


The moment the firing button was pressed, the rabbit Lt. Gen. Mo was aiming at in the display tumbled to the ground and abruptly disappeared from the firing range.


Pop-up: "!!!" That was fast!


It's too fast.


His heart sank as he suddenly realised that he might have underestimated this opponent a little, whatever his opponent's psychological qualities and battle mind, his unpredictable speed was enough to make him feel tricky, and he stared intently at the eight sub-screens on the display showing different directions, instantly aiming to blast at any flash of pink that appeared.


Just then, a white rabbit mech suddenly flashed in the back, its large steel teeth flashing dangerously and taking a bite at the mech's left arm.


Inside the cockpit, Xie Ruhang's face is expressionless as he opens his mouth and takes a bite of air.


Lieutenant General Mo, who had been keeping an eye on the pink, didn't react at first, and by the time he turned sharply to use his shield against the steel teeth, the big white rabbit ducked, first crouching and then leaping over the head of the grey-green mech with his amazing bounce, landing firmly behind it once again -


A swift, unparalleled rabbit-fist blast that focused on the weakest point of the mechanical arm three times in a fraction of the time, hammering down the electromagnetic cannon loaded on the mechanical left arm!


It was only at this moment that the pop-ups reacted.


[This rabbit can change colour! A mech that can change its shape is so useful in real combat! Not to mention Lieutenant General Mo, I was dumbfounded when the big white rabbit popped out]


[Xie Ruhang is awesome! Not only is the mech moving fast, but it's also hitting at a very high rate! I just slowed down the multiplier and found out that Xie Ruhang hit the robot arm three times in less than half a second!


[Lt. Gen. Mo's mech had half of its attack power taken off straight away, also Cheng Yangbin was too focused on output, making the mech's defence a bit weak]


Cheng Yangbin clenched his fist, his expression managing to almost lose control for a moment.


How can it be so fast?


His mech's strengths are his agility and attack power, but these strengths become weaknesses in front of the mech piloted by Xie Ruhang!


Before Cheng Yangbin's mind could settle, he saw the grey-green mech, which had lost its electromagnetic cannon, calmly set up the laser cannon on its mechanical right arm and fired a wave of light at the rabbit mech.


The rabbit mech once again switched to an arrogant pink, holding the mugging electromagnetic cannon like a carrot and charging fearlessly at the grey-green mech in an explosive charge, avoiding the passing energy waves with every jump.


[Holy shit that speed! I can't even see Xie Ruhang's movement!


[Although I know that top alpha is fast, Xie Ruhang is already too fast to be human!


Look at Xie Ruhang in the cockpit! So cute!


In the cockpit, Xie Ruhang's body sways slightly as the mech bounces around, his eyes determined and unshaken as he rushes towards his opponent, while the rabbit ears on his helmet twitch as if to be cute.


When the rabbit mech and the grey-green mech were still five meters apart, the pink rabbit shouldered its electromagnetic cannon and thumped roughly and directly with three shots, the dazzling electric light making people unable to open their eyes.


The crowd could feel the fierce battle in the dusty scene through the screen, as the grey-green mechs were forced to pause their attacks as shields and laser cannons were bound to the mechanical right arm.


Lieutenant General Mo raised his shield and rolled over to avoid it.


The two mechs suddenly crossed paths and the pink rabbit mech furiously struck the grey-green mech's right arm with such speed that the curtain at first thought Xie Ruhang was using the "rabbit iron fist" kill move.


[The fancier the mech! The tougher the beating!


[Bunny is so cute, watch out for a hammering you]


[Damn I can't believe I think this pink bunny is kind of cool]


[Don't fight, don't fight, I'm afraid my rabbit will kill someone]


But then a pop-up suddenly realised a terrible truth -


[Wait, the cooldown time for the kill move is generally bottom ten minutes, Xie Ruhang has already used the rabbit iron fist at the beginning ......]


This is not the mecha's own killing move with a thirty second cooldown of fifteen minutes, but Xie Ruhang's own fighting technique!


This amazing mecha genius pushes the limits of conventional mecha attack and speed attributes while using free combat mode! Reaching 10 Attack and 10 Agility with his physical qualities!


The room was silent, full of shock as the pink rabbit mech hammered the grey-green mech to the ground with punch after punch until the grey-green mech could no longer stand up and fell apart in place. ,,,url m.. ...

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