Chapter 52 - If it's him, he'll get all the glory, no matter which way he goes.

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Tang Bai carefully presses his face against Xie Ruhang's firm, strong back, and he can smell the alpha's refreshing scent, which he doesn't know how to describe, but which easily conjures up images of all that is good about summer.


Hot street stalls, brilliant fireworks displays and lively square dancing.


He thought he would like these.


If you like it, why don't you go and hug it?


Tang Bai thought with a red face and a straight face.


After hugging for a while, Tang Bai looked around at the buildings and realised that we were almost at the school, eh? The person standing at the school gate taking attendance seemed to be Director Huang.


The roar of the motorbike came to a screeching halt, and a red-faced Tang Bai locked eyes with a staggered Director Wong.


"This, this this ......" Director Huang looked incredulously at the strange alpha Tang Bai was holding, with his experience in reading people, it took him 0.01 seconds to analyze from this alpha's physique and aura that this was another quality alpha!


It would be a great loss if the school did not hire Tang Bai as an honorary lecturer in the future, so that Tang Bai could analyse A-teasing techniques.


"Ah, my teacher is taking attendance at the school gate." Tang Bai lowered her voice to a super whisper and blathered, "I've got to get out of here before he catches me and gives me a long lecture."


Too late to say goodbye to Xiao Cheng, Tang Bai got out of the car and darted past Director Huang into the campus.


Like a rebellious bad student.


Tang Bai managed to shake off Director Wong, who walked around the campus with a bounce in his step, without the grace and poise expected of an aristocratic little omega, but what did it matter?




Xie Ruhang returned his old motorbike to the owner of a hoverbike repair shop in the slums, set his hoverbike on autopilot and reclined in the driver's seat to watch the starry sky peek out from behind the open top.


It turns out that when you really like someone, even if your eyes are averted, there are stars in them.


But why does Tang Bai like "Xiao Cheng"?


Xiao Cheng is plain, lowly, vulgar and uninteresting, is it because of Xiao Cheng's status that Tang Bai is saved?


Xie Ruhang is rarely at a loss.


He originally wanted to get the lucky charm back and throw it away ......




Xie Ruhang froze for a moment, suddenly realising that he hadn't got his lucky charm back.


Now there's no need to agonise over whether to throw the vest or not, after all, we'll have to meet again next time in it.


Xie Ruhang is dumbfounded.


He opened the chat screen with Tang Bai and sent a message, "You still have my lucky charm, I forgot to bring it over."

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Not in love and in business: "!!! I've had so much fun today I forgot about it!"


Tang Bai took this amulet out of her bag and gave it a good smooch. It was a lucky amulet, and it felt like it could really bring good luck!


So he can go about his business again!


No romance, no business: "Tomorrow afternoon His Excellency Bai Bai is going to the slums to distribute inhibitors, I want to go too, how about we meet in the slums? I'll give you the lucky charm then~"


Following the release of Bai Zhi's new motion, which advocates lowering the price of suppressants and lifting the restriction on their purchase, Bai Zhi paid a high price for a batch of suppressants and went to the slums to distribute them for free to those who needed them.


In order to prevent poor people from receiving inhibitors and selling them at a high price, Bai Zhi has built temporary injection points where he offers free injections to omega's who are coming into heat.


Tang Bai also bought a batch from his own kitty and he decided to go with Bai Zhi to the slums to distribute the inhibitors.


Career: "You need to be safe in the slums and it's best not to leave the main group the whole time."


Not in love and in business: "I'm not afraid with you!"


Xie Ruhang: "???" Didn't I just take a charm and leave? Why do I feel like I'm being set up again?


Not in love and in business: "Let's not talk about tomorrow, I'll show you the update I wrote out on the plagiarism-addicted villain we mentioned last time."


Not in Love for a Career:"[doc] Chapter__ 13.docx"


Xie Ruhang opens the document and starts browsing.


The villain, Yan Chao, was at Jun Tongchen's table and often stole his ideas, skilfully stealing one of the core highlights of his designs so that even if he was reported, it could be cleared up as a coincidence.


Because of his noble status, his plagiarism could have better exposure and access to competition, and he soon marketed his persona as a mech-building genius, a persona that favoured his competition for the chief of the mechanical department.


While preparing for his chief exam, Yan Chao saw a design by Jun Tongchen that he liked, but in fact it was a special design by Jun Tongchen that looked good but actually had a fatal flaw, a weakness that would have been difficult for anyone to spot.


Yan Chao didn't spot this weakness and copied it straight away, only to be easily beaten by Jun Tongchen when the match was on.


Xie Ruhang mentioned some tips on mecha combat, and with his patient changes, the mecha evaluation episode in Chief was much better.


Not in love and in business: "!!!! Ahhhhhhh you're really great! [chirp.jpg]"


Tang Bai was going to post a happy peacock emoji, but that one was too sandy, so he carefully selected a rabbit cute chirping emoji.


After sending it, Tang Bai happily held her face to see the reply on the light screen.


Xie Ruhang: "......." I've finished and now all I can think of is Tang Bai eating rabbit.


Career: "[chirp.jpg]"


"Ah!" Tang Bai covered his face and frantically stirred his legs under the blanket. Under the shocked gaze of Tong Meng, Tang Bai smiled like a little fool as he seriously said back to Xiao Cheng, "Get some rest, good night."


Only after Xiao Cheng had returned to the good night did Tang Bai put down the lightbulb with reluctance.

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" Tang Tang, are you in love? Tong Meng quickly climbed into Tang Bai's bed and grabbed Tang Bai's shoulders, shaking him desperately: "Is it with that alpha from last time! Yes! No! Yes!"


Tang Bai closes his eyes, tilts his head and spits out half his tongue to play dead.


Tong Meng crying: "Don't think you can muddle through!"


Tang Bai opened her eyes helplessly, put up a finger in a silent gesture and said with a fierce grimace, "Still on probation."


Tong Meng: "!!!"


Tong Meng: "Holding hands yet?!"


Tang Bai rubbed her small hands together and gave a noble, cool hoot.


Tong Meng: "!!!"


Tong Meng, like an old father who sees his cabbage being gored, aggressively presses on, "No hugs, right!"


Tang Bai grunted in a terse voice, "He didn't hug me." I hugged him!


Tong Meng was relieved, "We omega's have to be reserved, we can't give those smelly alpha's an advantage too early, if we have them too easily, they won't cherish them, right, what's his name? What does he look like? Is he good to you ......"


"I won't tell you what it's called first, it's handsome, it's good for me, well you can shut up you little earthly trumpet!" Tang Bai grunted and got under the covers.


He also wanted Xiao Cheng as his hidden favourite.


When I think of Xiao Cheng, I am secretly happy.




" Tang Bai, the police did not investigate the person behind the last attacker, the other party was hired anonymously and it was hard to find out, I suspect that group of people might have been sent by the conservatives, sorry." Bai Zhi said with a slight apology.


Conservatives have been arguing that omega rights are too high, for example the death penalty for criminals in rape laws is too severe, they think this society should have a one O many A system, suggest red light districts be rationalized and married omega be banned from buying inhibitors ......


Bai Zhi's philosophy is very different from that of the conservatives. He is the type of omega that the conservatives spurn and usually has some conflicts with the conservatives, and the last time he dragged Tang Bai down made Bai Zhi feel guilty.


Seeing Bai Zhi's frown, Tang Bai fished a piece of candy from his pocket, "Want some candy?"


Bai Zhi froze for a moment, the thin chains of his glasses body casting shifting shadows across his face.


"You don't need to blame yourself for this, I was the one who left the group and gave the attackers the opportunity to take advantage of it." Tang Bai said sincerely, "If I were to apologise, it would be to you that I should apologise."


"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, for making you carry our burdens for so many years." Tang Bai placed the milk candy in Bai Zhi's palm and said softly, "When you feel very tired, just eat a candy, you will feel better~"


His turquoise eyes stared blankly at the milk candy in his palm, and when Bai Zhi looked up, he saw Tang Bai smiling at him with two little dimples.


After a long silence, His Excellency, the blonde-haired, green-eyed councillor, also smiled slowly.


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Xie Ruhang stood outside the shed set up at the injection site and saw Tang Bai helping to distribute the suppressants from afar. The pretty little omega was a better talker than the others, his face always wearing a warm smile and his amber eyes looking like flowing honey syrup in the sunlight.


He would give a milk candy to each omega that came for an injection of inhibitors, and one very young child was carried over by his mother and asked for an extra candy.


Xie Ruhang fished the milk candy Tang Bai had handed him last time out of his pocket, unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth.


He suddenly felt at peace, as if he had gone back to the days of his childhood, when he could be happy all day by rummaging through a mountain of rubbish for a melted malt candy.


"The effect of the inhibitor can last for a month oh, don't take a shower on the day you injected the inhibitor during estrus ......" Tang Bai finished explaining the precautions to an omega and looked up to see Xiao Cheng standing not far away waiting for his figure.


Tang Bai talked to the people around her and couldn't wait to run to Xiao Cheng, "How long have you been standing here? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


Xie Ruhang whispered, "Not for long."


Tang Bai took the lucky charm out of her bag apologetically, "Here you go, I didn't forget this time."


Xie Ruhang took the lucky charm, having fulfilled the purpose of his trip he should have turned around and left, but in Tang Bai's bright gaze the words of farewell became "Shall we walk together".


"Yes!" Tang Bai had been waiting for this. He lifted the hand holding the umbrella up, trying not to touch the top of Xie Ruhang's head, and the next moment the handle was picked up by a strong hand.


Tang Bai peeps at the alpha beside him, one hand on his umbrella, one hand in his pocket, he is wearing a checkered shirt today, a little more bookish than yesterday.


They are very close together.


The closest distance is three centimetres.


"Have you ever been to the underground arena?" Tang Bai let out a cry and turned back, pretending she was looking at the roadside, "No."


Xie Ruhang nods a little.


In fact, he was speculating that Tang Bai hadn't actually been to the Underground Arena or seen the Rat match when Tang Bai didn't recognise the human mask.


When Tang Bai asked him about the plot of the novel yesterday, he used a classic battle of the Rat as an example in order to explain to Tang Bai how to write a mecha competition. Although he didn't mention the Rat's code name, any competitive fan who knows a little about the Rat should be able to recognize who the mecha master was.


But not Tang Bai.


"Do you want to go to the Underground Arena to watch the game?" Xie Ruhang asked.


Tang Bai nodded vigorously, "Mmm!"


The amber eyes were full of anticipation, the curiosity of uncharted territory, but the underground arena was not a harmless place like an amusement park.


Xie Ruhang leads Tang Bai to a costume shop, "The audience needs to wear a mask to enter, you pick the one you like."


Tang Bai chose a white feather mask and also helped Xie Ruhang pick out a matching black feather mask, and seeing no objection from Xie Ruhang, he put it on in the mirror.


After putting on the mask, Xie Ruhang and he walked over to the fitting room and opened the door to the fitting room, where there was another well-disguised door, which opened to reveal Tang Bai the darkened lift staircase.

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He followed Xie Ruhang inside the lift and heard Xie Ruhang say to him, "No photos or videos when you go in, it's the midday session, no mecha matches, just normal kumite, we have to pick which side will win before we go in, the seats are related to the players we choose ......"




The closed doors opened automatically and Tang Bai saw the ancient Roman Colosseum-like building in front of her eyes, with three or four rows of men and women in masks sitting in the audience, the stage was not yet filled with players, and the large space seemed a little cold.


"There will be fewer people at the midday venue, the evenings are the liveliest."


Tang Bai couldn't tell the strength of his opponent, so he asked Xie Ruhang to choose, and Xie Ruhang took a quick glance and chose a player called "Blood Wolf".


They were seated in the audience and waiters came over to sell drinks. Tang Bai, who is not a good drinker, waved his hand to indicate that the atmosphere was so quiet that it could be described as still before the start of the show.


"Welcome to Noon, dear viewers, our players are ready, so let's bring out the ten-win 'Eagle' and the newcomer 'Bloodwolf'! A beta commentator enthused, "Will 'The Eagle' make it eleven wins in a row and hold on to his debut ring, or will our newcomer 'Blood Wolf' win? Let's wait and see!"


Sparse applause rang out from the audience stage and in the not so enthusiastic atmosphere Tang Bai saw the two players come out, both of lean build, the eagle blind in one eye and the blood wolf very young, looking 17 or 18 years old.


There were no pleasantries, and as soon as they got on stage, they wrestled, fist to fist, without any competition etiquette, and many dirty fighting techniques were used.


Someone soon saw blood.


It was only at this point that there were murmurs of admiration from the audience, who were so excited by the bright red that some shouted "kill him".


Tang Bai frowned as he turned his face away from looking.


"What's wrong?" The dark eyes beneath the black mask looked at him silently.


Tang Bai pursed her lips and said sullenly, "It's a bit cruel ...... What do you think is the point of this kind of competition?"




Xie Ruhang says softly, "For the audience, it should make sense to make fun of it."


Tang Bai's frown tightened, "Would you be happy watching this kind of game?"




"I'm usually a presence on stage for the amusement of others." Xie Ruhang's voice is particularly cold amidst the increasingly excited chants of the crowd, as he speaks flatly as if telling a side story: "For the players, the underground arena exists for survival, I guess."


"To live, for the one in a million slim chance of being good enough to live."


"Becoming an underground arena star is probably the only way for a slum kid to get ahead." He said, "Do you know 'Rat'? 'Rat' is the reason the Underground Arena had the chance to be accepted into the Federation Military Academy."


"Without this path, he would have been nothing but a stinking rat hiding in the gutter for the rest of his life."


Then his hand was held tightly and a milkshake was shoved into his palm.


He heard Tang Bai say seriously, "But I don't think so, I know 'Rat', he's my idol, and if it's him, I can reap all the glory no matter which way I go."


Xie Ruhang turned his head and looked into the bright amber eyes beneath the white mask, whose owner said softly, "There's something I haven't actually said to anyone, he's my light."

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