Chapter 55 - Walk with you, and share the light with the dust.

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Tang Bai finished his message to Xiao Cheng and looked up to see Xie Ruhang's sultry gaze, he pursed his lips in embarrassment and smiled.


It's so unseemly to leave your best friend out to chat with Xiao Cheng!


Tong Meng had done it before and was caught by Tang Bai tickling him.


How can I be so forgetful of my friends now?


Tang Bai is self-condemning.


"Brother Xie, come on, you can sit too! This chair is big enough for two people to sit in" Tang Bai kindly gave up her seat, clapping her little hand to show Xie Ruhang to sit down.


He was weak-minded.


Xie Ruhang thought calmly that he was like a husband standing at the scene of an adultery, except that it was his own hand that had cuckolded him.


Tang Bai waited for Xie Ruhang to sit down, and then softly started a confidential chat between girlfriends: "Brother Xie, do you know Xiao Cheng from your school?"


Xie Ruhang: "......!"


The hand that wears the cuckold trembles slightly.


Is Tang Bai doubting his identity?


How should he answer Tang Bai ?


Xiao Cheng's vest was originally a daily throw waistcoat, and Xie Ruhang hadn't done any careful personification for him at all, so Tang Bai's question caught Xie Ruhang off guard and the alarms in his head went off like crazy.


Can't hesitate too long, it'll look suspicious!


"Don't know." Xie Ruhang said, pretending to be calm.


Tang Bai's interest continued, "He's also from the slums, played the underground arena, and supports affirmative action, don't you think it's a coincidence?"


Xie Ruhang's smile faltered, the red word "danger" trembling madly in his mind, and he changed his sitting position, pondering whether he should come clean now or bow out in a dignified manner later, in a deserted place.


Tang Bai smiled mischievously, "And coincidentally, he's a big fan of yours too... he told me so himself when we first talked!"


Xie Ruhang: "......"


Tang Bai, who has been laying the groundwork for so long, finally rubbed her hands and said her wish: "He saved me in the slums before, I haven't prepared a thank you gift for him, and I don't know what he wants, if I help him get his idol's autograph, he'll be very happy, right~"


Xie Ruhang: "......" Thanks, I'm so happy.


Tang Bai was about to continue to natter with Xie Ruhang when the hall rang with the judges' voices commenting on each contestant's exam paper, "No. 19, Bi Shallow's score is 89, he's at ......"


When it came to Tang Bai's paper, the judges were suddenly enthusiastic, with Professor Li stroking his beard and spitting and gesticulating as he explained Tang Bai's brilliant designs, including his unique insights into Tang Bai's space combat mechs, which drew nods from the other judges.


The curtain was half-understood by the judges' expert analysis, but it was enough to praise Jun Tongchen for his brilliance.


The winners of each mech building competition are the hot newcomers in the mech community, who have seen the rising stars of the mech building community.


[Such a high quality answer in such a short period of time, Jun Tongchen is awesome]


[The expert's rainbow farts are of a high standard]


[Jun Tongchen took two papers! He could have come first in either paper A or C. A worthy winner!


[I thought Jun Tongchen was going to flop when the judges made Paper C so difficult]


[Ahhhhhhhh first first!!! Definitely number one!!!]


"Players, the results are in, please look at the big screen."


The nineteen players on the screen were ranked in descending order of merit, and " Jun Tongchen" was clearly in first place, crushing second place by a wide margin in all categories, with a near perfect score on the paper.


"Congratulations." Xie Ruhang said softly, his phoenix eyes vaguely touched.


At first Xie Ruhang thought it was a great achievement for Tang Bai to have made it through the preliminary rounds to the final round.


But Tang Bai's performance in the preliminary round was good enough to qualify him for the final.


When Xie Ruhang watched the live stream, queuing for rabbit meat while watching Tang Bai struggle to answer the difficult C paper, he thought that an A paper was the pinnacle of Tang Bai's performance, but Tang Bai's performance refreshed his perception time and again.


He watched Tang Bai get better and better.


This feeling ...... Very good.


His amber eyes looked at Grandpa Tang as he stepped out from behind the curtain, and he saw that Grandpa Tang was holding the trophy that belonged to the winner.


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It was an honour he had longed for for years, once untouchable from across the screen, but now the crown was waiting for him to take it.


[My idol Old Tang is here to hand out trophies woo woo woo]


[Oh my God, I'm so jealous, Jun Tongchen is a winner in life!


"Get on with it." Xie Ruhang said to Tang Bai.


The judges also gave Tang Bai encouraging glances, the contestants and the rest of the hall looked enviously at Tang Bai, his heart beating faster and faster in a wave of anticipation and admiration, and he took a deep breath, ready to smile and stand up for his honour.


Just then, an unexpected visitor burst into the hall.


"I want to expose Jun Tongchen for cheating!" Cheng Yangbin shouted, "Jun Tongchen used a false identity to enter the examination hall! He knew the exam papers in advance! He's the one who really broke the rules!"


There was a commotion in the hall.


"He's actually an omega! He's Tang Rong's omega grandson, Tang Bai!"


The whole room was in an uproar.


Even Bai Zhi, who was always calm, couldn't organize his words at this moment, Jun Tongchen, Tang Bai, they were the same person!


He looks subconsciously at Tang Bai and suddenly realises that they both have the same amber eyes, which look like sticky honey syrup in the daylight and appear unusually calm and transparent in the lightless corners of the room.


Tang Bai sat demurely in her seat and watched Cheng Yangbin quietly as she cried out with resentment, " Tang Rong had already leaked the exam questions to his own grandson! This old man and young man are working together to target the Cheng Family! They are the real cheaters!"


[No? Cheng Yangbin is crazy? How can Jun Tongchen be Tang Bai?


[What do you mean, Jun Tongchen knew the title in advance?


[I believe in the character of Old Tang!


[Here comes the reversal! I'm sure you can't take sides too early in the game]


[I told you! How could Jun Tongchen have made the C-roll so perfect in such a short time!


[Tang Bai? Isn't Tang Bai the green tea omega who does green tea makeup? How can he make mecha?


The judges looked at each other and one laughed dryly, "Are you kidding, Jun Tongchen is an omega and an omega can out-compete a bunch of alpha's?"


Sitting bewildered at the judges' table, Professor Li suddenly remembered that after Xie Ruhang piloted a brand new mech to make a killing move, there was a pretty little omega running desperately towards that mech and opening the cockpit in three or two tries.


Each mech had a different way of opening its hatch, and the average person would have to fumble with a brand new mech for a while, and he was a little surprised that the little omega could open the door so skillfully.


The omega ...... I think it is called Tang Bai?


"It's not, is it?"


"No way!"


"How is it possible for an omega to make a mech?"


Countless whispers resounded in every corner of the hall.


Such a scene seems to have been seen somewhere before.


By the way, it was in that novel in my head where the first reaction of the people in the book when confronted with the gender-revealing Xie Ruhang was the same unbelievable one.


They have become accustomed to the meek and weak posture of the omega, which in their eyes are beautiful wastes, fertility machines, vetoing them, despising them, society putting shackles on them and limiting their possibilities of greatness.


And when there was the first omega to dance in shackles, he was destined for a blood-soaked path.


"Are you alright?" Xie Ruhang took Tang Bai's hand in his worried grip. A motionless Tang Bai blinked and looked back at him quietly.


There are so many emotions in those eyes that Xie Ruhang cannot read, sad and tender, firm and determined.


Tang Bai shook his hand back, as if to draw from him an ounce of strength.


Then Tang Bai stood up.


As he rose, countless gazes fell upon him, and Tang Bai saw the faces, either familiar or unfamiliar, emerge in similar astonishment and disbelief.


"Don't you dare admit it!!! You cheater!!!" Cheng Yangbin shouted, pointing at Tang Bai.


Tang Bai met Cheng Yangbin's frenzied gaze without a second thought, his head held high, his lips curled mockingly at Cheng Yangbin, who had no manners left, and then, in front of everyone, he simply tore off his mask and smashed it viciously on the ground.


The face of the mask was overly bland, so when the crowd was caught off guard and saw the unrealistic beauty underneath, it was like someone who had lived in a dark room for a long time looking into the blazing sun without being prepared for it, and they couldn't help but gasp.


"Look guys! He's an omega! Get the omega out of the mech building scene!" Cheng Yangbin shouted excitedly. Cheng Yangbin shouted excitedly, his heart all filled with the joy of revenge, Tang Bai had ruined his future, and he couldn't let Tang Bai have it easy!

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"It's not fair! How can omega win the championship?!" Someone snapped back in anger, "The finals are unfair! omega get out of the mech building ring!"


"Shit an omega bitch took the title?! The tournament is shady!!!"


" Tang Rong Leak!"


"omega get out of the mecha building circle!!!"


More and more angry voices were raised, including a frenzy of "omega out of the mecha building scene" on the pop-up screens, and one alpha even picked up a water glass and threw it at Tang Bai.


Xie Ruhang is quick to block the throw for Tang Bai. He looks back nervously at Tang Bai and sees him standing tall, with impeccable manners, but with his lips trembling slightly.


"Please be quiet!" Lieutenant General Mo shouted, "Tang Bai is not hiding his identity! The head of the auditing team and I knew Tang Bai was Old Tang's grandson when he reported Cheng Yangbin, and Old Tang recused himself from the questions throughout the preliminary rounds to the final and did not participate in any of the scoring!"


Cheng Yangbin laughed coldly: "Although he was not directly involved in the scoring, his presence influenced the other judges who were scoring. Who knows which of the other judges was favoured by Tang Rong to give his grandson an upward mobility?"


Several judges looked at Bai Zhi and Professor Li.


Bai Zhi, who had calmed down, stood up and said in a cold voice, "To protect the personal safety of the mech builders, anonymous entries are permitted by the Federation. Every year, there are some contestants who compete anonymously, and the identities of these contestants only exist in the classified vault, and many judges, including me, are not allowed to know."


Professor Li nodded along.


"As for your earlier comment about Tang Bai using a fake identity, Tang Bai never said he was a beta and Jun Tongchen was just a code name he used during the tournament." Bai Zhi said.


"But how can an omega win the championship? An alpha paid by Cheng Yangbin in the crowd shouted, "If you say no questions are leaked, then no questions are leaked?


"What if Tang Bai is wearing two layers of human skin mask on her face?! How can an omega do so well on a test!"


"Yeah, that rabbit mech from the preliminary round probably got the drawings from an exotic mech builder too!"




Grandpa Tang looked down the hall at the thin figure hanging on for dear life, and he could see the stubborn back of the man who had walked out of the weapons research room that day without looking back.


He thought it was a seedling that needed to be nurtured in a greenhouse, but in a flash, the sapling had grown into a poplar tree that could stand up in the sand.


With a smile of relief and uncontrollable heartache in his old eyes, Grandpa Tang coughed and said slowly, "Gentlemen, may I have your attention?"


Grandpa Tang's presence in the Commonwealth was like a lynch pin, and when he spoke, the hall gradually fell silent.


"One of you questioned the fairness of the final, and I would like to clarify that no matter how many layers of human skin masks are worn there will be no appearance of substitution, as fingerprints and irises are checked during the competition." Grandpa Tang said and the questioner blushed.


[The suggestion to enter the competition anonymously was made by Old Tang, and someone in Old Tang's presence suspected that the rule was flawed]


[Times have changed, really times have changed, in fact in earlier years many contestants competed anonymously, when the Empire had a special hunt for the Federation's best mech builders, now that the Federation is stronger more and more young mech builders dare to reveal their identities openly].


[Yes, the families of the old mech builders didn't know they went to work on mechs]


[Old Tang's wife seems to have died in an Imperial hunt ......]


"There were also concerns that Tang Bai's rabbit mecha for the preliminary round was written by someone else." Grandpa Tang carefully pulled out from his pocket a somewhat old drawing, the first draft of the rabbit mecha, with a line of childish script that read


I want to build a mech that even omega's can operate, so people can fight the bad guys themselves!


"This is a first draft that my grandson drew when he was a child." Grandpa Tang shows the camera this not-quite-perfect first draft, and the questioning pop-ups try to find the holes, only to have the draft document the design from the very beginning to the very end.


[Crap? Is this the first draft Tang Bai made when he was a kid? I think I was still playing in the mud at that time]


[On my knees! I couldn't do it in another lifetime


[Do those who said Tang Bai was a plagiarist and had someone else write it for them hurt their faces?


[Protect our Tang Bai genius! Support Old Tang! I believe in Old Tang's character!


[Is this a talent ......]


Grandpa Tang, with a tone of pride he didn't even realise he had, bragged to everyone: "My grandson, the genius of mech building, follows me."


Tang Bai's long-held tears almost flowed out of his eyes at Grandpa Tang's words, and he clenched his teeth, his eyes red and trembling, "I am an omega, but I have never cheated, so if you doubt my strength, then here's the deal- "


"Now, the whole internet can give me questions, you give one and I'll answer one."


"You guys see if I deserve to stay in the mech building scene."


The pop-up was silent for a moment, no one expected this seemingly soft omega to make such a crazy and risky move.


Professor Li heard the rush, he even said: "What are you talking about! Tang Bai, you mustn't be angry! We all believe in your strength!"


Cheng Yangbin was overjoyed at his words and quickly said, "Yes! If you can't answer one question! What are you going to do?"

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Tang Bai stared steadily at Cheng Yangbin and whispered in the softest of tones, "Then I'll get the hell out of the mech-building scene."


"However, I would like to ask Mr Cheng Yangbin to accompany me to answer the questions, the netizen will give the questions to each other, if you can answer one question correctly, I will answer ten questions, do you dare to answer the questions with me?"


Tang Bai's voice could not have been gentler and more inviting, but Cheng Yangbin's goosebumps inexplicably rose at the words, and he shrank back a little, as if he were back in the shadow of Tang Bai's cold scolding.




Tang Bai can't have real strength, Tang Rong must have helped him design all the mechs before, just like his second uncle helped him pave the way before, and Tang Rong specially taught him the problems Tang Bai said to him last time!


How could an omega learn to build mechs well? He must be bluffing now!


But when he meets those quiet eyes, Cheng Yangbin suddenly loses his confidence again.


Professor Li was sweating profusely, fearing that Tang Bai's promising career would be ruined by a spirited argument, but also angry at Cheng Yangbin and those who dismissed Tang Bai without knowing the truth.


Tang Bai smiles slightly at Professor Li, with a powerful confidence in her eyes.


He believes in his own strength.


Bai Zhi saw the determined look in Tang Bai's eyes and the extraordinarily powerful aura of his small, thin body as he confronted Cheng Yangbin, and he put away his suspicion of Tang Bai and narrowed his eyes at the uncertain Cheng Yangbin.


After that, Bai Zhi came forward to "round up", " Tang Bai, look at you, the more you talk, the more nonsense, the strength of the master mech builder is reflected by the formal test, you have done two sets of papers in a row today, we all see your strength, you do not need to use such a way to prove yourself ......"


Cheng Yangbin was still hesitant, but when he heard Bai Zhi's rounding up, he was afraid that Tang Bai would take this step and go down, so Cheng Yangbin abruptly interrupted Tang Bai: "Okay! I'll answer the question with you! If you lose, you're out of the mech-building scene!"


His future is ruined anyway! So what if he bets with Tang Bai on this one!


"And what if Mr. Cheng Yangbin loses?" With amber eyes that seemed to see through Cheng Yangbin's thoughts, Tang Bai said sarcastically, "You want to quit the mech building business too? But there is no place for you in this circle anymore."


Cheng Yangbin's face turned blue and white for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.


"If you lose, would you please sponsor the 'Warm Spring Project' for another one billion? What do you think?"


Cheng Yangbin's eyes widened, "A billion? That's too much!" Where did he get such a large sum of money! The money Tang Bai had asked for from him last time had already emptied his savings, and if he really had to pay that much, he would have to sell the small energy mine his family had allocated to him!


With amber eyes like some kind of expensive, cold jewel, Tang Bai said softly, "You bargain, you are not sincere."


[Pfft, this time I believe Tang Bai is the master]


[Say yes! Say yes! Cheng Yangbin is not even an alpha if he doesn't say yes!


[Fight it up Fight it up! I've fished out the question bank and am ready to go!!!]


[I was so excited that I called my brother to come over and give me a question, I would have despised Cheng Yangbin if he had been a coward!


All the past humiliations came back to him with these words, and Cheng Yangbin's eyes flashed with a desperate fierceness as he gritted his teeth and said, "Come on!"


Tang Bai didn't squirm as he opened up Starnet to see the live stream of questions that were flying in begging to be flipped, questions that ranged from the difficult to the easy, to the sandy-eyed netizens asking what could be called unsolved puzzles in the world of mech building.


Tang Bai took a few minutes to pick a question for Cheng Yangbin, and when he looked at him afterwards, he saw that the 'mech-building genius' was still on track for 310.


Although I don't know exactly what questions the other side picked, I think I know it must not be easy.


Out of ten questions, perhaps one is in his blind spot.


But what about this?


Tang Bai sat upright in his seat, his eyes calm but frantic, a fire burning in his heart that would burn the soul in his shell if it could not burn the unpleasant things.


Cheng Yangbin had chosen ten questions, but when he saw Tang Bai's calm demeanour, he felt a sense of trepidation.


"Do you want to change the question again?" Bai Zhi walked over to Cheng Yangbin and asked, "The allotted ten minutes are almost up and you have twenty seconds to think about it."


Cheng Yangbin was so flustered that he haphazardly switched to another topic, and as soon as ten minutes had passed, his topic was taken away by Bai Zhi and the topic chosen for him by Tang Bai appeared in front of him.


One look at Cheng Yangbin and he knew something was wrong.


"For the first question, my answer is that the method of that build is wrong because the star coalescing engine causes overheating overload, the leg engines of normal mechs cannot use solid energy, they must use liquid, and hydraulics can absorb heat."


The judges nodded their heads, "Correct answer!"


Cheng Yangbin's mind went blank.


"The second question, dealing with the synergy of three-dimensional mobility and aggressiveness of naval battle mechs can be used ......"


Tang Bai is so fast that he doesn't seem to have to think about the process of solving a question, he just glances at it and gives the answer fluently.


Cheng Yangbin's cold sweat broke out and he froze in his chair, suspecting that he was hallucinating.

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Isn't Tang Bai an omega? Didn't anyone tell him the answer this time? How could he have just blurted out a long list of answers without even a pause for thought?


This can't be!


Cheng Yangbin was so distracted that he couldn't even read the questions in front of him, and each one seemed to turn into an alien font when he heard Tang Bai's silence for ten seconds or so on the fourth question.


Yeah, that's right, Tang Bai just got lucky and happened to do the first three!


As Cheng Yangbin was desperately trying to console himself, he heard Tang Bai clearly quote a series of numbers and there were gasps from the crowd around him, "He's actually doing mental arithmetic? "No way! You can do this mentally? My computer just worked it out!"


Cheng Yangbin was in a trance, hardly believing what he was hearing and seeing.


How is this possible? How is this possible? How could an omega do all this?


"Question 10, this question is wrong, it should be asking about the equation for the conservation of probability flow in Yang Body Science, the formula is wrong here, the correct symbol is "betma", this formula I remember appears in the second subsection of chapter 10 of Advanced Yang Body Science." Tang Bai said calmly, "You can do it even after fixing this mistake, the answer should be ......"


Pop-up: "????"


[Crap Mom asked why I was on my knees going through the book]


I'm a Tang Bai fan from now on!


[Could some of the netizens who wrote the questions be Tang Bai's trustees?


I'm not sure if I'm the only one who's been paid by Tang Bai, but it seems Cheng Yangbin isn't rich enough to buy us off.


[Cheng Yangbin has failed to answer only one question.


Cheng Yangbin glances around in a panic and collides with Tang Bai's eyes.


The amber eyes reflected the cold light of the hall, cold and clear, and the owner of those eyes opened her petal-like lips and said softly, " Mr. Cheng Yangbin, have you, the answer?"


The words hit Cheng Yangbin like a slap in the face and his lips turned white as he said in a confused way, "This doesn't count, I, you, I have to answer another question, this time it doesn't count."


Tang Bai raised a shapely eyebrow as he whispered, "Oh? Then I'll give you another chance?"


Cheng Yangbin's heart sprang up with hope and he nodded desperately, only to hear Tang Bai ask slowly and deliberately, "What solution can be used to deal with the synergy between three-dimensional mobility and aggressiveness of naval battle mechs?"


Cheng Yangbin's mind went blank, he seemed to have heard the title before, where and when?


"With, with star coalescence theory?" Cheng Yangbin is not even confident when he says it out loud.


The amber eyes were compassionate and gentle, but the corners of her lips were full of sarcasm as Tang Bai whispered, "What a pity, wrong answer, this is the very second question you drew for me Mr Cheng Yangbin, I even said the correct answer earlier."


Yes, it was said, but Cheng Yangbin was in such a state of confusion that he didn't even notice what Tang Bai had said.


Cheng Yangbin sat pale in his seat, as if his strength had been drained from his body and he had lost his last ounce of motivation.


Tang Bai did not look at Cheng Yangbin, who was like a dog in distress, but turned to the others in the room, his gaze falling on each of those who had questioned him before, his amber eyes so bright that those who looked into them dared not even look at the light in his eyes.


They looked away inexplicably and listened to the pretty omega speak, "I'm an omega and I like Palulu, but I also like mechs."


"I cook well and I build great mechs, and my childhood dream was to build cute mechs."


Mama Tang, who was making a midnight snack, was called by Papa Tang, who looked down blankly at the light screen with her.


"But once I split into an omega, my family thought I should just be a good vase omega, and I used to think so too, because that's the way a normal omega should go, so I had to learn mecha building in secret."


Gu Tunan and Mrs. Gu sat together on the sofa, watching the little omega in the live mech building competition looking straight into the camera.


"Then I met a man who was so determined to walk a path that everyone thought was impossible, with his feet on the blade, his steps heavy, his chains playing music, and his blood dripping, but he went on so determinedly."


Mr Ling, who was watching the live broadcast, smiled a little and looked upstairs to the unoccupied room.


"He inspired me and I finally had the courage to speak to my family about my dream, and I'm lucky that my family is supporting me, but I know that not everyone can have the support of their family, and I really hope that every omega can go and do what they want to do."


With red eyes, White's mother whispered something to White's father.


"I wanted to write a story to convey what I wanted to convey to people, so I wrote a novel in which the main character is an omega who won a mech building competition, but all the comments section was saying how could an omega win a mech building competition?"


The countless alpha's in the hall who had said how an omega could possibly win the mech building competition looked at each other in disbelief.


Xie Ruhang stared blankly down the hall at Tang Bai, who seemed to be glowing, and listened to him say in a loud voice, "So I signed up for this competition, and I want to prove that it's possible."


"By the way, the main character of the novel is the code name I entered under, do you know why I picked that name?"


Tang Bai raised his eyes and his gaze fell on Xie Ruhang: "Walking with you, and the light with the dust."


"This time, I'm going to chase the light." ,,,url m.. ...

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