Chapter 61 - Chief

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After the physical fitness class, Tang Bai felt like a wreck. While the other alpha students went to the canteen to eat after class, Tang Bai sat on the mat in the gym and did not want to move.




Tang Bai looked up bewildered to see the little omega's of the Etiquette Academy poking their heads out of the door and giving him soft smiles.


Her amber eyes lit up as if by a light, Tang Bai happily got up and joined the fragrant, soft group.


There were five people in the food delivery team, all five were from Tang Bai's class, they were pushing the food trolley, one of them was a surprise to Tang Bai, He Wang, an omega from their class who didn't fit in.


She wears glasses, dresses modestly, and although she is a culinary student, she is always a terrible cook.


On one occasion, Tang Bai went to the other's dormitory to deliver dessert, and he saw an unassembled mecha model on Ho Wang's desk, which he said was a toy he had put together for his alpha brother at home.


Tang Bai was not expecting Ho Wang to come to the Federal Military Academy to bring him food, and when he took a quick shower in the washroom and changed into his uniform, he could clearly feel Ho Wang giving him a few extra looks.


"Let's have a picnic in the cloud of flowers!" "Yes, yes!"


The cloud of flowers is a photo-op at the Federal Military Academy. The snow-white flower clusters are like silver silk tapestry, and the falling petals are scattered on the lush green grass, where the omega's of the Etiquette Academy spread picnic cloths and take food from under the food trucks.


With all the appetizers, canapés, desserts, main meals, side dishes and soups, Tang Bai was amazed by the way the food was laid out, "All this ...... Is this all for me alone?"


"I wasn't expecting to make so much, but everyone ended up making a lot of dishes ......"


The lunch was so generous that Tang Bai asked Xie Ruhang to come and share it with the group, with their permission.


When Xie Ruhang walked into the colourful grove of fallen flowers, she saw this scene before her eyes -


Tang Bai's head is resting on the shoulder of an omega and when he opens his mouth, peeled grapes are brought to his lips, while others gather around him in a starry crowd.


Tang Bai, who was treated like an emperor, was delighted: "The alpha's thought I couldn't do it, but when I scraped up to the top in one go, they were all amazed!"

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The little omega's gathered in a group let out an unmistakable cascade of gasps.


"What about Bai Li?"


"He was speechless! He was still the fastest runner at the end of gym class!" Tang Bai's tail went up in the air with glee, not quite the calmness of a physical fitness class.


The young omega cheered and clapped for Tang Bai, who smiled and nodded to the fans like a superstar, occasionally waving his hand to signal everyone to lower their cheers, and as the superstar looked on, he saw Xie Ruhang under the flowering tree.


The handsome cadet had stood aside for who knows how long, a small smile on his lips, his dark phoenix eyes unexpectedly gentle at this moment.


For some reason, Tang Bai's face suddenly flushed, and he hurriedly sat upright and said nicely, "Brother Xie, you're here."


Xie Ruhang took off his military cap and bowed slightly to the entire room of momentarily restrained omega's.


"I heard you were rock climbing, I brought you ointment." Xie Ruhang guessed that an inexperienced beginner like Tang Bai would have bumps and bruises, and he asked someone about this and found out that Tang Bai had accidentally dislodged his hand during one of his climbs, spinning in the air and hitting the rock face due to inertia.


That would hurt.


Tang Bai took the ointment Xie Ruhang had given him and smoothed up his trouser legs to reveal the purple bruises on his legs.


"It's just scary to look at." That's what Tang Bai told everyone.


"Let me teach you to do some basic physical training every day from today." Xie Ruhang said.


"You don't have much time to teach me, Brother Xie, as the chief campaign is about to begin." Tang Bai waved his hand to refuse, but Xie Ruhang's next words froze him in his tracks.


"The fitness test is your weakness and a gap of too much would not be good for your campaign for chief."


Tang Bai: "Eh?"

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"Aren't you going to run for Head of the Mechanical Department?" Xie Ruhang remembered that Jun Tongchen in the book had taken the chief position, and he thought Tang Bai had his heart set on running for the chief position.


The way things are going, that novel is like Tang Bai's play-by-play of his own life.


Not only does Xie Ruhang think so, but many readers in the review section think Tang Bai will be running for chief at the Federation Military Academy next, but their point of contention is whether Tang Bai will be elected chief.


Running for Chief? ......


The novel in my head mentions that the original head of the mechanical department was Cheng Yangbin, and now that Cheng Yangbin has dropped out, the head can be Mo Zheng, Bai Li, or it seems ...... The chief can be Mo Zheng, Bai Li or, it seems, .


There are many benefits to becoming a Chief, such as enjoying a tilt in resources, Chiefs in the Mechanical Department can use the resources of the Military Academy and the Federation to choose a weapon direction for their research, and Chiefs also have many advantages in terms of employment after graduation, and both the Military Department and the Weapons Research Institute welcome Chiefs to join them.


The Chief is the spiritual leader of the department and is the best student in the department. If Tang Bai becomes the Chief, at least no one in the Mechanical Department will insult him in public and belittling the Chief is tantamount to slapping the face of his own department.


In addition to this, the Chief has many privileges, the Chief badge, call-out rights, single dormitory ......


Tang Bai was impressed by all the benefits that the Chief offered.


"I ...... Is it okay?" Tang Bai is not so sure about her success in running for Chief, as it is not only related to her performance in the major, but also a combination of her performance in turnout, physical fitness test, etiquette test and the final mock game selection.


The young omega's looked at Tang Bai with a deserved look, "Tang Tang, you are the 'chief' of our culinary department~" There is no concept of a chief in the School of Etiquette, but Tang Bai's presence is considered to be spiritual leader.


Tang Bai looked to Xie Ruhang who said softly, "It seems you don't know how much support you have in the mechanical department."


The percentage of marks for voting is twenty percent of the total, the percentage of marks for the professional courses is forty percent, the etiquette test and the physical test are each ten percent, and the final selection for the mock game is twenty percent.


Tang Bai's fitness test was destined to be a drag, and participation in the mock game selection was fraught with uncertainty, as this last selection was conducted in a live and holographic game with a different theme each year, which tested not only professionalism but also organisational and leadership skills.


These two selections may be a drag, but Tang Bai's professional grades, etiquette exams and popular votes are nothing to worry about.


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"I have a high approval rating?" Tang Bai is a little confused.


Xie Ruhang opened the FMC's internal communication forum and half of the posts floating on the front page were related to Tang Bai, including a thread discussing whether Tang Bai would choose to run for chief.


Tang Bai, a first-time Federation military student who hadn't even visited the school much, let alone touched the forum, seemed to open the door to a new world.


Under a thread where the cadets were going to team up to sack Bai Li, Tang Bai anonymously commented, "How about a pink sack?"


Then he was ridiculed by a group of people O Ruoxi.


Tang Bai: "......"


Tang Bai turned off the forum with an indifferent face and said to Xie Ruhang, "Brother Xie, can you show us around the school if you're free?"


Xie Ruhang nodded, "Which college do you want to go to?"


He Wang, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up, "I want to go to the mecha department."


The best place to hit the Mech Combat Department is the Arena, a magnificent spherical arena suspended in mid-air, with the audience resembling an asteroid belt around the central arena.


"It's so good for a concert." "It's so pretty~" "This light is so nice for photos ......"


He Wang rested his glasses on his fingers and watched intently as a military cadet piloted a mech against a robot on the martial arts field.


He watched intently, his expression unruffled, and when that cadet came down, He Wang spoke, "Classmate."


Tang Bai: "!!!" Did you find the alpha of your choice so soon?


The named cadet stepped forward flattered and then heard a conversation that was far from what he had expected, "You made three mistakes in the sparring match earlier ......"


Cadet: "????"

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After a cracking lecture, He Wang pushed the frame back into place and gave the cadet a small nod of relief as he rejoined the group and happily went to the next location with Tang Bai to clock in.


The cadet was left scratching his head, puzzled, and when he returned to the classroom to discuss with his friends, a well-informed alpha spilled the beans on Director Wong's genius plan, and a host of alpha's came to their senses -


It turns out that "quality alpha" can be found not only in Tang Bai's mechanical department, but also in Xie Ruhang's mech department!


Want to be picked up by the pretty little omega at the School of Etiquette?


Go and impress Xie Ruhang of the Mecha Department!




"Some time ago I organised a free distribution of suppressants in the slums and during the distribution I asked the omega's who came for injections to do a survey and learnt that at least 50% of the omega's in the slums had gland removal surgery and that the reason these omega's had the surgery was to pursue a normal career but could not afford the high cost of the suppressants ......"


The silver-haired, green-eyed councilor read aloud his motion: "In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of omega across the stars, promote the equality of alpha, bate, and omega, and give full play to the role of omega in the construction of interstellar society, according to the actual situation of the Interstellar Alliance□□ and the stars, I believe that the various interstellar alliances and relevant departments should provide omega in estrus provide free suppressants, abolish the measure of restricting the purchase of married omega suppressants, reduce the price of suppressants, increase medical coverage for omega who have had their glands removed, include gland removal surgery in medical coverage, and for omega who have had their glands removed, the relevant omega organisations should pay close attention and provide appropriate assistance ......"


The remaining nineteen councillors at the long table listened attentively to Bai Zhi's speech, their faces showing little change of emotion, with one occasionally nodding slightly.


The results of the vote came in quickly, with more than half of all those in favour of Bai Zhi's motion passing and Bai Zhi's motion being approved.


In this moment, Bai Zhi has a rare, slightly sharper look, her turquoise eyes are alive, like the first glimmer of new life after a long, cold winter.


Reporters surrounded Bai Zhi and threw all sorts of questions at him, " Hon. Bai Zhi, do you think the removal of the married omega inhibitor restriction will have an impact on the Commonwealth's fertility rate?" " Hon Bai Zhi, do you predict an increase or decrease in the number of omega's choosing to have their glands removed after this bill is passed?" " Hon. Bai Zhi, will you take any more steps to boost omega rights in the future?" "......"


Bai Zhi's unhurried replies to the crowning glory of his words are so well thought out that there is nothing wrong with them.


One reporter asked, "What do you think about the recent mecha building competition that you were involved in, where the final winner was an omega?"


"I am delighted that Tang Bai has won the Mecha Building Competition." Bai Zhi looked to the camera and smiled, "I hope that the omega community, whether they are engaged in manual or mental work, will be able to sharpen their minds, awaken themselves and strive to improve and show society what we are capable of."

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