Chapter 66 - Marker

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Xie Ruhang put on his human skin mask, and he logged onto Starnet to look up information on the temporary marker, which is an alpha biting through the gland on the back of an omega's neck while injecting its own pheromones.


Xie Ruhang switches off the interface, applies the short-acting repair cream, takes a deep breath and pushes open the door.


The rich, creamy smell came over me in a flash, a sweet interplay of milk and honey, and the strongest scent was the omega tossed around on the sofa.


Tang Bai was so hot and confused that he unbuttoned his shirt several times, but it was still hot, and the pheromones were coming out of his body in a steady stream, so thick that it looked like he had fallen into a bathtub full of milk.


His collar had been ripped open by itself, his neck ring had been removed, revealing a snow-white neck and delicate collarbone, his hair was wet and clinging to his face, his cheeks were an unnatural flush.


The person in front of him looked like a ripe peach, a gentle poke could press out the bubbling juice, and Xie Ruhang thought he had seen Tang Bai in all her glory-


The smile of a smile, the wink of a cat, the pity of a grievance, the pout of a pout ......


But he was still lost in thought over Tang Bai's appearance at the moment.


Xie Ruhang lifted the hair from Tang Bai's face and cupped Tang Bai's face in his hands, his amber eyes staring at him in ecstasy, their reddened ends seemingly tingling with turbulent water, a trance-like look that was particularly moving.


" Tang Bai ."


Tang Bai's vision was blurred by physical tears, his eyes were hazy with light and shadows and blocks of colour, the person who spoke to him seemed to be Xiao Cheng, but the other person looked like Xie Ruhang ......


Xie Ruhang's hands were cold, and Tang Bai felt as if the heat in her body could be relieved by resting on the cool palm.


But not enough.


Tang Bai, whose face was being held by Xie Ruhang, suddenly reached out and took the initiative to enter Xie Ruhang's arms, Tang Bai wrapped her arms around his waist and kept grinding against him.


The exhalation of nostrils is like a plume of air into Xie Ruhang's neck, the small white hands caressing Xie Ruhang's waist, tantalising his self-control.


Xie Ruhang stiffened and he looked down to see Tang Bai leaning into his arms like a clingy cat, her rosy lips pouring out sweet, hot breath.


"Mark me," Tang Bai's mind was beginning to wander, the burning pain making him thirsty for relief, "please, mark me ......"

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Even if Xie Ruhang's self-control was amazing, it was hard for him to hold back any longer when his dream lover O said such things in front of him.


Xie Ruhang leaned down in obedience to his heart, rubbing his lips from his cheek to his ear, leaving a tingling tickle in its wake, and the aggressive approach of alpha made Tang Bai shrink in discomfort.


He was aware of a hint of danger as an afterthought, but his tortured and dulled nerves could not communicate the sense of crisis very well.


With his phoenix eyes fixed on the already red and swollen gland, Xie Ruhang thought of the information he had looked up and he said softly, "Don't bite your finger if it hurts."


The fingertips plunge into the soft lips, gently parting the lips and teeth.


"Bite me."


Rough fingers, wet with saliva, finally pressed against the warm, soft lips and tongue, and Tang Bai frowned, his lips unable to close, which caused him a little distress.


Tang Bai tried to say something, but didn't expect Xie Ruhang to blow on his swollen gland.


"Ah..." Tang Bai shuddered at the air currents coming from Xie Ruhang's exhale, as the red glands were already very sensitive.


Xie Ruhang kisses the reddened gland and lays his hand on the white neck, licking it repeatedly, as if he were tasting a piece of soft and fragrant cream cake.


Tang Bai's loins trembled so much that he couldn't control his head and tried to escape, but his torso was held firmly in place by steady, strong hands, and even his whimpers were muffled by the thrusting of his index fingers.


The thin lips and the gland are separated, and the licked gland is like a dew-soaked peach petal with a faint sheen.


And then the hard canine teeth bite into the soft flesh as if grinding a milkshake.


"Well--" Tang Bai's eyes filled with mist, and with this bite, the mist condensed in a flash into droplets of water that fell from his eyes.


It takes some time to bite the glandular markers, which means that the strange and exotic sensations will continue for some time.


Tang Bai cries out from the terror of the puncture and the strange pleasure that comes with the pain. He struggles to escape but is locked in Xie Ruhang's arms.


Xie Ruhang felt the trembling of the body in his arms, the slender fingers resting on his back as if to make a few red marks.

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Does it hurt?


Xie Ruhang stirred his index finger in Tang Bai's mouth, making a slight watery sound as he gestured for Tang Bai to bite it if she couldn't resist, but Tang Bai gently grinded it a few times like a kitten's teeth, and then obediently took the evil finger again.


A slight smile flashed in his phoenix eyes as he held Tang Bai from behind, feeling her body grow soft in his arms, and as he injected the last of his pheromones into his glands, Tang Bai had no strength left and fell limply into his arms.


Xie Ruhang lowers his head and looks silently at Tang Bai's serene sleeping face.


Curled eyelashes, light-coloured hair, white and red skin, and lips that have traces of crystals remaining.


Tang Bai looks like a little angel in her sleep.


Xie Ruhang plucks Tang Bai's sweat-drenched hair with his fingers and leans down to gently kiss Tang Bai's forehead, a soft kiss like a plume over the tears at the corner of his eyes.


Only when Tang Bai was asleep did he dare to kiss the man, in such a way as to ascertain his presence.


He used to feel that he couldn't hold onto Tang Bai, and sometimes even when Tang Bai and he were physically entangled, he felt that the closeness was superficial, and only occasionally when he was with Tang Bai as Xiao Cheng did he feel that he and Tang Bai were truly close.


Why did Tang Bai always feel so far away from him when he was so good to him?


Why did Tang Bai always look at him with a look he couldn't understand?


Why did Tang Bai prefer "Xiao Cheng" to Xie Ruhang?


Many questions that he would not normally think about came to the surface at this moment, and the original gentle kiss changed its flavour as he vengefully sucked on the knot of Tang Bai's throat until he heard Tang Bai's unconscious muffled grunt, and Xie Ruhang stopped sucking as if he were waking up from a dream.


He gazed slightly apologetically at the red stain on Tang Bai's neck, and soon his attention was drawn to the flowing chain body.


It was the chain of a sapphire necklace, the shimmering light of which was familiar to him.


It seemed to him that he had seen such a glow somewhere.


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Xie Ruhang furrowed his brow and pondered for a moment before he took the lucky charm out of the drawer and took out the small stone that it contained.


In the light, they shine identically, and because Xie Ruhang placed them so close together for comparison, at one point there was a sudden, electric flash of light between them.


The next moment, a zipping sound sounded in Xie Ruhang's head, and a tingling current seemed to run through his cerebral cortex, bringing on a trance.


First he heard Tang Bai's voice, a sweet, soft tone: "Don't go, I like you."


Xie Ruhang was stunned, and he suddenly found himself in a scene that seemed to be projected in his mind, the background was blurred, except for the faces of two people who were extraordinarily lucid.


One is Tang Bai, the bright-eyed Tang Bai who confesses.


The other is a "Xiao Cheng" wearing a human skin mask, Xie Ruhang himself.


Xie Ruhang recognized that person as himself at first glance, but he felt something strange about that person, and he heard that person say, "Young master, how can you like me when you don't even know who I really am?"


Why does he call Tang Bai "Young Master"?


"Although I don't know who you are, I really, really like you, can we be together?" Tang Bai's eyes were so clear and sincere, when he was in love with someone he wanted to give the whole world to them, how could anyone refuse such pure love?


But someone really did turn him down.


"I can't be with you, I'll do you harm. All I can give you is the brief stay of this false identity." That Xie Ruhang whispered, "I'm sorry."


" Xiao Cheng, you son of a bitch!"


Tang Bai is seen stamping his feet in anger as he looks at Xie Ruhang who turns and walks away, shouting, "Don't think you saved me, don't think you stayed with me as 'X', don't think that because you did this I really have to have you! "


"If you leave, I'm going on a blind date, I'm going to find another alpha to be with, and I'm never going to talk to you again!"


" Xiao Cheng!"


"Don't you go, OK!"

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"You're not allowed to leave."


"Don't go ......"


When Xie Ruhang saw that he was walking further and further away, so far that he could no longer hear the calls of those behind him, he stopped in his tracks and then removed his human mask, revealing a pale face.


The face was devoid of any blood, the lips were blue and the dark phoenix eyes were dull.


He stood in a deserted corner, as if he were a walking corpse, and after a while he suddenly coughed violently, his miserable white face tinged with a sickly red from the incessant coughing.


Then the Xie Ruhang reached up and covered his mouth, a flash of bright red showing between his fingers.


The sticky blood fell drop by drop, splashing onto the floor along with a clear tear.


The memory screen comes to a screeching halt.


Xie Ruhang stared for a long time at the small stone that had been with him for so many years, and suddenly remembered that he sometimes wore his lucky charm to sleep and thought of his mother's extraordinarily clear face.


Temporal characteristics, the ability to recall going back.


-- "Magic silver has temporal properties ...... One of my necklace bodies is made of magic silver and one day I triggered the temporal properties of magic silver due to an accident, but instead of seeing the past, I saw the future ......"


-- "I saw the true life of Xie Ruhang.


-- "His true love is Gu Tunan."


Once Xie Ruhang thought these words were made up by Tang Bai, but at this moment he actually triggered the temporal properties of the magic silver and saw his future.


In the future, he seems to have refused Tang Bai for reasons that are difficult to explain, seemingly for the good of Tang Bai.


If what Tang Bai says is true, and what Magic Silver predicts for the future is true, could he really break up with Tang Bai and then be with Gu Tunan again?


Xie Ruhang is stunned.

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