Chapter 71 - It seems to be strawberry flavoured?

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Tang Bai lies under the covers, unable to sleep.


He knew that this was a normal reaction for an omega who had been marked for the first time, an uncontrollable dependence on the alpha that had marked him or her, and the higher the alpha level, the stronger that dependence would be.


Desire to be hugged, touched and kissed ......


With this intense longing and emptiness wrapped around him, Tang Bai turned on his light computer and hesitantly sent a message to Xiao Cheng: "Are you asleep?"


Career: "No, what's wrong?"


Not in love but in business: "Brother, I can't sleep."


Xie Ruhang, who had been lying in bed, sat up refreshed by this call, and asked in a voice so gentle that it could drip water, "Why can't you sleep, are you afraid?"


Qiu Yan, who was playing a game, looked up in horror at the sound of his voice and gave a ghostly look.


Brother Xie, what's wrong with you! Brother Xie, are you possessed?


Tang Bai, her hands and feet weak, hugged the pillow and said softly, "I'm not scared, I miss you."


Xie Ruhang was instantly struck by this unreserved "I miss you", and a silly smile appeared on his face, typical of people in love.


Tang Bai buried his face in the cushion with embarrassment as he smelt the indefinable smell of pheromones on the cushion.


Tang Bai's original pheromone was milky, and for as long as the temporary marker remained intact, his pheromone changed slightly depending on the alpha pheromone.


The elegant aroma of the tea neutralises the overly sweet and creamy aroma, finding the perfect balance of coolness and sweetness, which makes the tips of Tang Bai's ears flush when she thinks of the changes Xiao Cheng has brought to her body.


"Is it still hard for people?" Xie Ruhang had looked up the information and learnt that omega being injected with aphrodisiacs could cause some damage to the body, manifesting as drowsiness and easy drifting off, so he did not send a message to Tang Bai, afraid of disturbing Tang Bai's rest.


Smelling Xie Ruhang's scent, listening to Xie Ruhang's voice, Tang Bai was like a cat whose fur had been smoothed out, "I don't feel bad when I hear you talk, brother, will you read me a bedtime story? He rubbed against the cushion, his little face flushed as he exercised his boyfriend rights.


At this point even when Tang Bai wants to pick a star, a love-struck Xie Ruhang goes to find a ladder and tries to pick it, saying softly, "Yes."

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After that, Xie Ruhang rolled out of bed and grabbed a book from his desk. Under the dumbfounded gaze of his roommate, Xie Ruhang moved a chair to the balcony and closed the door with a swish.


Sitting on the balcony you can hear the distinct sound of cicadas and Xie Ruhang, afraid of disturbing Tang Bai, asks, "Does the noise I make here bother you?"


Tang Bai closed his eyes and he could hear the faint chirping of cicadas pouring down like the summer sun, noisy and gentle, "No."


Xie Ruhang relaxed and looked up at the twinkling stars in the night sky. He had looked up at the stars countless times before, often feeling the vastness of the universe and his own insignificance, but this time, he experienced a peace that he had never experienced before.


Xie Ruhang spread out the book, turned to the page with the rose petals sandwiched between them and read softly, "The stars shine so that everyone can one day find their own ......"




Day 2.


"Have you guys heard? Tang Bai seems to have been tagged by a low-level alpha."


"Not a mark, I think, I heard it was straight to bed, supposedly Tang Bai had an accidental rut and let an alpha get out of hand."


"More than one alpha would be out of control if he was in heat at the military school, right ......"


"The omega is still safe to attend the School of Etiquette."




Tang Bai walked through the doors of the Federal Military Academy with a clear head, aware of the difference in the way people around him looked at him as he walked through the alpha pile.


With a strange look and a little resistance, this was a new experience for Tang Bai and he walked into the classroom a little confused.


The classroom was full at the moment and almost all the alpha's frowned the moment Tang Bai entered the classroom as there was an extremely arrogant and dominant pheromone about Tang Bai for an alpha.


In alpha social etiquette, because the pheromones of higher alpha classes have a suppressive effect on lower alpha classes, alpha classes do not normally release pheromones to each other.


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The only two situations in which an alpha's pheromones are released openly are the uncontrolled release of pheromones during periods of susceptibility, and the marking of a beloved omega and coating the omega's body with one's own pheromones so that one can assert sovereignty over the other alpha.


One of the alpha's originally sitting around Tang Bai suddenly stood up and lumbered towards the last row.


The lower ranked alpha smelled Xie Ruhang's pheromones and was as stressed as a mouse on a cat. He wiped the fine sweat from his forehead and posted on the campus forum to clarify: "Enough with the rumour-mongering posts about Tang Bai being taken advantage of by a lower ranked alpha. smell that Tang Bai was temporarily marked by an overpowering alpha, the smell on Tang Bai would have been stronger if sex had taken place!"


Others soon followed: "It should be Xie Ruhang, aren't the two of them already in a relationship? Why make it sound like Tang Bai is in a bad way when it's a consensual thing?"


"Please don't imagine that some alpha needs you to tag Tang Bai when she's in heat, with the level of pheromone dominance Tang Bai has on her body right now, those chicks who want to tag her can just get close enough to smell it and go straight to their knees."


Tang Bai was unaware of the silent disintegration of a powerful critique against him, and ignored the strange reactions of those around him as he continued to concentrate on his lessons.


Tang Bai was assigned a weaker alpha opponent in the basic sparring session during the physical class, and it was during this sparring session that he got his first taste of how cool the pheromones can be in terms of suppression.


At first Tang Bai thought the alpha was giving him preferential treatment because of his gender, but when Tang Bai started sweating, the alpha's face turned white.


Even Bai Li, who had been giving him a nose-to-nose and an eye-to-eye look, had a serious expression on his face.


Realising that it was the pheromones left behind by Xiao Cheng, Tang Bai couldn't help but walk out of the small outer eight and knocked on the door of Cheng Wenhui's office, and upon entering, he saw Cheng Wenhui's expression stiffen.


"Mr. Cheng, I'm here to trouble you again!" Tang Bai sat on his butt next to Cheng Wenhui.


The looming pressure of top alpha lingers around Tang Bai, so bitter that it almost freezes the air.


Cheng Wenhui squeezed out a smile as he was about to give Tang Bai a lecture, but the arrogant pressure resisted all alpha approach, like a devouring python wrapping itself around Cheng Wenhui's body and overwhelming him.


The little omega who caused all this still looks unaware of it, with his head down and concentrating on his studies, in a way that makes people feel guilty for disturbing each other.


As beads of sweat poured from Cheng Wenhui's nose, he sat on pins and needles, the seconds ticking by.


"You're a fast learner, you shouldn't have to worry too much about your major grade." Cheng Wenhui tried his best to look relaxed and cheerful, "How are you preparing for the rest of the chief exam, are you sure about it?"


Cheng Wenhui realises that Tang Bai's thermos is filled with milk as he slowly puts down his glass of water, his upper lip accidentally stained with a ring of milk.

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With this realisation, he suddenly realised that Tang Bai's usually slow speaking tone was always a bit milky and harmless, "Everything else is fine, the fitness test is not so sure, I guess."


"The military school's physical fitness test standards are unfair to you, the school should have developed omega test standards specifically for you." Cheng Wenhui behaves like a teacher who is indignant on behalf of a student who has suffered injustice.


The amber eyes bent slightly, Tang Bai's tone was as soft as candyfloss: "It's okay, I'm not going to get a high score on the fitness test either, just don't be a drag, and although I can't run, I'm a fast swimmer. "


"There's a lot of alpha in the swimming pool, and it's not very safe for you to go alone as an omega." Cheng Wenhui worried.


"If it was an off-campus swimming pool I might have that concern, but everyone at the military school is a very nice person." Tang Bai rubbed his head and smiled at Cheng Wenhui, "I've been at school for so long and everyone has looked after me, especially you, Mr Cheng."


Cheng Wenhui also smiled kindly at that, "You are the first ever omega student to study at the military school, of course I have to take good care of you."




"Brother Xie, I'm in love with Xiao Cheng, aren't I? That's why I'm going to physical training with Xiao Cheng after school today! I know you usually slow down my training, but with Xiao Cheng taking me, you don't have to slow down the pace for me this time," Tang Bai messaged Xie Ruhang while waiting for Xiao Cheng.


Xie Ruhang is looking at her figure in the mirror with worry.


Tang Bai's comment about Xiao Cheng and Xie Ruhang having a similar body shape left a shadow on Xie Ruhang's mind, and he was afraid that when they met in the swimming pool, Tang Bai would compliment him on his small abs and pecs and biceps, which were exactly the same shape as his large size.


Hmmm ...... There you have it!


Soon Xie Ruhang and Tang Bai, wearing human skin masks, appeared in the swimming pool and in the changing room, Xie Ruhang took out of his bag first a one-piece swimming costume and then he took out ......


An artificial pectoralis major.


The fit alpha walked out of the changing room in a black one-piece swimming costume and saw Tang Bai, who was shy about swimming with her lover and wore a one-piece swimming costume too.


"Wow! We're a couple's swimsuit!" Tang Bai exclaimed before her eyes were drawn to Xie Ruhang's extraordinarily muscular body, which was perfectly defined by his tight one-piece swimming costume.


His pecs are so big ...... Tang Bai inexplicably blushes a little, he doesn't really feel much for muscular men, but if it's Xiao Cheng, he can accept any kind of body.


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"Your little shark is cute." Xie Ruhang complimented the little shark print on Tang Bai's one-piece swimming costume, giving his fake pecs an unobtrusive hand as Tang Bai averted her eyes in shame.


A little heavy.


Is this the trouble with female alpha?


Xie Ruhang thought expressionlessly.


The two fake pecs in front of his chest somewhat affected Xie Ruhang's swimming performance. He was afraid that too much force would make the position of the two pecs asymmetrical, and for a while he was glad he hadn't stuffed fake glutes into his hips.


Xie Ruhang, whose mind is full of fake asses, was dazed when she saw Tang Bai swimming fast, her buttocks unrealistically outlined by her tight swim trunks.


Is it really that Q-tip?


Xie Ruhang's eyes narrowed slightly as he took it personally.


Tang Bai, who was swimming happily, got a chill on his bum, looked back in bewilderment, didn't see anything and pounced happily again.


After swimming for some time Tang Bai got tired of swimming and he turned on his light brain to find that the voting channel for the chief competition was open.


Every student at the Federal Military Academy has the right to vote, and can only vote for the student in their major. Voting is open for one week, and it is the first day that the voting channel is open and not many people are voting.


Mo Zheng, Bai Li and Tang Bai have the highest number of votes in the Mechanical department, while Xie Ruhang and Gu Tunan have the highest number of votes in the Mech department and two or three students in the other departments have the highest number of votes.


"No, I have to help Brother Xie with the votes." Tang Bai blurted out when he saw Xie Ruhang and Gu Tunan fighting it out. Tang Bai blurted out when he saw the number of votes Xie Ruhang and Gu Tunan were fighting to win.


Xie Ruhang was a little surprised that Tang Bai's first reaction was to help him get votes rather than thinking about himself.


"Brother, I have to go back and think about canvassing first, so I can't train with you." Tang Bai said.


Xie Ruhang nodded, and he and Tang Bai changed their clothes and prepared to leave. Before they parted, Tang Bai suddenly called out to Xie Ruhang, and under Xie Ruhang's puzzled gaze, Tang Bai stood on tiptoe and gave Xie Ruhang a quick chirp on his cheek. Xie Ruhang was left to cover the spot where he had been kissed.


...... Looks like a strawberry flavour?

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