Nadia could feel the fire behind Glenn’s voice.

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… He wasn’t really going to try to kill her and disguised it as an accident, right?

In the face of a life crisis, Nadia began to think hard.

It wasn’t like she wasn’t aware of the fact that the Winterfell family could eliminate her any time.

However she believed that this marriage was a marriage held under the King’s arrangement.

The whole world knew that the Marquis Winterfell didn’t want to get married, but if the bride died as soon as she tied the knot, the perks of accepting this arrangement would be out of the question.

Wasn’t their intention to accept this marriage to avoid criticism that the North was seeking independence?

No matter how much physical evidence of an accident was made up, the suspicion could not be avoided.

In addition to that, the disgrace of killing a powerless woman would lead to the Marquis Winterfell being criticized by public opinion.

Hence, Nadia wouldn’t be killed here.

Nadia, who judged rationally, decided to continue her position that she had adhered to so far.

She pretended to be scared and shook her shoulders and opened her mouth.

“I-It’s because I have long admired you….”


Full of rage.

Nadia could hear the sound of teeth grinding.

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“Do you want me to believe such a lie?”

“I’m telling you the truth! Please believe me.”

Nadia had to cry in this situation.

She recalled her late mother to act in tears.

Soon enough, her eyelids began to tremble and her eyes became teary.

However, Glenn kept his attitude as tough as he could even when Nadia gave her best to act.

“Are you going to lie shamelessly until the end?” I guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”


As expected, it didn’t work on Glenn.

Nadia, who didn’t say anything, bowed her head and began to pretend to cry.

It was quite realistic acting for someone who had never acted before.

Except that though her tears didn’t flow down, she let out a sobbing voice.

Fortunately, Glenn’s view from above wouldn’t allow him to see that.

Therefore, it meant that it could be a pretty realistic acting in his eyes.

If he hadn’t repeated dozens of times that her last name was Balazit, he might have been fooled.

Balazit, who killed his mother and sought his father’s life.

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That’s why her acting was even more abominable in his eyes.

‘I didn’t even have to hear to know what Father would have told me about this.’

Glenn was not a fool enough to believe that the enemy’s daughter had a crush on him at first sight.

All of this was just a trick by the Duke Balazit to plant a spy in the territory of his enemy.

Wasn’t it obvious that the King, the puppet of the Duke Balazit, actively promoted this marriage?

Glenn continued in a cold voice.

“Have we ever had a conversation before? Do you want me to believe that a woman would be willing to follow a man whom she has never said a word to to the North?”

“Do I need a reason to fall in love?”

“What a crazy…..”

“I love you! Please believe in my sincerity!”

Glenn gritted his teeth and glared at Nadia, who was still shaking her shoulders pretending to be a pitiful bride.

He was very suspicious of Nadia’s intention to walk to the side of Winterfell, yet he couldn’t interrogate her as she was the Duke’s biological daughter. He couldn’t take the risk of hurting her at this moment.

Glenn’s fists were shaking a little.

Glenn had to tell himself to be patient over and over again and not to act impulsively.

‘What this vulnerable woman can do in an enemy’s territory without any allies is very limited.’

When a wife wasn’t acknowledged by her husband, her range of action would be even more limited.

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So if he thought about it rationally, he didn’t have to throw her away right away.

It wouldn’t take long to remove an unwanted wife once he dealt with the enemy.

Until the day when the rumor of the North being not loyal to the royal family and desiring to develop its own power disappeared.

Glenn clenched his jaw and said.

“Fine. We’ll see how long you could keep lying that you love me.”


Nadia’s expression brightened up when Glenn said he would tolerate her existence right now.

But it didn’t last long….

“But I would advise you better not to dream of being recognized as my wife. I will never set my eyes on Balazit’s daughter.”

“But, I’m not Father’s spy! How could you doubt my sincerity?”

Glenn’s subsequent warning forced her to cry straight away.

Nadia covered her mouth with her face buried in her palm as if she was in despair.

It was because she almost responded that she felt the same way.

‘I hope you keep your word, Marquis.’

Nadia was worried about him asking for his wife’s nightly obligation.

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Therefore, she couldn’t help but welcome his hate without hesitation.

Stomp, stomp.

With the sound of shoes hitting the marble floor like he was stomping on one’s life, Glenn left.

The sound of servants rushing out to follow Glenn came to Nadia’s ears.

She knew he left her.

Nadia pretended to be heartbroken and asked the maids with her head down.

“Did he… leave?”


The maids were nervous and began to look at each other.

A maid, who was pushed by the other maid in the silent awkwardness, answered in a careful voice.

“Yes, we believe so, Madam.”


The voice in Nadia’ heart cheered.

He better didn’t take back what he said in front of a lot of people about not sleeping with her.

Wasn’t it the virtue of a nobleman not to take their word back?

‘Never come.’

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