It was the voice of a person who was now very used to it. Glenn turned his head in the direction of the voice.

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He could see a woman running hurriedly as she held her skirt in her hand. And one of her escorts followed behind her.

“Nadia? What’s going on here?”

“Gasp,, I, gasp…… I heard about it.”

Nadia stopped in front of Glenn and took a breath for a moment.

Her sweaty long hair clinged to her face. Anyone could tell that she ran in a hurry.

“I heard there’s going to be a territorial war.”

“It’s something that happens often, so there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll be right back.”

“How can I not worry about my husband going to war!”


She was right. It would be weird if she didn’t worry about her  husband going to war.

It was a very common sense reaction, but when Glenn thought about why he felt so strange about it, the answer was simple.

Because none of these natives of the Winterfell territory made a fuss about the battle against Count Altair.

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‘I heard someone declared war on us.’

‘Again? Return this King’s favor and take care of them quickly.’

The King didn’t even bother to ask which lord declared the war against Winterfell. That was his usual response toward the Winterfell’s affair. It was a sad reality.

So when Glenn saw a little tear in Nadia’s eyes, he was rather flustered.

“D-don’t cry.”

“Sob... I can’t help but worry.….”

“I’m not bragging, but this isn’t the first time we have ever had a battle against him. I’ve been in the war with my father, so there’s nothing to worry about.”


Glenn’s face grew more frustrated. Why did this woman cry so much?

Growing up among men who believed crying only three times in his life was a virtue, he couldn’t understand Nadia at all.

He had not enough experience of consoling a crying woman.

Should he comfort her shoulders? Or did she want him to hug her? No, Glenn thought that was a little too much…….

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His hand raised to console her was just meaninglessly wandering in the air.

Then, a helping hand descended to help the flustered Glenn.



Glenn and Nadia turned their heads at the same time at the sudden cough.

There was an old knight with a subtle expression clearing his throat.

“We are in a hurry, my lord. Let’s go to the conference room now.”

“Oh, right.”

Glenb was so flustered that he forgot that he was on his way to an urgent meeting.

Turning to Nadia again, Glenn said.

“You came all the way here, but I’m sorry. The vassals are waiting.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry I took your time.”

Nadia answered, wiping away her tears. She didn’t lie when she said that it was fine.

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Although she had adapted a lot, acting in tears was not easy.

Rather, she was grateful to the unknown old knight.

‘Thank you for cutting the conversation.’

After pretending to be sad, Nadia raised her head and said,

“Hurry up and go. But please promise me that you’ll be back safely.”


Although it was a common thing to ask someone to come back from the battlefield, Nadia had a knack for saying things and made him feel tingling.

Glenn turned his back on Nadia with a faint look on his face. Then he started walking fast toward his original destination.

When the distance was quite far away, the quiet Giscard said.

“Just now, it seems that the relationship between the two of you is not that bad.”

“……did it look like that?”

“Yes, anyone would think like me.”

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Glenn recalled a moment ago.

A wife who rushed to her husband who was leaving for war soon, a husband who comforted her that she had nothing to worry about, a woman who let him go while enduring sadness…


Something was not right.

How did they become that picture? Wasn’t that an image of an obviously sad yet sweet couple?

Glenn, who was speechless of the situation himself, continued to be questioned by Giscard.

“Didn’t you say that if you’re being unsympathetic to her, she will give up on your own?”

“Oh, that’s….”

Giscard’s piercing eyes made him sweat a little.

Glenn, who was stuttering for a while, came up with a plausible answer.

“As you may know, she solved our financial difficulties. You can’t just disregard your family’s benefactors, can you?”

“Yes, I’ve heard about it. Either way, the March owes her, so it’s only natural to treat her politely. But it has to stop there. You must stop showing courtesy to Madam as a lady.”

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