Interpretation? He didn’t even say reading, but interpretation! Something she had struggled to write with only a dim lamp to see with. Calling it something to be interpreted was too much!

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But different from the unfairness she felt, cold sweat had started to form along her back. Nadia stuttered as she replied.

Ah, that…… it’s because my father has always had terrible handwriting…… it’s probably because I am so used to reading Father’s writing.”

She somehow pulled a terrible excuse out of thin air.

She was the one who had discovered the document tucked away in some forgotten corner, and the one who had read it when everyone else thought it was rubbish was also her. That was enough to make her look suspicious.

Actually, Nadia herself had also thought to wait until one of the administrators had stumbled on the hidden document. But after three days had passed, no one had discovered the document she had fabricated. She hadn’t been sure that it would even be discovered eventually, with the way things were going. So she decided to do it herself, as she was beginning to feel a sense of crisis.

If someone began suspecting that Nadia had secretly brought in the document and pretended to find it……

But as she began worrying, Glenn spoke in a voice that spoke of the wonder he felt.

“You really are talented in so many things.”

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Fabian and the administrators who had been by the side also cut in.

“Madam’s coming to winterfell has brought enormous good luck!”

“The ancestors are definitely watching over us.”

They could not sufficiently explain in words why Nadia becoming the lady of the house was good luck for Winterfell.

Nadia felt burdened by the bright looks the administrators gave her, and furtively avoided their gazes.

But the situation, awkward enough to turn her face red, did not end there, as Glenn continued speaking.

“Now that I think about it, all the good things that happened to Winterfell started after you came to the north.”

“Ah, that……”

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“I am truly grateful. This time too, if you weren’t here, we would have left without even knowing that there is a dragon lair. That would essentially be us missing a gold mine.”


Of course she was able to read it because she wrote it……

Her face had turned red because of the administrators, but fortunately, no one doubted her words.

Nadia quickly changed the subject.

“Forget all that; shouldn’t we send some people on an expedition as soon as possible? I think it will be better to understand the scale of the lair before returning to Winterfell.”

“Ah yes, that is right. Does the document say where exactly the lair is located?”

“Yes, it is written here. I will rewrite it again for you.”

She began rewriting the same thing she wrote a few days ago in the midst of darkness. This time with her right hand. At the top of the map, she marked the location of the lair.

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“Here. This is a mountain at the southernmost part of the Raina territory. The lair is inside a valley that seems quite deep.”

“It isn’t even a mountain with an ore vein, and they were still able to find it. Is it that only a report was made and they hadn’t started the excavation yet?”

“It seems so. It is great timing for us.”

Hearing that, one of the administrators spoke up in relief.

“Luckily, we were able to capture Vallon castle in one day. If the treasures in that lair fell into Count Altair’s hands…… No, just thinking about it makes my stomach churn!”

“I think so too.”

Of course the count’s discovery of the lair was supposed to be after the next two years. While they were on the topic, Nadia decided to give them more information on the future.

“Originally, there were no monsters or beasts around the lair, but since the dragon has been dead for some time now, it is very possible there will be some monster guarding the mountain. I think it is best to send a large number of guards there.”

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When Count Altair discovered the ownerless lair, he rejoiced and sent people to excavate it. But the very first team he had sent met with bitter defeat and were annihilated. They were torn to shreds by the Guardian monster that was wandering deep in the mountain.

But a Guardian was only a Guardian, and if a company of knights with excellent skills were sent out, it would not be difficult to catch it.

“Don’t worry about that. Now that the battle is over, there are plenty of punks who are just lazing about with nothing to do. It’s great that there is something for them to do now.”

“My Lord, how will you select people for the first expedition team?”

“Wouldn’t it be good to first see who volunteers to go?”

“In that case, I will ask the Knights to see who wants to.”

Glenn and the administrators began talking about the size of the first expedition team and how to select people for the team. Nadia looked at them, and smiled to herself in satisfaction.

‘Good. I succeeded in making them discover the dragon lair.’

They had received the Raina territory, with all its fertile land, but the harvest season was still far away. The valuables from the lair would support the marquisate financially before the harvest season came.

Now that things had been secured, it was time to really get down to business.

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