“Uhh…… the Lord says he will give ten gold bars to whoever is able to move his sword a hundred steps away.”

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“What does that mean?”

Come to think of it, a few steps away from where the decree was hung, they could see a sword driven into the ground. The smooth, silver surface of the sword glittered under the rays of the sun. Even to the uncultured farmers, it did not look like an ordinary sword. Looking closely, they saw that the pattern on the hilt of the sword was the same as the pattern on the new flag at the top of the tower.

The commoners standing around the sword began whispering amongst themselves.

“Is that really the lord’s sword? It does look very expensive.”

“But why would they throw such a precious thing here?”

“Didn’t you hear the contents of the decree? It said the lord will give ten gold to whoever can carry the sword for a hundred steps!”

“You can receive gold for just carrying one sword? Does that even sound plausible to you?”

Sounds of astonishment could be heard from the people. The sword was most likely wrought from iron so it would be heavy. But lifting it would not be a hard task for any fully able-bodied man. Neither was a hundred steps some faraway distance.

They could receive gold for doing something that was as easy as pie? Of course they would doubt if they had heard correctly.

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“As sure as day, there must be some other intention behind it……”


“What, what in the world could the lord be trying to do?”

“What if the new lord is just a maverick? He may really just want to squander ten gold, you never know……”

At that moment, a woman came forward and spoke.

“You all, listen to what I have to say. There has to be a hint in the decree.”

They all turned simultaneously to look at the woman,

“It’s not just any sword. It’s the lord’s sword. I heard that noble families have swords of honor that are passed down only to the heads of the family. If I am right, that must be the heirloom of the Winterfell marquisate.”

“Then, then isn’t it very valuable? What if someone stole it while it was placed here……?”

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“Yes, that’s exactly it. The lord is testing us to see if we dare to touch his sword!’


Now that they thought about it, it did sound credible. Vallon castle was originally Count Altair’s territory. Of course the Marquis of Winterfell would be on alert to see if the people of the territory he had just received would have grievances against him or if a revolt would start.

Essentially, the new lord was trying to test how well they would obey him.

“If someone who coveted the ten gold were to touch that sword……”

“They, they would surely be executed.”

How dare lowly people like them touch the treasures of a noble family. Such evil things deserved to die! – That is probably what the lord would say, before cutting off their necks. Then he would order that the head of the person who had dared to touch his sword be hung on the castle wall as an example to everyone else.

All their faces paled at the thought of such a horrible scene.

“As expected, these noble bastards are so fearsome……”

“If, if we’d really touched it, there would have been big trouble.”

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Those who had been hooked by the mention of gold patted their chests stealthily. The village chief stepped forward to comfort those who had scared stiff.

“There now, everyone, do not be so nervous. If no one lays a finger on the sword, there will be no problems whatsoever, no? If we just obey the new lord completely, he will show us mercy.”

“Maybe the taxes will even be reduced.”

“It would be so lovely if that happened. Alright, everyone, go see to your business now.”

And so time passed.

The following day, the day after that, even after three days had passed, the lord’s sword remained standing there, lofty as the day it was placed.


Every time the people of the village passed by the main castle gate, they would swallow the drool that threatened to leak from their mouths[1]. Ten gold bars. It was an amount that no common farmer would ever be able to touch, even if they worked like a mule, day and night, for the rest of their lives. Everytime the sword caught their eyes, their greed for the gold only multiplied.

Five days after the decree was posted, finally a challenger came forward.

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“Ayyy, I will just give it a try.”

This person who had come forward first, at the risk of his life, was Peter Bills, a young man who was known all through the village for his bold temper.

“You have to be alive before you can enjoy luxury! What will you do if you are really executed?”

Someone tried to stop him, as if they were really worried for him, but —

“My parents already passed away, and I have no siblings. Even if I die, there will be no one to mourn me.”

“We, we could get punished too, you know! What will we do if the lord holds all of us responsible!?”

Someone, caught up in fear, pointed as they queried him. Peter brushed that aside as he replied.

“We have to start the farming season soon, so could the lord kill all his serfs? If anyone will die, it will just be more. Don’t try to stop me.”


[1] ‘…drool that threatened…’: the raws do not exactly say ‘drool’.  It says 목울대를 삼키다, which means ‘to swallow one’s gular sac’, like the ones pelicans have. It is such an odd word lol.

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