Nadia swallowed her saliva and looked around at the big white horse. Then, a strange thing caught her eyes.

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Although she had never ridden a horse herself, she often saw riders on horseback.

However, the ring attached to the bottom of the saddle was the first thing I saw in her life.

“What’s that thing on the bottom?”

“What do you think it is?”

“Um… footrest?”

“Yes, that’s right. Use this until you get used to it.”

A rope made of twisted leather was made into a circle and tied, and then attached to the lower part of the saddle.

Nadia stepped on a leather knot that served as a footrest and could climb the horse relatively easily.


Nadia seated on the saddle and burst into exclamations.

It was higher than she thought, just as her fiance said.

However, it was not that difficult to balance because there was something securing her feet.

‘I think I can learn how to ride fast at this rate.’

Nadia tried to conceal her excitement by asking.

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“How did you come up with making a footrest like this? I’ve seen a lot of people riding horses, but I haven’t seen anyone using these things!”

“I didn’t come up with it, but it’s something I use in my hometown. It’s called the stirrup.”

“This is really comfortable. I was a little scared because people said that I have to keep my balance on the horse with only my leg strength.”

She twisted about on the saddle to find a comfortable position.

Nevertheless, there was no sense of instability. It was thanks to the tool under her feet.

Nadia asked with admiration.

“Is it a common item in your hometown?”

“Yes, only a few people ride horses without it.”

“I wonder why such useful items have not yet been imported to our country.”

“I’m curious about that, too. Perhaps the invention is delayed because of the troops’ tendency to rely too much on their destructive power.….”

“What? What did you say?”

“Oh, I was talking to myself. Now I’ll teach you how to ride the horse, so relax and leave your body to the movement of the horse.”

“P-please teach me slowly.”

However, despite the fact that she was very nervous, the speed of the ride was not that difficult.

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Nadia wasn’t such a fool as to think she had a knack for riding.

It would be possible because of this object, a footrest used in Lee Jiho’s hometown.

She soon realized its value. The rein in her hand gave her strength.

At that time, Lee Jiho opened his mouth and asked, as if he had misunderstood her firm expression.

“Are you all right? If you’re tired, should we take a break?”

“I’m a little dizzy, but I think I’ll get used to it soon. Can I ask you one more question?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. I heard it takes a long practice time to learn horseback riding. You must have trained for a long time since you were young.”

“Well, you could say so.”

That was why cavalry was valuable, and why horseback riding was called the exclusive property of noble men.

It was never easy to handle weapons while maintaining balance on a running horse.

“But I think it would be much easier to train cavalry if there was an object called this stirrup. In addition to that, you’ll be more free to move your upper body on the horse. The importance of cavalry on the battlefield will increase. That means…….”


“It means that the strength of the knight becomes stronger. And Sir Jiho is an official knight who has received your knighthood. Why haven’t you spread your hometown’s inventions so far?”

“……You’re smart as expected.”

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He seemed quite surprised by the empty talk.

Lee Jiho, who had hesitated for a while, soon opened his mouth again.

“Speaking of which, I’d like to ask you a favor. Please use this item only when you practice alone with me, and do not use it in front of others.”

“Why? Isn’t it beneficial for Sir Jiho if the status of a knight increases?”

“It doesn’t take a lot of skill to make this stuff. It may be hard to think of for the first time, but it’s an easy tool to make once you see it. It’s an egg of Columbus.”

Eggs of Columbus? What’s that?

(A term refers to a brilliant idea or discovery that seems simple or easy after the fact.)

Nadia tilted her head, but instead of explaining, he continued.

“Northern cavalry power is superior to ours. In the long run, this will be a loss to us.”

“Oh… I see.”

Nadia nodded, convinced in an instant.

It was obvious that one day there would be a big war between the two regions.

If she announced the existence of the stirrup to make horse riding easier, it would only increase the enemy’s power.

“I understand what you are saying. I’ll keep the secret, so don’t worry.”

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“You must do so. The war horse variety used by the Northern Cavalry is larger than that of the South, and there are many iron mines in the North.”

“Iron mine?”


Of course, Nadia also knew that there were many iron ore deposits in the North.

But why was he talking about that now? Her expression struck me with wonder.

“Why is that important?”


Lee Jiho suddenly shut up while trying to answer.

Then, he continued to talk with a playful smile.

“It won’t be fun if I tell you all the answers. Nadia, think about it alone for a few days. If you still can’t think of an answer, I’ll let you know.”

“That’s cheap. You made me curious and didn’t answer.”

“With Miss Nadia’s wisdom, you will find the answer in no time.”

She pouted her lips on purpose, but Lee Jiho just smiled.

In the end, Nadia had to think for herself and find the answer as her homework.

It was a memory of a summer day before her birthday.

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