“Wow, it’s His Grace!”

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“Doesn’t it seem like we haven’t seen each other in a long time? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?”

“It is not an illusion.”

Glenn had been really busy for a while. He even had to live with a report by his bedside.

He didn’t particularly hate paperwork, but he had a tough time because of Nadia for the last few days, and now he felt sick just by looking at letters.

He realized once again that it was great happiness for humans to be able to move their bodies as much as they wanted and relax under the sun.

When Glenn was enjoying happiness that he had never known before, he suddenly noticed that the knights looking at him became strange.

“….What’s with that unpleasant smile?”

“What unpleasant smile? You made us sad, my lord!”

“Is it because you are a newlywed? Your face looks nice… No, I am just thinking that your face looks thinner.”


Glenn didn’t understand what they were saying.

Perhaps because they thought Glenn was pretending not to understand what they meant on purpose, the mischievous smiles on the knights’ faces got wider.

“What are you talking about?”

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“Please don’t pretend like you don’t know, my lord. We’re just… We are just wondering if you’ve had a good time with your wife.”

“Did you have fun without having time to look into what the knights were doing?”

“That’s how newlyweds are.”


At this point, Glenn had a sense of what they were talking about. His eyebrows raised unpleasantly.

“You must have been too comfortable while I was busy. Seeing that you are gossiping uselessly.”



All knights went silent.

They began to glance at each other and read each other’s faces.

‘I don’t think he’s pretending.’

‘So nothing really happened? Does it make sense?’

‘But our lord is weak at this kind of topic…’

‘No, but still!’

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They took some time to exchange opinions through their eyes for a moment.

Finally, one person, who was almost pressured by silence, came forward and asked.

“Do you perhaps… Have you not accepted your wife’s heart yet?”

“No way!”

“Oh, then… What have you done so far?”

“I heard you were with your wife almost all the time.”


Something skipped in Glenn’s heart when he thought of what he had done in that long time.

‘What did I do? I was busy trying to feed you guys!’

Memories of the past 15 days passed quickly through Glenn’s head.

It was true that he spent a long time with Nadia, but he didn’t fool around with her. It was more like a labor force exploitation situation going on between them.

Why did Glenn work so hard?

It was because he had a lot of mouths to feed. Among them, it took a huge budget to feed the knights.

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Instead of recognizing his hard work, Glenn couldn’t help but to be upset at the knights who didn’t know his situation well and talked about him having a great time.

Glenn bursted into a loud roar.

“Do you think that the estate could maintain itself? Not to mention that now we have one more castle to look after. Even the number of migrants coming in are enormous!”

“W-wait a minute. Please calm down, my lord.”

“Also, do you know how hard I work–!”

“No, that’s not what we meant, but don’t you love Madam anyway, my lord?”

“What about that?”

Glenn’s tone in his reply was very strange.

Didn’t everyone know about how Nadia Winterfell loved Glenn Winterfell passionately?

“But the two of you have been in the same space for a long time… Are you saying that you really only worked? Did nothing really happen?”

“Nothing happened.”

Glenn answered flatly. In the first place, he had no time to do anything else because Nadia constantly gave him work.



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There was a moment of heavy silence after Glenn’s reply. Everyone was looking at him with eyes as big as a plate.

Under the gaze of the knights, Glenn thought.

‘At least they are not going to talk rubbish anymore.’

But the knights’ reaction was completely different from his expectations.

“What a coward!”

Soon after, the other knights started to talk one by one.

“You only take advantage of a devoted lady’s competence!”

“My lord, excuse me, but are you still a man? If you want to get something, you need to get it right!”

“How can you take advantage of Madam’s love!”

What were they talking about? Glenn was thrown into confusion.

Even if so, there was no such unfair situation.

It was not Nadia, but Glenn himself who had been taken advantage to the fullest for the past days.

However, there was no one here who knew this injustice he had been through.

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