Chapter 25: Looking So Handsome, Yet Doesn’t Want People To Look At

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Qi Qing had been extremely busy recently, and the time he had rested these several days was probably not more than three hours.

However Lord Marshal seemed tireless, even the slightest trace of fatigue on his face couldn’t be found.

It was almost time to go to the palace after they finished lunch.

After getting in the car, Ji Xingjue glanced at him and joked with a smile, “Lord Marshal has worked hard to support the family. Why don’t you change me to be the driver?”

Qi Qing: “…..”

Qi Qing slowly glanced at him. It was unsure what the look under his eyes meant as he threw the car key to him without saying a word.

Ji Xingjue leisurely entered the target address and skillfully operated the takeoff. Seeing that the automatic operation procedure was stable, he leaned back, propped his elbows on the side of the chair, and raised his cheeks to look at Qi Qing.

The man leaned back against the chair with his eyes closed. His breathing was shallow, the outline of his profile was cold, and his facial features were profound. He was one kind of aggressive and handsome man, full of the aura of “strangers must not approach, or be executed on the spot”.

Obviously, he was so cute when he was young…

Ji Xingjue felt slight regret as he looked from the top of his eyebrow to the eyelashes inch by inch, and after pondering for a moment, he then followed from the bridge of his nose to his lips.

Won’t he be shot on the spot if he used the data of the Marshal’s body and appearance to make a bionic man?

His eyes were without the slightest scruple, floating around without restraint. Qi Qing’s eyelashes trembled, and finally opened his eyes at the end of his patience. “Have you seen enough?”

The corner of Ji Xingjue’s eyes curled, turning into a wave of spring water. “Lord Marshal, don’t be so stingy.”

And laughed like a sly fox.

Qi Qing’s eyelids twitched and looked at him indifferently.

Ji Xingjue had no choice but to spread his hands. “Okay, okay, you continue to rest.”

He grew up looking so handsome, yet doesn’t want people to look at him. Tsk.

The holy priest who suddenly became violent in the Security Department was beyond the cognition of most people. There were rumors that the security in the Imperial Capital had been extremely tight, with guards guarding strictly everywhere, especially in the palace. Even the vehicles of the two princes were not allowed to enter.

The suspended vehicle received a landing instruction before it approached the landing spot.

Ji Xingjue parked the car steadily and walked out with Qi Qing.

Waiting outside was the captain of the Imperial guards who was deeply trusted by His Majesty. As the two who were walking side by side approached him, he bent down with a correct attitude and fully concentrated. “Good afternoon, Marshal, Madam. His Majesty instructed this subordinate to take both of you to the Fountain Garden.”

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Ji Xingjue felt relieved.

As expected of the captain of the Imperial guards, unlike those chattering gossip nobles, he walked with Qi Qing, just like a pair of dancing tango to the colliding interstellar missiles.

Without the entertainment at a banquet day and night, this luxurious and gorgeous palace appeared to be empty and desolate.

The huge palace was splendid and shining, with intricate patterns carved on each stone pillar. Hundreds of flowers in full bloom in the garden, surrounded by exquisite sculptures. Ji Xingjue squinted his eyes, feeling a bit of a subtle familiarity. However, that feeling was fleeting, and it was too late to savor before it disappeared without a trace.

Turning around a corner, the captain of the guard suddenly stopped his steps, and bowed his head respectfully. “Greetings, Your Highness Harlem.”

A man walked hurriedly ahead, nodded gently to the captain, and turned to look at Ji Xingjue with bright eyes. “Teacher, I heard that you and the Marshal were coming, so I’ve been waiting. Are you feeling better?”

Ji Xingjue replied with a polite smile, “Much better. Thank Your Highness for your concern.”

Harlem stepped forward in two steps, with a worried face, he wanted to hold Ji Xingjue’s hand. “I learned that you were injured in order to protect the Marshal, and I couldn’t even go to visit. I’ve been worried these days…”

Qi Qing, who originally stood by the side expressionlessly, looked at the prince coldly. When he was about to reach out his hand, his body suddenly came forward, blocking the man and sending him back.

He looked down at Harlem, raised his hand, without revealing the ring on the finger, and his tone was light. “Thank you Your Highness for caring about my wife. His Majesty is still waiting, it is inconvenient to talk more.”

Harlem: “…”

Ji Xingjue: “?”

Qi Qing was 1.9m tall, with a tall and steady back, covering him tightly. He was a little confused, so he could only stick out half of his head from behind Qi Qing, and said, “Thank you, Your Highness, then we will go ahead.”

Harlem glanced at Qi Qing strangely, and quickly regained his smile. “I’m going to find my father too, I can just go with the two of you.”

Ji Xingjue sensed that the temperature around Lord Marshal seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

Qi Qing doesn’t like Harlem?

These two have nothing to do with each other, right?

Taking advantage of the time when Harlem and the captain of the guard were talking, Ji Xingjue couldn’t hold back his curiosity, and leaned on tiptoe and make accusation in his ear, “Does the Marshal have anything to do with His Highness Harlem?”

His ears were caught off guard by the warm breath, came along a soft voice, gentle and affectionate, entangled in his lips and teeth. Like a hook, it burrowed into his head and ran out with his reason involuntarily.

The appearance of a rabbit, the temper of a cat, and the habits of a fox.

It’s simply overwhelming.

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Qi Qing froze for a moment, and coldly spit out four words, “Deer head and mouse brain.”

[T/N: Describes a person with an ugly appearance and a sly expression.]


Thinking of Qi Qing’s evaluation of Yser’s appearance, Ji Xingjue suddenly became deeply worried about the aesthetic ability of the Marshal.

On the way to Fountain Garden, the atmosphere was a bit eerie.

With the cold Marshal on the left, and His Highness Harlem smiling warmly on the right, Ji Xingjue, who was pressed from both sides, was unable to laugh.

Lately, the Imperial Capital had been in a state of violence disturbance because of the holy priest. His Majesty was not able to immerse himself in the merry of wine, singing and dancing. He was obviously not in the mood to enjoy. He was sitting in the Fountain Garden admiring the flowers and when several people came, his eyes fell on Ji Xingjue. With probing in his eyes, he went straight to the point and asked, “Professor Ji, do you know why the Holy Order is targeting you?”

Ji Xingjue shook his head sincerely.

The emperor’s fingers lightly tapped the stone table, silently dispatching his aura. He stared at him for a moment, and suddenly laughed. “Because you are a rare person in the empire ah! The Holy Order wants to cause disturbance to the empire. Hmm, dream on.”

The atmosphere suddenly loosened, and he gently patted Ji Xingjue on the shoulder. “This matter, the Marshal’s wife has been wronged, and the Security Department is really getting more and more out of line. Deen is on his way here, and I’ll let him make an official apology to you.”

Ji Xingjues eyelashes were lowered as he bent forward. “Your Majesty’s words are serious, and His Highness Deen was just following the procedure.”

“Hmph, that scumbag.” His Majesty the Emperor glanced at Qi Qing and shook his head, “Nevertheless, Sir Qi, these sons of mine are reckless. The third son is weak and incompetent, only the eldest son is not a scumbag.”

Harlem stood beside him with his eyes lowered, and his expression as gentle and humble as ever, as if he hadn’t heard his father’s comments.

For other noble officials, when they heard this, they would compliment them with a few words.

But Qi Qing’s face was calm, neither agreeing nor denying it.

The emperor took another look at Ji Xingjue, and suddenly thought about something. “Speaking of which, Alder used to praise you with me.”

Alder was the eldest prince who was abused and killed.

Two years ago, while patrolling the front line, Alder was ambushed by star pirates, and none of the entire fleet survived, not even a corpse was found.

Ji Xingjue skipped two grades in college and was in the same class as Prince Alder. He had a good relationship with this straightforward prince.

He timely showed a regretful expression. “It is my honor.”

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His Majesty stroked his beard, looked at the flowery garden, and sighed, “If only my Alder was still here.”

Harlem gently comforted him, “Father, eldest brother would not want to see you feel so sad for him.”

“Otherwise?” His Majesty said coldly, not showing any appreciation, “Am I going to be sad for you two scumbags?”

A look of hurt appeared on Harlem’s face, but he quickly hid it and lowered his head in silence.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, but fortunately, Deen, who had a strong brotherly affection, quickly rushed over to be scolded as well.

It was Qi Qing who skilfully found out about the holy priest by tricking Cathy. The Security Department was basically not on his side, and even offended Qi Qing, who was very prestigious in the army. His Majesty had been very unpleasant to see this son recently, and the gunfire was shifted. “Do you know why I asked you to come here for?”

Deen’s always arrogant face darkened, and he turned to Ji Xingjue reluctantly. “Professor Ji, I apologize for my recklessness.”

Therefor, Ji Xingjue, who was on Qi Qing’s side, leaned forward and smiled, “His Royal Highness is too polite, but as stupid as I am, the efficiency of the Security Department needs to be improved.”

The blue veins on Deen’s forehead twitched. Taking into account Qi Qing on his side, he reluctantly suppressed the soaring blood pressure, and said coldly, “Thank you for your suggestion.”

“Your Majesty,” the captain of the guard suddenly and quickly walked into the garden, “The Alliance Foreign Officer seeks your attendance and has already come over.”

His Majesty the Emperor frowned, displeased. “This group of peasants from the Alliance really doesn’t understand etiquette.”

Ji Xingjue raised his eyebrows, took a look at Qi Qing, and expressed his doubts.

Qi Qing lowered his head slightly, leaned close to his ear, and said in a low voice, “Just arrived last night.”

Ji Xingjue was so stimulated to the point that his ears went numb for a while. He ducked to the side, rubbed his red ears, and suddenly realized.

No wonder Qi Qing couldn’t go home last night.

Previously, Qi Qing was in a great conflagration war with the Alliance, and the Alliance was gradually defeated. So, His Majesty the Emperor was using him to intimidate the Alliance Officer.

Soon, this “peasant foreign officer” of the Alliance stepped into the Fountain Garden under the guidance of the attendant.

The guest who came from afar was rather thin and was wearing a Western-style clothes. Before Ji Xingjue could see his face clearly, the other party lowered his head, covered his lips with a handkerchief, and coughed a few times. His face was pale when he raised his head.

The other party politely bent over, and after being aware of Ji Xingjue’s gaze, he looked over gently, revealing a faint smile. “I’m so sorry, Your Majesty, I didn’t expect you to have guests.”

He swept his eyes at Qi Qing, who rooted beside Ji Xingjue, and his smile deepened. “This should be the rumored Professor Ji, the wife of Marshal Qi, right?”

Ji Xingjue felt a little strange.

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For most people, the first reaction to him was “You are the Marshal’s wife”, and then they would immediately think of his original identity. After all, Qi Qing’s matter was in an uproar, and he was invisibly enveloped in this aura.

This foreign officer did the opposite.

He nodded his head with interest. “Hello, this humble me is Ji Xingjue.”

The foreign officer took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand towards Ji Xingjue. “Hello, Professor Ji, I’m An Tang.”

Ji Xingjue calmly shook his hand, “Pleased to meet you.”

An Tang looked at him with a thought-provoking smile, but quickly retracted his gaze and turned to the emperor. “Your Majesty, how are you considering about our proposal?”

Before His Majesty the Emperor spoke, Deen spoke with a cold voice, “I think if the Alliance is not sincere, there is no need to seek cooperation from the Empire.”

An Tang was not angry at all, and said neither too fast nor too slow, “At present, it seems that the ‘Holy Order’ has more actions against the empire. I think that if the Alliance is used when establishing cooperation…”

He was talking frankly with assurance, but then the captain of the guard, who had just left, hurried in again. He glanced at An Tang before leaning into His Majesty’s ear, and whispered something. The emperor’s wrinkle brows had not yet relaxed as he waved his hand. “Is it worth bothering me for such a trivial matter?”

The head guard looked troubled. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but the matter is urgent…”

An Tang observed this scene with a smile, raised his eyebrows slightly, and bent over. “It seems that Your Majesty still has something important to do, so this humble me won’t disturb anymore. I hope Your Majesty will think more about it. The Alliance is full of sincerity, and it will defend against a common enemy with the Empire.”

His Majesty the Emperor also showed a false smile.

As soon as An Tang left, His Majesty’s smile disappeared.

Harlem asked worriedly, “Father, what’s wrong?”

“Emergency battle report from the front line.” The head guard replied on his behalf, his voice was hurried and tense, “A group of star pirates wandering around the Seventh galaxy suddenly gathered together and captured the M7663 planetary base, and the base commander has been captured!”

After a pause, he lowered his voice, “Among the pictures transmitted from the front line, there seems to be a figure of the Holy Order.”

The atmosphere at the scene was deadly silent.

Ji Xingjue looked at Qi Qing in surprise.

Everything went too well, like as soon as he dozed off, there was a soft pillow offered. The Holy Order was really considerate—just lacking reason to escape from prison!

[Note: previously, JXJ wanted to use himself as bait to lure that organization, but now they appeared by themselves.]

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