
After the night fell and they had seen off a bunch of guests, the small courtyard finally regained its tranquility.

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Pei Xia took care of Lucifer and prepared to upgrade himself with the Fruit of Life. However, Lucifer suddenly stopped him, and with one sentence, he dismissed the thought: “I think I’ve sensed the presence of a demon.”

Pei Xia: !

During the upgrade, he would be in a meditative state. If a demon attacked at that time, he wouldn’t be able to respond in time.

Pei Xia had to put off the upgrade for now and earnestly asked: “Where is the demon’s presence?”

“It’s over by the government.” Lucifer seemed somewhat worried. This demon was quite special, not your average demon. He’s the kind that’s not easy to deal with, do you understand?

Pei Xia shook his head, then nodded hastily: “Although I don’t know what kind of demon it is, I will do my best to protect you!”

“Thank you, Pei Xia,” Lucifer smiled.

Because there was a demon around, Pei Xia wanted to stick close. But Lucifer said he was too nervous and told him not to worry so much.

After some thought, Pei Xia felt he might have overreacted, so he made an effort to relax, but he still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.

So, even though the courtyard was spacious and the rooms were plentiful, Pei Xia insisted on resting in the same room with Lucifer.

“I’ll go tell Buck and the others to be careful.”



Pei Xia hurriedly left the room, and as soon as he finished talking to Buck and the others, they received a message from a princess’s maidservant.

Pei Xia rushed downstairs to greet her, saying, “Hello, are you here to see His Eminence the Holy Son?”

The maidservant shook her head and said, “I’m not here to see His Eminence the Holy Son. I’m just delivering a gift on behalf of Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

It turned out that a few days ago, Princess Eva had left once the situation here stabilized. However, when she left, she thought of the day Lucifer and Pei Xia would return, so she had prepared a thank-you gift in advance.

“In the name of Princess Eva of the Sumiagada, I want to express her gratitude to the Holy Son and the Knights for their assistance.”

“His Highness is too kind.”

The maidservant smiled as she presented the gift and continued, “Her Royal Highness the Princess had originally wanted to wait for both of you to return, but the Queen was very worried and anxious about her, so she had to return home first. Please accept this small gift.”


“I will convey the thanks to Her Royal Highness on behalf of the Holy Son. Please assure her of our gratitude.”

“Rest assured, I will.”

After placing the gift, Pei Xia was not feeling particularly joyful, as he had finally figured out what was bothering him.

Before the maidservant left, Pei Xia asked, “Is Prince Harry still in the city of Atna?”

“Of course, Prince Harry has been staying here.”

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Pei Xia furrowed his brows.

Considering Prince Harry’s usual attitude toward Lucifer, how could he not have come to visit all day? It’s not about making a royal prince lower himself, but his behavior was too different from usual. Pei Xia couldn’t help but be concerned.

“Is Prince Harry ill?”

“No, he’s not. It’s just that His Highness has been rather busy recently,” the maidservant said with a hint of hesitation.

“Do you know what he’s been busy with?”


The maidservant hesitated, then said, “Well, I can’t say for sure, but His Highness seems to have found a new friend.”

Pei Xia sighed heavily, saw off the maidservant, and turned around. Tom, a tall man with curly golden hair, was eating an apple and curiously asked:

“Captain, why are you so concerned about Prince Harry?”

“I’m not concerned about him; I just find his behavior a bit unusual.”

“Unusual how?”

Pei Xia hinted, “You see, in the past, wasn’t Prince Harry very attentive to the Holy Son? He used to come and see him whenever he had free time.”

Tom pondered for a moment with his apple and nodded, “Yeah, it seems so!”

“That’s why I find it unusual!”

What’s even more important but can’t be told to Tom is that, due to Lucifer’s role change, Pei Xia now sees him and Prince Harry in a very close relationship.

It’s certain that Prince Harry is infatuated with Lucifer. Although it’s uncertain whether Lucifer likes him back, his attitude towards Prince Harry is very different from his attitude towards Hobson and others.

Could this suggest that Lucifer has some affection for Prince Harry?

If Lucifer doesn’t like Prince Harry, that would be great. Pei Xia would feel disappointed and pained, but he would support him and be biased in helping Lucifer.

And now, in Pei Xia’s eyes, these two seem very ambiguous. Why did Prince Harry suddenly become close to someone else?

Pei Xia sighed heavily, walked upstairs with a heavy heart, and thought about observing Prince Harry’s unusual behavior. If he’s not worthy, but Lucifer still likes him, Pei Xia will have to act as a villain.

Damn it, that scum can’t get close to my Holy Son!


Returning to the room, Pei Xia reported the gift from Princess Eva and cautiously asked, “My Lord, did Prince Harry send someone over today?”

Maybe he sent someone ahead to check, or it’s better to find out for sure.

Lucifer shook his head and smiled, “You’ve reminded me; I should pay a visit to Prince Harry tomorrow.”

Pei Xia felt somewhat frustrated, a few traces of gloom on his face. He’s not good at concealing his emotions, and Lucifer immediately noticed.

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He sat on the soft large bed, put down a book he was reading, and looked at Pei Xia with interest, saying, “What’s wrong? Not feeling happy?”

Pei Xia sat on his own mat, cleared his throat, and quickly said, “No, not at all.”

“Pei Xia, do you have to lie to me too?” Lucifer seemed a bit helpless, yet he remained very gentle. However, this gentle demeanor only made Pei Xia feel more uncomfortable.

Such a good Holy Son, such a perfect person, please don’t fall for a scoundrel.

Pei Xia thought that maybe it was time to have a serious conversation with Lucifer. He sat up properly, even knelt on his mat, placed his hands on his knees, and looked earnestly and seriously at Lucifer:

“My Lord, when you mentioned being interested in feelings of love, were you being serious?”

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, put down his book, and adopted a more relaxed posture. With his left hand supporting his chin, he playfully drawled, “Oh, of course, I was being serious. Why, Pei Xia, do you have an opinion on this?”

Pei Xia instinctively nodded, then quickly shook his head, “No, no, I don’t have an opinion about you. I’m just curious if you already have someone you’re interested in?”

Lucifer couldn’t help but smile. He extended a finger to tap his own lips, his eyes like a little hook, reaching straight for Pei Xia, “Guess.”

Pei Xia stared at him in shock, “Could it be that you already have someone?”

Lucifer slightly lowered his gaze. He had originally planned to refute this, as teasing Pei Xia was amusing, and he wanted to savor the thrill of a complete victory. But the fact that Pei Xia could have these moments was too rare!

It was so rare that Lucifer didn’t even want to directly deny it.

Perhaps he should provide more obvious bait to capture this timid knight.

Lucifer smiled and nodded, using a more enticing gaze to tempt him, encouraging him to continue asking questions. He wanted to keep this pure knight’s heart racing.

Didn’t he ask if he was secretly in love with him before?

It was time to win back a round!

Lucifer wanted Pei Xia to be uncertain whether he really liked him or not!


Pei Xia took a sharp breath, surprised that Lucifer reacted so negatively to this question, and even rolled his eyes at him!

He quickly said, “If you don’t want to answer, I won’t ask.”

Lucifer: ‘Wait, why are you not asking anymore?’

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer with a sad expression and quietly moved his mat to the farthest corner of the bed, all under Lucifer’s watchful eyes.

Lucifer extended a finger and lightly rubbed his tired eyelids, then bit his lip. He said, “Pei Xia, what are you doing?”

Pei Xia responded with concern, “Avoiding suspicion.”

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Lucifer furrowed his brow dangerously, ‘Could it be that he guessed that I like him, so he’s trying to avoid suspicion?’

Pei Xia sighed and closed his eyes, slipping into his blanket, ‘Ah, since I can’t give Lucifer happiness, I can’t be his obstacle!’

As for Prince Harry’s true character? Let’s verify it tomorrow! If it doesn’t work out, even if Lucifer likes him, Pei Xia… well!

Today, the very harmonious Holy Son and his Holy Knight exchanged goodnight greetings as they turned off the lights.

As the room darkened and the two pairs of eyes looked at the ceiling, they were both filled with worry.

How should they proceed?

Early the next morning, Lucifer, Pei Xia, and the Holy Knights dressed neatly to go to the government building to officially report on the situation in the Sapphire Forest.

Yesterday, they briefly mentioned that the source of the monsters’ agitation had been resolved, but they didn’t have time to provide specific details. So today, they needed to give a comprehensive report.

Upon arrival, the Chief Magistrate warmly welcomed Lucifer personally.

Lucifer looked around and asked, “Is Prince Harry not here?”

The Chief Magistrate scratched his bald head somewhat awkwardly, “Ah, Prince Harry has some private matters to attend to, so you can tell me.”


After a detailed report, Lucifer stood up and asked, “May I know where Prince Harry is now? I promised him once that I would travel the continent with him. Regardless of whether he wants to continue, I think I should pay him a visit.”

“Of course, of course. The Prince is just behind. Please follow me.”

They proceeded to the back of the government building, where a large and spacious palace awaited them. After the Chief Magistrate informed them, a guard came forward and saluted, “Holy Son, please follow me.”

Pei Xia followed behind but was stopped at the palace’s entrance: “Sir Knight, Prince Harry only wishes to see the Holy Son.”

Pei Xia furrowed his brow and said, “Then I’ll wait here at the door. If anything is amiss inside, I’ll rush in.”

The guard allowed him to do so.

Fortunately, Pei Xia faintly heard the normal sounds from inside, where Prince Harry greeted Lucifer with a smile, expressing concern for his well-being and asking about his experiences.

Everything seemed perfectly normal, and Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at that moment, a red-haired man bedecked in gold and silver, exuding a nouveau-riche aura, walked over. He had an unusual swagger in his gait as if he had a cramp in his buttocks.

The guard was instantly captivated when he saw this man, and he appeared completely infatuated.

Pei Xia furrowed his brow slightly and, seeing the man reaching for the door handle to enter, couldn’t help but speak up, “Sir, you haven’t announced yourself yet!”

The red-haired man hesitated for a moment, finally taking a closer look at the young black-haired Holy Knight.

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Seeing Pei Xia’s clear gaze, he seemed quite intrigued. He reached out to touch his own chin and then extended a hand with red-painted nails to touch Pei Xia’s chin.

Pei Xia: ??? Where did this flirt come from?!

Pei Xia quickly stepped back and asked, “Who are you? What do you want?”

“I’m Xetis.” Xetis flirtatiously adjusted his voice, saying, “And you, handsome, what’s your name?”

“My name is not important. Listen, if you come any closer, I won’t be polite!”

Xetis boldly leaned into Pei Xia’s chest, provocatively rubbing against him, “What’s wrong? Am I not beautiful enough for you?”

Pei Xia: “Yes.”

Xetis: ???

Pei Xia: “Ahem, I mean, please don’t harass me!”

Although Xetis had a handsome appearance, the kind of person who was forward and flirtatious was what Pei Xia disliked the most. He was somewhat introverted and reserved. In his previous life, before realizing the chaos of the gay dating scene, he had yearned for love.

Back then, he had met a burly and muscular fitness coach who claimed to be a top and actively pursued Pei Xia. Pei Xia wasn’t sure if he truly liked the man, but the coach suggested they try things out, and Pei Xia impulsively agreed.

That evening, the fitness coach invited Pei Xia to his place, and upon arriving, the door opened to reveal a burly man wearing red lace lingerie.

Taller, bulkier, and much more rugged than himself, the fitness coach flirtatiously tossed his hair and said, “I used to be a top, but for you, I’m willing to be a bottom. Aren’t you touched?”

Pei Xia: “…”

Since then, he has developed a psychological aversion to overly flirtatious individuals. He didn’t discriminate against them, he was just infuriated by the deception!

However, now, the red-haired man before him, who was exceptionally strong, clung to him and couldn’t be pushed away.

“Come on, what’s wrong with me, man?”

Pei Xia gritted his teeth and replied, “Everything!”

With Lucifer’s charm and grace right in front of him, there was no way Pei Xia would be swayed by Xetis. Moreover, Xetis wasn’t his type!

Impossible! Xetis couldn’t believe it, “You’re not affected by my charm at all, this can’t be true!”

Pei Xia found him utterly unreasonable, “If you’re looking for a man, find someone else. You’ve got the wrong person!”

“I don’t believe it, I refuse to!”

The two of them struggled and pushed each other until suddenly, a bright beam of light shot past, sending Xetis sprawling onto the ground.

Xetis let out a terrified scream, clutching his injured shoulder. His eyes widened in shock as he shouted, “This can’t be real! How can there be a human so incredibly beautiful?!”

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