Yan Luqing doesn’t care that much. She is already so happy when she hears that it can be upgraded.

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Then, if she took the two sisters to fly[1], wouldn’t they admire her more, and she could have more upgrades?

Yan Luqing’s WeChat account in this mobile phone has never played The Honors of Kings. She asked the Xia sisters about their ranking. She immediately bought a Radiant Star Rank with a rather uniform skin[2], and then bought a rename card. She went to some Tao site again[3] to spend money to change the 7-character ID to the same one as the one she used to have, and finally added the two Xia sisters as her friends.

The three of them pulled each other into a team.

Yan Luqing’s ID is [How come that you’re dead again]

Xia Yutian’s ID is [Don’t get me wrong, Sister]

Xia Xuetian’s ID is [Don’t be angry, Brother]

What a fellow. A Yin-yang master[4] taking care of two little Biluochun[5]. This is really capable.

Yan Luqing can play at any position, and basically all she has left is the jungle[6] position.

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Xia Yutian and Xia Xuetian are good in the shooter and assisting positions. Yan Luqing feels that the two sisters really seem to have some telepathy. The road they took went very smoothly to the end. And they both listen to the command obediently. Let them come and group, they both came obediently. Point somewhere for them, they both strike there obediently.

In general, these two are really worry-free. They won’t make her have the impulse to swear at them. It’s really easy to take them to fly.

After flying a few times like this, Yan Luqing’s pink bubble also leveled up by the rainbow fart of the two sisters’ genuine feelings. The three of them were extremely happy.

The leveling up of Xia Yutian’s King is now completed. When the three were about to start, a soft female voice suddenly came up next to her.

“Qingqing, the two of my friends don’t want to play anymore. The boys are not in the same rank as me. Can you add me?”

In this game of The Honors of Kings, it’s quite awkward to have four people in a group. But she has been suppressing her voice coquettishly by her side, so Yan Luqing can’t stand it anymore.

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“Do you want to rank up or match[7]?” Yan Luqing asked, “Four people can’t rank up together. If you want to rank up, we will find another person.”

Yin Ning’an: “I want to rank up.”

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Then they picked up a passer-by at random from the hall and then they lost not long after only six minutes passed. They even lost quite badly.

The vegetable[8] passer-by insisted on playing the shooter position. The road that has already been developed soon blew up. And Yin Ning’an who played the mid-laner was more vegetable than the passers-by. She was a mid-laner who only knew to put guards under the tower from the beginning to the end but still died 6 times.

——Why should I care about the team’s guards dying? I will just clean up the line by myself. So vegetable that it made others boil with anger.

Yan Luqing couldn’t turn the tide alone. She held her anger while staring at the 12-2 battle record.

[How come that you’re dead again]: Shooter, look at my ID.

[How come that you’re dead again]: Don’t take the C[9] if you are a vegetable. Do you even need this daddy to teach you how to lie down?

Then the crystal exploded[10].

After they exited the game, the original happy trio was silent, and the pink bubbles didn’t level up either.

Yin Ning’an looked at the interface where she ranked fifth. She said to the three of them very guiltily: “Sorry, sorry. I am too vegetable. I feel like I haven’t fought that much yet but we’ve already lost.”

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Not only you didn’t fight that much, you hadn’t fought even one person.

Yan Luqing was about to explode from her vegetable anger but the two sentences from last night kept coming to her mind.

——But Yin Ning’an apologized too quickly. In addition, Yan Luqing herself was not that kind of person who can berate girls so easily, especially when they fight face to face.

Help——Who can come to confront her?

Yan Luqing decided not to do the prediction any more. Yin Ning’an is a real vegetable. If the level of sign comes from a middle-lower level, it is totally unmovable.

She looked at the people around her and found that Gu Ci’s group had entered the intermission at an unknown time. He was leaning against the sofa and looking at his mobile phone at the moment.

Listening to those two plasters, Gu Ci should have played extremely well.

[1] Fly: I think the meaning of flying in a game is leveling up.

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[2] Okay, I used to be a PC game player in my college time too, but now I’m already out of date with all the mobile games. So, pardon the translation.

[3] Some Tao: maybe the author means taobao, an online shopping platform.

[4] Yin-yang master: a master of two opposing principles in nature.

[5] Biluochun: A kind of green tea.

[6] Jungle: Jungling (also referred to as bushing or neutral creeping) is when a player concentrates on killing Neutral Creeps during the game, usually for additional Gold or Experience. Source: Wiki. TN: Pardon, all the gaming terms are out of this translator’s reach so I cannot translate it accurately, but will still try my best to google it haha.

[7] Match: I don’t quite understand this one. Enlighten me, please. What is it beside leveling up? Evolve?

[8] Vegetable: Rookie.

[9] C: I lost it here, really. Enlighten me, please.

[10] The crystal exploded: lost the game.

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