Makabaka: “No, it’s just a better one.”

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Yan Luqing breathed a sigh of relief. It’s not that kind of top one like Gu Ci’s, so the difficulty should be lower.

Then she asked again: “What major did the original owner enroll in?”

Makabaka: “Let me see… She’s applying for… Software Engineering in The College of Computer Science.”

“???” Yan Luqing’s breath that she exhaled in relief just now was brought back several times the original volume. She asked in shock, “What did you say? What she enrolled in was this??!!”

It was also at this time Yan Luqing suddenly remembered that since she had been a classmate for three years with Gu Ci in high school, the original owner must be a science class student.

“Maria, don’t be too sad…” Makabaka tried to comfort her. “Actually, the book transmigrator will be rewarded if they complete the challenges brought by the original character. Although the rewards are random, they are usually very good.”

Yan Luqing let out a sneer: “Heh.”

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Still giving out rewards, huh.

She is a genuine liberal arts student who has applied for a literature major. Now she is told that she should take the mid-term examination of the computer science department within half a month and with more than half of the score…This is simply a fantasy.

… F*ck.

Yan Luqing doesn’t know how many times she would collapse in this entire day.

Compared with the current bad news, the little thing with Gu Ci before can even be called a sweet annoyance.

At this time, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly vibrated.

It’s a WeChat message from Mother Yan——

[Qingqing, I heard from your Grandfather that you agreed. Do you need a make-up teacher?]

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At the same time, however, Mother Yan was popping gray bubbles on her profile picture.

Yan Luqing poked at it expressionlessly.

“But where to find one? She scared away so many tutors in high school.”

Yan Luqing: “……”

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Mother Yan continued to pop out gray bubbles.

“Gu ci, this child, study very well. It would be great if he is willing to help her…”

Gu Ci.

Yan Luqing stared at these two words, and her mood finally became clear, as if the sound of rain had gradually stopped——Although the sky was not sunny yet, at least she finally came back to life.

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After the car drove home, she took a detour to the side garden and plucked some flowers.

It’s still the kind of small white flower that she had just given to Gu Ci. She doesn’t know what its name is. The shape of this flower is between cherry blossom and pear blossom. The petals are larger than cherry blossoms, the whole body is pure white and it really looks very beautiful.

Of course, the point is not how beautiful the flowers are, the point is that it is what Gu Ci likes.

When Yan Luqing returned home after plucking the flowers, she saw Gu Ci sitting on the sofa from the hallway.

He was leaning on the pillow, in the way that adults called ‘improper sitting’. But on him, there was a particularly harmonious sense of laziness.

When Yan Luqing looked at him, Gu Ci seemed to sense her sight and looked back at her from a distance.

At that moment, he had an illusion, as if there had been such a scene a long time ago. He didn’t know whether she got herself into trouble or had problems she couldn’t solve at that time but she came to him with a stomach full of grievances.

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Gu Ci watched her change her shoes, slowly dawdled until she got in front of him, stretched out her hands that she put on her back and revealed the flowers in her hand.

“Gu Ci.” Yan Luqing handed a handful of white flowers forward and looked at him pitifully, “For you.”


Gu Ci discovered that her eyes looked watery, like a beautiful puppy who was wronged.

After three seconds of silence, he finally stretched out his hand and took the flowers.

“What happened?”

Hearing these words that were almost like a sigh, the tension in Yan Luqing’s heart was like being dropped down by half.

She thought, if she could make an emoticon at this time, it must be——

‘I came back with a mess again to find Princess Ci.jpg’

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