She hasn’t had his online class for several days already and even before, it was always her who contacted the old man first. So there must be something for him to take the initiative to find her first.

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[This Poor Monk Is Not A Liar]: Today, your Eldest Senior Brother came back.

Yan Luqing was stunned when she saw this.

Then it occurred to her that she was worshiping the old man as a teacher, so those who worshipped him as a teacher before her are her Senior Brother/Sister.

Great, this has even become like those in a martial arts novel now.

Yan Luqing immediately typed and replied with a ‘got it’, then sat down and waited for the next message.

[This Poor Monk Is Not A Liar]: Your Eldest Senior Brother and I are in the city today. You have a chance to learn face-to-face. He can also be your first target for actual practice. Are you free, little girl?

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Yan Luqing has always had a faint worry. The theoretical knowledge of hypnosis can be learned online, but what if something goes wrong when she is practicing it?

Unexpectedly, the old man gave her such a good opportunity!

[This Poor Monk Is Not A Liar]: Don’t worry. Grandpa is not a liar. The place where we will meet is also in a teahouse in the city. It’s up to you whether you want to go or not.

Then she definitely must allocate the time for it.

[Fleeing Goddess]: I will go. Just tell me the address then. I will go there soon.

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Her drowsiness all disappeared. Yan Luqing gets out of bed, changes her  clothes, picks up her bag and pushes the door before proceeding downstairs.

Gu Ci is watching TV in the living room again.

And he was eating fruit while watching TV. The very deep red cherries contrasted sharply with his white fingers. As Yan Luqing was looking at it, she didn’t know which of her tendons went wrong because she found that the scene was very tempting.

However, she has become accustomed to this kind of situation and the psychological activities in her mind. After all, Yan Luqing is facing the highest level of appearance in the original work that she agreed on, and he is also the paper person she loves, so she has no psychological burden at all.

She walked towards Gu Ci who didn’t lift his head at all, as if he hadn’t heard any footsteps.

So Yan Luqing stretched out another index finger and poked him on the shoulder, “Hey.”

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“Teacher Gu, I want to go out this afternoon.”

Gu Ci then raised his eyes to look at her.

“You are the owner of this villa.” He leaned back lazily and looked at her with interest. “Why are you asking my permission?”

Yan Luqing:… Indeed. Why the hell is she doing this?

This can’t continue on. She has to stand up.

“Then, I am going to change it now.” Yan Luqing cleared her throat again and sternly said to Gu Ci like a homeowner should be, “I am letting you know that I’m going out now. I don’t know when I will be back either.”

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Gu Ci smiled at her after listening to it and said in a warm voice: “Okay, go then.”


Although she had changed her statement, why did it still sound like she was asking for permission from him?

Yan Luqing went out of the house full of complaints with Princess Ci, but this complaint was replaced by excitement after she went into the car.

To be on the safe side, Yan Luqing brought Big Black today, because she felt that it was a wiser choice not to bring Little Black on an occasion where she doesn’t need something to be done.

The address given by the old man is the same as what he had said before. It’s in a teahouse in the city. He specifically mentioned a teahouse, probably for fear that she thought she was going to some deep mountains or old forests——And this made Yan Luqing have a little more trust towards the old man and the so-called Senior Brother.

Finally, she arrived at the place and met them. The old man still looked like the last time she had seen him. He didn’t even change his clothes. The Senior Brother that the old man talked about is a stable young man who looks less than 30 years old. He is tall, thin and looks kind. Yan Luqing first exchanged WeChat with her Senior Brother. Then, under the arrangement of the old man, the three of them entered the private room in the teahouse, almost isolated from all the noise outside and she officially began her first practical hypnosis.

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