You Jing is a woman with her own green tea attribute. Her tea attribute is not only used for men, but also for women. In the original book, she was interested in the male lead when he first entered the college. At that time, the male lead was single because he had separated from the female lead, but finally gave up because of the reunion between the male lead and the female lead.

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The male lead doesn’t eat her set of tea, but Yu Qin does. So in this pair of CP, it can be said that it is the story of the man’s secret love coming true.

You Jing’s fluttering tea leaf is understandable.

But why is it floating knife at Yu Qin’s body…

While Yan Luqing is still thinking hard, You Jing had already taken the initiative to add her WeChat account. The corner of her eyes kept sweeping over Gu Ci’s face. It is obvious that she also wants Gu Ci’s WeChat but Yan Luqing doesn’t pay attention to the hint in her eyes.

Because she is in a curious state now, resisting the reflection of those knives, and repeatedly observing Yu Qin’s face several times.

You Jing understands it wrong, thinking that she wants Yu Qin’s WeChat. She grabs her mobile phone and adds Yu Qin’s WeChat into it and then she continues to give Yan Luqing hints with her eyes, indicating that she also wants to add Gu Ci’s WeChat.

And at this moment, Yan Luqing finally figured out the answer——

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It is because of Yu Qin’s appearance description!

‘The shape of the face is as tough as if it had been chiseled by a knife and axe’, ‘the face as if cut by a knife’, ‘that seems to have been carved with a knife’…

That’s why the knives are the ones floating around!!!

Yan Luqing has repeatedly looked at the reflective knife and her eyes had been greatly impacted. After she took back her sight, she couldn’t help reaching out her hand to grab Gu Ci who is next to her, and happened to touch his hand.

Gu Ci is taken aback by the inexplicable heat and softness.

But she didn’t give him the time to respond at all and only squeezed her hand very tightly while whispering to his ear, saying: “Gu Ci, I am going blind.”

“…?” What is going blind?

But before he could ask anything, Yan Luqing was already called by the woman next to her and had to turn her head away.

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“I say, sister.”

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Yan Luqing looked at You Jing and after looking for a while, her attention then shifted to the tea leaves on her face and she wondered whether it was Biluochun when the other party suddenly smiled at her mysteriously and pointed her finger to the direction of Gu Ci, “Did you come here with that great beauty?”

Yan Luqing quite agreed with this address of great beauty. In fact, Gu Ci’s appearance can be said as both a great beauty or a handsome guy, but she prefers the former.

She nodded to You Jing: “Yes.”

You Jing: “Are you two lovers?”

Hearing this question, Yan Luqing was stunned for a short while, “… Ah?” Then she returned to her senses in an instant, and immediately denied: “No, we are not!”

What kind of joke is this?

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This is the first time someone has misunderstood the two of them so much.

Yan Luqing’s heart is beating so fast. So fast that it is a little bit abnormal and she doesn’t know why, nor does she have the time to think about why it is so.

After that, she notices You Jing’s obviously excited expression after hearing the answer: “Then, can you help me ask him if I can add his WeChat account?” You Jing secretly leaned into her ear and said, “I think he looks really cold.”


This green tea woman literally means… that she is interested in Gu Ci, so she wants to prepare tea for Gu Ci now?

Yan Luqing’s thoughts had just arrived at this point and before she even thought whether to persuade Gu Ci to add the other party’s WeChat, a familiar cold voice came from her side, “What’s the time in your mobile phone now?”

“… Huh?”

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Gu Ci pressed the button on his mobile phone and turned the screen on, then facing it towards her: “My time seems to be wrong. Let me adjust it with yours.”

Yan Luqing didn’t have any thought and only made an “Oh” sound before she obediently turned on her mobile phone’s screen to check the time, and then reported it to Gu Ci.

She never realised that Gu Ci is facing in the direction of her and also You Jing.

From that angle, You Jing happened to be able to see clearly——The lock screen image on Yan Luqing’s mobile phone is the great beauty she likes, and the lock screen image in the great beauty’s mobile phone is precisely Yan Luqing too.

Yan Luqing turned around again and saw that the green tea woman’s face was not only full of the green tea look, but also full of the speechless look.

“Ah, this……” She lifted her hair and pointed, “It’s fine if the two of you just secretly squeeze your hands together and whisper at each other, but using each other’s picture as a lock screen’s image is just too much——Even the garlands on both of your heads are a pair and you still told me that you are not a couple?”

Yan Luqing opened her mouth hesitatingly: “That is not…”

The green tea interrupted her: “My dear sister, if you are a couple, then just say so. Why are you even embarrassed to say it?”


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