Although she studied hard, Yan Luqing valued her hair and never stayed up late to study.

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Just to show her determination, she reluctantly changed her WeChat name temporarily from [The Fleeing Goddess] to [100 Million Of Hard Work To Reap A Result]. With 100 million points of hard work, harvest more than half of the score——This is really a true portrayal of herself during this time.

Two days before the midterm exam, Yan Luqing was still in the state of winning. The night before, she suddenly felt a little nervous, so she went to Gu Ci and wanted him to find out the key points and all the classic questions.

And Gu Ci was even better. He simply made a courseware for her which was fast and full of content, it was all what she wanted.

Yan Luqing took the courseware to Little Black and asked him to print it out. While waiting, he couldn’t help praising Gu Ci: “Gu Ci, you are really a humanoid plug-in.”

Feeling that this sentence was not strong enough, Yan Luqing continued to exaggerate and blow rainbow farts: “I am serious. If you were born in that kind of chaotic world, it must be ‘winner Gu Ci wins the world’!”

Gu Ci only smiled faintly, and said nothing.

Originally, Yan Luqing read the courseware Gu Ci compiled for her in the evening and turned out the courseware that she had previously downloaded from the campus network. Then she found out that she knew most of everything already, so she slept confidently.

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Early the next morning.

Big Black and Little Black were probably infected by her recent efforts in learning, and they gave her a very old-fashioned superstitious method——Making the symbol of ‘100’ with one fried dough stick and two eggs.

“If you eat a fried dough stick and two eggs,” Gu Ci, who was sitting across the table, ruthlessly shattered the brothers’ fantasies, “Before your Miss Yan can even finish the first test, she will be sent to the infirmary to vomit already.”

The brothers suddenly become quiet.

After a long time, Little Black scratched his head blankly: “Miss Yan, then, if you can’t eat so much, how about you only eat one egg?”

As soon as these words came out, Gu Ci, who was drinking water, suddenly choked. He put down his glass, coughing and looking at Little Black with a smile. Little Black was confused by this look from him.

“A fried dough stick and two eggs are 100…” Yan Luqing gnashed her teeth because of his stupidity and said in a low voice, “Little Black, if I only eat one egg, do you wish me to score 0 on the test then?”

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Little Black: “……”

After Gu Ci finished coughing, he added with a smile: “Little Black, if a person’s brain is not used, it will only rust.”

Yan Luqing continued: “I want to change his name to ‘Little Fool’ already.”

Little Black: “……” Personally attacking me, and still playing it in mixed doubles??

After this battle, the great superstitious method was completely abandoned, the one fried dough stick and two eggs were finally returned to Aunt Disney.

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Yan Luqing inexplicably became more nervous because of this incident: “I have no appetite now. I will just buy something to eat at the college later and I can also go to the college earlier.”

There are many reasons for her nervousness. Some of them are because of Big Boss Yan’s threats, some because of her expectation of the new rewards, and also——she thinks she can’t let Gu Ci’s teaching for so long just be wasted in vain.

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Gu Ci and her are not in the same college, so they don’t take the exam on the same day. Gu Ci’s exam is postponed a little later and it will not start until November.

So it can be said that Yan Luqing is fighting a lone battle now.

Yan Luqing wanted to set out in advance. Gu Ci and the others just followed to the hallway symbolically and sent her out for only a short distance.

In fact, he didn’t want to come, but Yan Luqing’s eyes often drifted towards him since the beginning of the morning, before she quickly took them back again afterwards.

He doesn’t know how to describe it. Her gaze seems to be looking for something to rely on. When she sees it, she will feel relieved and would also look again at it from time to time.

Her gaze this time is very similar to those two times before when she looked at him eagerly. If Gu Ci has to explain it, there are only the words: what a sadfishing skill.

It’s just a small exam and it only needs 50 points. Does she really need to go so far?

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Thinking about this, Gu Ci sat on the sofa and watched TV. After watching TV for more than half an hour, he turned on the phone very accurately, very in time, and sent Yan Luqing a WeChat message.

[Word]: Have you arrived?

[100 Million Of Hard Work To Reap A Result]: Mm-hmm.

[Word]: What did you eat?

Yan Luqing replied with a picture in seconds. However, he asked her about her breakfast and what she replied him with is a picture of the courseware he compiled last night.

[100 Million Of Hard Work To Reap A Result]: [picture]

[100 Million Of Hard Work To Reap A Result]: What did I eat? Of course I have to thoroughly eat the courseware. / struggle

Gu Ci: “……”

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