Yan Luqing didn’t mention anything and just wanted to let the little girl say it herself. Her face should have left a psychological shadow on the little girl and she must be so afraid of her. It’s normal to be speechless now and the little girl is not wrong even the slightest in this matter.

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Yan Luqing was just simply unhappy with the second brother’s act of not seen anything and didn’t ask anything either, but just made a move directly.

When Yu Xi treated her like this, she even bald the hair on the top of the opponent’s head. But right now, even if there were eight of her, she still couldn’t beat the man in front of her. So she could only retaliate with her mouth.

But even so, she definitely won’t make him feel better.

This is an injustice that the Fleeing Goddess can’t bear.

Yan Luqing endured the severe pain in half of her butts and walked to the door with a normal walking posture. With the tone that is just right, both light and arrogant, even very irritating, she said:

“This elder brother, after you’ve known whether I am the crazy one or you are the blind one, remember to be a little cultured and apologize to me.”

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After she finished speaking, she went straight downstairs. When she met the housekeeper guarding the door of the living room, she said solemnly: “Tell my parents that I can’t eat this meal anymore.” After a pause, she emphasized her tone: “Because I was domestically abused by their second son, so now I have to go home to recuperate.”


Under the dumbfounded gaze of the housekeeper and his head full of question marks, Yan Luqing just walked into the car in the courtyard, opened the door to get in the car, and said to the driver: “Please drive home.”


On the way back, Makabaka kept connecting with her and comforting her in her mind.

Yan Luqing listened from time to time and also got distracted from time to time.

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Her mind always went back to the scene where the second brother protects the little girl.

Growing up so big, there had been times when Yan Luqing felt so lonely and then became envious of other people’s happy families. She knows that in one’s life, they must first learn to accept themselves first.

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But the scene just now is like the movie she saw in college not long ago. It can easily get into people’s hearts when they are unprepared.

Because she used to be that little girl herself.

Yan Luqing heard from the dean that she was very cute when she was a child. At that time, the richest couple in the area came to adopt a child and fell in love with her at a glance.

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Yan Luqing left with them, lived in a big house for a period of time, and wore beautiful dresses for some time. But because their biological daughter kept making things difficult and resisted her, she was finally sent back again.

She had a faint impression that she was scared at that time, but she felt relieved——Because she remembered that she didn’t even dare to wear new clothes and even didn’t dare to go out of the room, just for the sake of not being bullied by the biological daughter.

The parents sent her back. They looked at her but Yan Luqing had forgotten what their face looked like and only remembered their guilty tone.

They said that they are sorry, because their family’s Dabao[1]doesn’t want a younger sister. It’s the fault of Uncle and Aunt because they adopted her without dealing with this thing first…

Later, the couple gave her a lot of money. All the money was used to buy her books and clothes. The dean’s wife finally told her the follow-up after she grew up and said: “You don’t have to feel that the money shouldn’t be used. It’s them who feel guilty. If they didn’t compensate you for those injuries on your body that you suffered when you came back, we wouldn’t just let this matter go like this either.”

She once was that little girl herself too, and although their situation was not exactly the same, they were both extremely hated by the biological daughter.

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So when she saw the second brother protecting the adopted little girl, she would feel this way.

The second brother’s brain is not smart.

But if the little girl has such a family, she will be very happy in the future. Just growing up like this, the fear brought by the original owner to her should also be eliminated.

Thinking of this, Yan Luqing sighed and whispered to herself, “I’m starting to become a Maria…”

[1] Dabao: ‘Da’ means big/eldest and ‘Bao’ means treasure. Usually used for a child’s pet name. If it is the second child/third child it becomes Erbao/Sanbao.

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