After the hug, neither of them spoke for a long time.

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Until Yan Luqing felt that Gu Ci, very inconspicuously and probably very reluctantly too, raised his hand and patted her on the back.

Yan Luqing never thought that she herself would take the initiative to hug someone of the opposite sex who is also almost the same age as her.

When she is in a completely sober and sane state.

But she really can’t help it. She didn’t expect that she would cross into a novel and become a character who had neither friends nor anyone to complain about in this world.

Moreover, she and Gu Ci—Or rather she, has a very, very strange sense of dependence on Gu Ci that she has never experienced in her previous world before.

Yan Luqing is so sure that in her previous world, Gu Ci was just a piece of a paper man that she loved. And he really has magic power. Just relying on getting along in such a short one month, day and night, he can already let her give birth to such a feeling.

Not that kind of dependence on elders.

It’s that kind where she wants to show him when there’s something she is happy about, wanting to find him to cry when there’s something sad, and wanting to find him at the first time to solve whatever thing that can’t be solved.

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——Obviously, he is a patient and he is depending on others too. He should be the one who is relying on her instead.

“Alas…” Yan Luqing hugged him, resting her chin on his shoulder, and couldn’t help sighing, “It’s really magical.”

Gu Ci was stunned: “What’s magical?”

“I mean you. You are very magical.”


What kind of words are this?

Gu Ci was somewhat helpless by her sudden hug and sudden rhetoric of ‘you are very magical’, which he doesn’t know whether it is a praise or a criticism. He was silent for a while, and finally asked directly: “So, what’s the matter with you?”

This sentence easily touched her dull tear glands again.

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Gu Ci heard a loud sobbing sound in his ear.


Gu Ci could feel the sharp touch when she suddenly put her chin on his shoulder. He was silent, then raised his hand again and put it on her back.

“… See? I said you are magical.” Her voice became choked, and the ending of each sentence was a little trembling, “I was fine when I was in the car, and I didn’t plan to cry either… But with you asking me, asking me like this, I want to shed tears now…”

So wronged, and still shedding tears.

Some people’s negative emotions can be completely digested and eliminated by themselves. But Gu Ci could tell at a glance that Yan Luqing obviously doesn’t belong to that kind of person.

She said she was fine, but it was just herself who thought she was already fine. If it was really completely over, she wouldn’t look like that from the moment she entered the door.

Yan Luqing sniffed, her mood recovered a little, and said softly: “But I still want to hug you while talking about it.”

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Her tone was like that of a little child who asks for candy.

At present, a certain someone whose status is Ci best friend, chuckled, “You and your best friend hugged each other every day, right?”

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“We not only hug, we also paste each other, and also sleep in the same bed——Oh, that reminds me that I’ve slept with you too…”

Yan Luqing wanted to continue counting, but she heard Gu Ci’s doubting voice, “Paste…?”

“…” Actually, this means very intimate interaction, but it seems very cute when she said it as ‘paste’. Yan Luqing was too lazy to explain it in a straight-forward manner, and fooled him by saying, “It’s the kind where two people’s faces stick together.”

After she finished speaking, she could imagine what Princess Ci would look like even without looking at it with her eyes——

It must be a face full of ‘you really can’t be saved anymore’, or a face full of ‘won’t you be mentally retarded if you really do this?’.

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Yan Luqing heard him sigh, but he didn’t let go of his hands and didn’t tell her to let go either. The clear but cold voice, and the helpless tone lingered in her ears.

“Go ahead.”


It took more than 40 minutes on the way back, and Yan Luqing had thought clearly about all aspects.

From her own experience, it can be inferred that after the original owner became more and more sick, the two brothers probably gave up on her completely, and her parents treated her as a stranger too.

Yan Luqing still doesn’t know how the original owner used to be at home before. She was worried about whether to look at the original owner’s memory again, but later she figured out that it’s meaningless to look into the memory again, because the original owner’s past, whether good or bad, has nothing to do with her.

[1] Paste (Tietie 贴贴) : tease the other party or run away after a wave of teasing. It can also be used to comfort others occasionally, and use the intimate action of kissing and hugging to comfort each other.

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