He said: “What you experienced is yours. You don’t have to stand in someone else’s position to speak for others.”

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He said: “You just did a good thing today. What do all the previous things have to do with you?”

Yan Luqing’s nose began to turn sour when she heard the first sentence. After she finishes listening to the last sentence, especially that sentence of ‘you just did a good thing’, her eyes immediately change from blurry to clear, and her face becomes wet again.

“In this case, the wrong person is the one who wronged you, the one who was saved by you but didn’t speak for you.” Gu Ci finished speaking slowly, then raised his hand to wipe the tears on her face. His voice was light when he said, “No one can forgive the person who did you wrong for you, and neither can you.”

Then he changed the topic and his expression turned gentle for a moment, “Although, it is only you who knows this.”


Yan Luqing cried again to her heart’s content.

She still couldn’t tell Gu Ci why she was emotionally touched in the first place, because it belonged to her past.

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But these words… they were too much in line with her thoughts. It made her feel really good. It made her whole body feel comfortable and at ease.

It was so well spoken, as if he knew everything.

But at this moment, Yan Luqing didn’t want to care at all about what he knew. She only knew that what she thought was right——

In this world, only Gu Ci is completely on her side.

In these words, he gave her unquestionable partiality.

She wants to go back on her words. Even if the original owner has a best friend, who is in a very good relationship with her and thinks of her wholeheartedly, it will not be the person Yan Luqing would go to either when she is unhappy.

Because it belongs to the original owner. It belongs to others, not hers.

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But Gu Ci is.

What she experienced with him was a completely new plot that had never appeared in the original book.

Gu Ci’s kindness towards her is really for her. What Gu Ci said to her is really for her, not for the original owner of this body.

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Maybe she cried too miserably and too aggrievedly and in the haze, she saw Gu Ci, who was passing her a tissue, suddenly stretched out his fair and beautiful hand to her and coaxed her like a child, “Give you a hug? My shirt is already wet anyway.”

The useless weeping good-for-nothing homeowner then hugged today’s considerate wife. She rubbed the snot and tears against him, crying and thinking: She must make a few more garlands for him.

Princess Ci, forever the almighty God.

After a small crying scene and a big crying scene, Yan Luqing lost all her sadness. From watching the family themed movie in college to the grievances she suffered today, all of them have completely passed.

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When she blew her nose with the tissue, she heard Gu Ci suddenly asked:

“What else do your so-called ‘best friend’ do besides hugging?” Gu Ci leaned against the sofa cushion leisurely, “Tell me.”

Just now, when she was crying, she made a demand to Gu Ci. The time for this so-called ‘best friend’ was too short and it must be postponed until she said stop.

It may be because seeing her too miserable today, Princess Ci did not launch the bamboo shoots attack and agreed mercifully instead.

“It’s nothing actually…” Yan Luqing thought about it and said casually with a heavy nasal voice, “For example, if I am bullied, my ‘best friend’ will try to bully back the people who bullied me, comfort me, and then apply some medicine for me or something like that.”

“Apply medicine?” Gu Ci’s voice paused for a moment, and then his beautiful eyes half squinted, becoming narrower and longer, “You also got injured?”

“That’s right!” Yan Luqing slapped his thigh, “I forgot to tell you! It is definitely bruised, definitely. It really feels so painful at that time!”

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The two of them were near the sofa, and there was a small cabinet under the coffee table less than half a meter away from them. Gu Ci didn’t say a word, but stretched out his hand to open the cabinet door and took out a first-aid kit. While turning over, he asked: “Is it just bruised? No bleeding?”

Is he rummaging for the ointment to treat bruises?

Yan Luqing nodded: “Yeah, there is no bleeding.”

“Where is the injury?”

“It’s on——” The moment Yan Luqing was about to answer, her voice got stuck in embarrassment.

Then she supported the sofa cushion, put her lips close to Gu Ci’s ear, and said in a very small voice:

“It’s on my butt.”

Gu Ci’s hand that was rummaging for the medicine paused, and he raised his eyes: “…?”

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