Yan Luqing waited curiously. When Little Black finally finished sweeping the last fallen leaves, a long line of words appeared in the dialog box above his head——

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「Not together?! Impossible, Miss Yan and Gu Ci are definitely together already! This is not accurate!!!!」

Yan Luqing: “???” Is this what is called finding out the object of gossip one is consuming is actually oneself?

He and Big Black perhaps had discussed it. She really doesn’t know what the two brothers talked about secretly that their minds become filled with this matter.

Yan Luqing feels that this feature is not bad. So she must try it on Gu Ci. Maybe she can succeed this time?

Thinking of this, her eyes lit up.

“You are going to see Gu Ci again…” In Yan Luqing’s brain, Makabaka complained in a small voice, “I am going to be blocked again.”

She casually comforted and dismissed Makabaka, and then knocked on the door of Gu Ci’s room.

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He is sitting in a chair reading a book. His posture of holding a book in one hand is very casual and idle.

Yan Luqing’s hand that was placed on the door paused: “Are you reading the book in your major? I forgot that you are going to take the exam in a few days…”

“No.” He closed his book and stood up from his seat. “We haven’t learned this in our major.”


Hasn’t f*cking learned it yet. Is this the big villain’s deliberate pretense to show off?

Yan Luqing was still in shock, but Gu Ci had already walked up to her, and also closed the door behind her while he was at it.

“Is the injured area healed?”

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“Yeah.” Yan Luqing touched her nose in embarrassment, “After lying down for two days, it’s almost healed.”

“What are you looking for me for? My…” He smiled and then slowly spit out two words, “best friend?”

“…” As soon as this title was mentioned, all the events of that day vividly came to mind again.

Yan Luqing reluctantly ignored the various images that came directly towards her face, looked up and focused on his face——Gu Ci’s head is different from others, and there was no such thing like a dialog box at all.

Is it because there is no mood yet?

“But, does a best friend need any reason to find their best friend?” Yan Luqing said tentatively, “I am a person who will go find my best friend whenever I want.”

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As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that a dialog box gradually appeared above Gu Ci’s head.

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The frame is shaped little by little, and then the content inside is——


A full stop.

… Sure enough! All the products produced by the system are the same. They are all not effective when used on Gu Ci!

Yan Luqing stared at his face, looked at the dialog box, and suddenly came up with a wonderful idea. After thinking about it, she said: “Wait for me. I will be right back.”

She quickly went out of the door of Gu Ci’s room. When she got to the living room, she linked to Makabaka and spoke quickly: “Quick, find the skin that you said just now. Or you can just search directly whether there is a princess special effect such as snow white or the likes?”

“Of course there is!” Makabaka said, showing her a series of princess-related frame effects.

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Yan Luqing finally chose a white one, with not only small flowers, but also a very beautiful crystal crown hanging on the frame. In the lower right corner is a small crystal crown. It is so beautiful and noble as it should be.

Satisfied with the change, she returned to Gu Ci’s room again.

The goal now is to make him pop up the dialog box as quickly as possible.

After thinking about it, Yan Luqing decided to make Gu Ci speechless. Making him speechless should be the fastest way to achieve her goal.

As she pondered, she walked to Gu Ci, who was sitting on the edge of the bed at this time.

Yan Luqing then sat down beside him in a very unobtrusive manner.

“Gu Ci, I went to the Butterfly Mountain last time to learn fortune-telling from someone.” She looked at him with a smile, “It just happens that I am free now. Shall I do the fortune-telling for you?”

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