Although she is exerting herself, the two hours for dressing up miraculous Cici every day still has to be done. She has to finish using a hundred skins in 20 days. After all, if she doesn’t finish using all of them in 20 days, she has no reason to see Princess Ci every day.

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And when those special effects she chose for Princess Ci were put on others——Such as Little Black, although Yan Luqing dote on Little Black, she also has to tell the truth——It is really ugly.

Two more days have passed since then, and it’s time for Gu Ci’s college exam.

What happens after his exam and what happens after Yan Luqing’s exam are two completely different scenes. Yan Luqing was welcomed by the whole family at that time, which made her feel like she had just finished the college entrance examination. Gu Ci’s scene is like a high school graduate who is going to take the junior high school exam. No one encouraged or welcomed him.

In the end, only Yan Luqing had the most sense of ceremony, and said to him at the entrance: “Gu Ci, do your best.”

“Okay.” Gu Ci replied with a smile: “Thank you, best friend.”

When he was gone, Yan Luqing couldn’t help but ask Big Black and Little Black: “Why don’t you guys cheer him up?”

Big Black was stunned: “Didn’t you pass the exam because of his teaching?”

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Little Black was also stunned: “That’s right. He can even be a professor already. What are we worried about?”


After he went out, Yan Luqing watched videos even more brazenly.

From sunrise to sunset. When Gu Ci came back from the exam, Yan Luqing who lay on the sofa raised her voice and asked him: “Back already? How was the exam?”

When Gu Ci heard her ‘back already’ with a rising tone in the tail and ‘how was the exam’ as if they hadn’t met for a long time, he raised his eyes and looked over. Yan Luqing was lying on the soft armrest of the sofa, holding her mobile phone in her hand and looking at him.

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This scene makes people feel very warm.

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Gu Ci walked to the sofa while saying: “I don’t know.”

“?” Yan Luqing’s face was full of doubt.

Gu Ci has always been like this. When asked about his grades, he usually said he doesn’t know. If someone keeps asking him, he would answer the next sentence according to his mood.

Yan Luqing sat up and wondered: “With this level like yours, how can you not know?”

He couldn’t have failed the test, right?

Then she heard him answer: “I don’t know where they will deduct the points from.”

Yan Luqing: “…” It’s me who talks trash.

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She glared at Gu Ci angrily and continued to look at her phone, not noticing that when Gu Ci passed by her, his eyes also swept across the video with the catchy title on her screen.

Gu Ci sat down on the sofa on her right and Yan Luqing became more and more absent-minded as she looked at her mobile phone. She quietly looked away again to see what he was doing.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ci was pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. His eyelids were drooping, and he looked very tired and sleepy.

Yan Luqing was taken aback: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I am just a little tired.”

“Because of the exam?”

“No. I just haven’t slept well lately.” After Gu Ci finished speaking, he put down the hand pinching the bridge of his nose and raised his eyelids to look at her, “Why? Do you have a solution?”

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Yan Luqing was about to say no, and then she thought of what she had been busy with all this time, and instantly had a feeling of empowerment——

She is still worried about how to trick Gu Ci into agreeing to be hypnotized by her!

Although there are many performances in film and television dramas that can control people’s actions anytime and anywhere, Yan Luqing doesn’t know whether it’s true or false, but she knows that she can’t do it. All her studies are based on the premise that the other party has to cooperate with her.

Hypnotize Princess CI! The opportunity is finally here!!!

Sure enough, God always favors those who are prepared.

Yan Luqing was almost crazy with joy, but she still tried her best to restrain her facial expression. She suppressed her smile, and the corners of her mouth trembled a little.

“I…” Because Yan Luqing is too happy, she even choked for some reason and coughed twice before she continued, “Do you still remember when we went to Butterfly Mountain and I was dragged by the twins to visit the temple fair?”

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