This feeling is quite novel. Yan Luqing even gave birth to the illusion that Gu Ci was actually teasing her with his eyes open for a moment.

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Yan Luqing thought about many kinds of answers, and also thought that what Gu Ci said might not be within the scope of her imagination.

But whatever it is, she thinks it is probably a general answer, such as a former classmate, a friend that is good towards him, a quite nice person… and so on.




What kind of answer is that?

Yan Luqing had a baby fat for a long time when she was still a child, and her facial features were very good-looking, so she was often praised as cute. But since she began to grow tall and grew into a teenager, she has rarely heard anyone use this word to describe herself anymore. Most of the words she hears are beautiful and the like.

But what she asked this time was not her appearance, and Gu Ci’s answer was not about her appearance either.

If the friends she had made are asked the kind of question like ‘what kind of person is Yan Luqing?’, Yan Luqing can even give them the answer: a sand sculpture.

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Various nouns may be added in front of the sand sculpture, such as ‘super big sand sculpture’, ‘good-looking sand sculpture’, ‘it looks like a fairy but is actually a sand sculpture’, etc. In short, it is absolutely highly unified.

So, why… did he say such an answer?

“She is very cute”?

As soon as Yan Luqing recalled in her mind, she seemed to hear Gu C’s voice again, as if the scene just now reappeared again——She suddenly felt that she was going to explode because of the heat.

Could it be that these are actually sincere words?

This doesn’t match the painting style of Princess’s Ci at all!

Yan Luqing simply didn’t know what kind of mentality she shall be using to ask the next question. She never expected such an unexpected answer when she just started.

Then what is she still entangling with? Just follow her own intuition and ask whatever she wants to ask.

She waited for the heat in her ears to subside before she said again:

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“Where do you think Yan Luqing is different from before?”

Big Black often reveals from his eyes that he thinks she has changed a lot, and people in the villa who have been in contact with the former Yan Luqing will express that she is different from before.

But she didn’t ask what had changed, because she didn’t want to hear them say that they actually regarded her change as a new relapse of her illness.

Within three seconds of asking, she heard Gu Ci answer: “A lot.”

Yan Luqing’s heart thumped twice: “… For example?”

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Gu Ci said: “She has become beautiful.”


Critical hit x2.

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Damn! Why does he talk so well after being hypnotized!

Yan Luqing got the sincere praise of Princess Ci just like she wishes, but in addition to her sense of achievement, what she felt the most was an indescribable… nervousness?

And a renewed craze.

She never knew that with this terminally ill patient’s body, she could still experience this kind of ‘hot blood boiling’ feeling. It is really burning well.

She was very satisfied with Gu Ci’s second answer. Since he was telling the truth, Yan Luqing decided to write off the previous plan of using her identity as the owner of the house to threaten him.

After calming down again, Yan Luqing thought for a while, and then asked what she had been misunderstood by the people around her all this time.

“Do you think the current Yan Luqing…is mentally ill?”


Yan Luqing was suddenly stunned: “…”

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She originally wanted to ask Gu Ci whether he felt that the current her has a new personality after he answered this question——Because this was what she had always guessed.

But the answer to this question turned out to be ‘no’?

Yan Luqing immediately asked: “But she has a confirmed case. Why do you think that she is not?”

She spoke a little faster, but Gu Ci didn’t. He always had a fairly steady tone.

“I only believe what I see.” He said.


Yan Luqing’s focus at this time is no longer on the original intention of hypnotizing Gu Ci.

Gu Ci really thinks so? He doesn’t think she’s sick?

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