It is indeed worthy of being an artificial retarded one. Yan Luqing waved back Makabaka and forced herself to fall asleep again. Fortunately, this time, tiredness prevailed and she slept until dawn.

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On the breakfast table the next day.

Everything around her is just like usual and only Yan Luqing who has all kinds of complex entanglement in her heart and a stomach full of worries. She went downstairs earlier than usual, just wanting to stagger breakfast time with Gu Ci, but she didn’t expect that Gu Ci would appear at the door of the restaurant as soon as she sat down.

——He actually arrived earlier too.

It looks like he is in good spirits. It’s all clean below his eyes. Today, Princess Ci’s beauty value is almost full.

“I haven’t thanked you yet.” Gu Ci looked at her and said with crooked eyes, “Best friend, yesterday was really effective.”

Yan Luqing clearly had not eaten yet, but felt inexplicably choked: “…We are best friends anyway. You don’t have to be polite with me.”

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After a hurried breakfast, Yan Luqing thought that his mid-term exam seems to last for two days too. So before leaving, she said, “Do your best in today’s exam.” Then she got Gu Ci’s ‘thank you’.

Everything is as usual.

Really the same as usual.

Maybe artificial retard is right. Those answers show that they have a good relationship, and Gu Ci also has a good impression of her. That’s all.

Yan Luqing didn’t want to waste the whole day at home. She felt she should find something to do and divert her attention. After thinking about it, she has carried so many pots for the original owner of this body. So she should use the original body’s money to be happy.

Then Yan Luqing chose to go shopping.

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She took Big Black and Little Black to the downtown shopping mall. She originally thought she could just point to a row of clothes and say ‘wrap it all up’ as shown on TV, but when she arrived at the scene, she found that she still couldn’t do it——

Because there are clothes that are so extremely ugly in every row!!

After she started to choose the clothes one by one, she heard Big Black, who was by her side, sighed to Little Black: “Miss Yan’s taste is much better now. Before, I still wondered why she only asked the two of us out this time. It turned out that she doesn’t buy clothes like she used to anymore.”

Little Black had never experienced it before and asked curiously: “What clothes did she buy before?”

Big Black: “Clothes that will make you think that the people who make the clothes and the people who buy them are blind.”

“…” When Yan Luqing heard this, she couldn’t help but turn her head and complained, “Big Black, have you been ruined by Gu Ci? How can you talk like Gu Ci now?”

Big Black’s face reddened slightly.

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That aside, his complaint is actually quite funny.

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Yan Luqing turned back and continued to choose clothes.

After shopping for a long time, Yan Luqing was really happy at first, but she was a little tired after she fully filled Big Black and Little Black’s hands. While strolling around, her mind began to wander frequently. She unconsciously walked to a store and was reminded by Little Black who was behind her: “Miss Yan, this is a men’s clothing store…”

Big Black poked Little Black with a fast speed: “Don’t be ignorant! It must be buying for Gu…”

When Yan Luqing heard this, she suddenly woke up from her wandering——She was standing at the door of a well-known men’s brand store.

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But instead of leaving the store, she went straight in and looked back at her two bodyguards while she was walking: “No.”

Little Black was stunned: “What is ‘no’?”

Yan Luqing denied what Big Black said: “I didn’t come in to buy clothes for Gu Ci, but to let you two choose clothes.” Then she smiled again. “You two have worked hard for more than a month. So, have a look around and pick anything you want. I’ll pay for it.”

Although Yan Luqing said that, Big Black and Little Black still do not dare to let go of themself and choose things irrationally. Then she forced them to choose several sets of clothes, so they have to accept it in the end even if they don’t dare to do so.

Finally, the two brothers were very happy. They probably felt that she should be in a particularly good mood today so the things they said became more. Singing and talking like crosstalk, making Yan Luqing very happy.

The three of them left the house in the afternoon and didn’t return home until Yan Luqing could no longer walk anymore. It was already sunset by that time.

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