“Okay.” Little Twisted Braids chuckled: “I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for more than two years, starting from the second year of high school. But now we still maintain our relationship although we are in a different college. Ah… His grades are so good. He’s studying civil engineering at T University.”

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Yan Luqing’s movement of turning the pen in her fingers paused.

T University? Isn’t that Gu Ci’s college? It is indeed a gathering of gods.

In the following time, Little Twisted Braids dutifully acted as a storyteller, and it could be seen that she really likes this boyfriend. Her eyes even became brighter than when they were playing games just now when she told the sweet deeds of her and her boyfriend.

Finally, while relying on the sweet love story of Little Twisted Braids, the bell rings at the end of the class.

While tidying up her books and stuff in the class, Little Twisted Braids said: “Speaking of T University, I secretly sneaked into their internal group chat before. In there, are the more lively and lovely straight A female students of the college. They often gather in the group chat to discuss what handsome guys and beauties are in which department.”

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Yan Luqing only heard the word ‘beauties’, and immediately raised her hand: “Is there a beauty? I want to join the group too.”

Little Twisted Braids gave her an OK gesture and said, “I will put you in later.”

Then Little Twisted Braids continued: “Speaking of their mid-term exam some time ago, it is said that there is a big handsome guy in their physics department, who has never shown up, suddenly appeared in the exam. Everyone who has seen him said that he is very good-looking, even the highest value in history——! Unfortunately, those straight A female students are too embarrassed to take pictures. The pictures that have been shared in the group chat were too blurry. Only the extraordinary temperament can be seen. Otherwise, I really want to show it to you…Wait a minute——”

Yan Luqing was so happy to be out of class that she didn’t listen carefully at all, but probably caught words such as ‘the highest value of beauty in history’.

But while she was talking, she found that Little Twisted Braids’s eyes were fixed on the back door of the classroom, and her tone turned upward, “Eh???”

Yan Luqing: “What are you shocked about? Class is over, let’s go!”

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“Just… Damn it, why is this handsome guy standing at the back door of our class look so much like the one I just told you?”

“Which one? The handsome guy from T University?” Yan Luqing stood up with her bag in her hand. “But isn’t that T University? Maybe you recognized the wrong person.”

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“Although that’s what I said,” The Little Twist Braids is extremely puzzled, “but that person’s temperament and outline are very good, so I should not recognize it wrong…”

The place where Yan Luqing sat is in the back row. She was walking out with the flow of people. When she reached the back door, she found that for some reason, the movement speed of the people around her slowed down.

Only then did Yan Luqing raise her head and look ahead. She never thought that she would be caught off guard and saw a person who was supposed to be in the villa at this time——

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Gu Ci was wearing the white shirt she was most satisfied with, and with a simple black coat over it. His face is astonishing yet alienated. He was clearly standing in the corridor of an ordinary teaching building, but it seemed as if there was a light above his head.

He was leaning on the window sill in the corridor. At the moment he met Yan Luqing’s eyes, he straightened up and walked towards her, and stood at the back door of the classroom.

“… Gu Ci??” Yan Luqing was extremely puzzled and looked at him with a bewildered expression, “Aren’t you at home? Why are you here?”

Little Twist Braids behind her: “???”

What the hell is ‘at home’? Didn’t she say that she doesn’t have a boyfriend???

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Before Little Twisted Braids had time to think about it, in the corridor where people came and went, this handsome man acted like a parent who really picked up the child from school——He suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled Yan Luqing’s bag and carried it in his own hand.

The whole action naturally shocked all the onlookers and also shocked the party involved.

Yan Luqing stared at all this in a stunned manner, thinking of the post she sent out in her circle of friends 40 minutes ago and a ridiculous association appeared in her mind.

She asked again: “What are you… doing here?”

Then she saw Gu Ci carrying her bag and a smile slowly spread on his face.

“I have come to pick you up from school.”

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