His lips were slightly lighter in color, and he gave a casual smile: “I am free anyway, so I came here just because I wanted to.”

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Yan Luqing felt that her heart beat the wrong beat.

She didn’t say anything more, and only withdrew her gaze to look towards the front again.


The car was parked at the side gate of the school.

Yan Luqing saw Big Black and Little Black getting out of another car, greeted her and then opened the door for the two of them.

Because there was no time, Yan Luqing only asked Gu Ci after they got in the car.

“You come out to pick me up from school…” Yan Luqing reluctantly overcame the awkward feeling she had when saying this, and continued, “Did Big Black and Little Black not find it strange? They didn’t ask you anything?”

Gu Ci was silent for a few seconds.

“This, you can ask them by yourself.” He said, “You may not believe it, but I indeed did not explain even a word.”

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“…” She believed, and she knew what the two were thinking.

Yan Luqing asked again: “How did you know at what time I will finish my class?”

“I asked my friends in this college to help check the information in the campus’s intranet.”

Yan Luqing looked around and recalled the direction in the morning, “It seems that we are… not on our way home?”

“Yeah.” Gu Ci glanced at her, “We are going to the fried chicken shop.”

Yan Luqing: “???”

What she wrote in the circle of friends in the afternoon was 【Electrical engineering is the enemy of your life. I want to drink Coke and also eat fried chicken.】

Because of that post in the circle of friends again?

Yan Luqing was a little shocked and couldn’t help asking directly: “Why are you acting according to my post in the circle of friends today?”

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Gu Ci made a ‘tsk’ sound and said: “Why do you have so many questions?”

After a few seconds, he gave her another explanation, and the answer was quite concise: “A thank you gift.”

Yan Luqing was stunned: “… What is it for?”

Gu CI raised his hand and pulled the collar edge of the white shirt inside. With his movements, a little collar bone was exposed.

Yan Luqing was a little shocked by his actions at first, thinking about what kind of tactics he is using now. Is this an online seduction of the princess of the enemy’s country?

Then she realized that he was indicating the shirt she bought.


Oh, so it’s a thank you gift for buying him clothes.

Yan Luqing began to recall the whole story.

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She first bought clothes for Big Black and Little Black that day, and then Gu Ci accused her, saying that she couldn’t treat her best friend like this. So she bought a pile for him, and that’s how today’s thank you gift comes.

How come it turns into such a reciprocal action?

Why does it feel so strange when it is linked together?

The fried chicken shop was not far from the campus. When her thoughts just arrived at that point, they had already arrived. Yan Luqing’s thoughts were interrupted, and she got out of the car with Gu Ci.

The decoration of the store was surprisingly good. As soon as she entered the door, she smelled a very tempting aroma. After walking in and sitting down, Yan Luqing unconsciously felt worried: “Gu Ci, the two of us… can our stomach withstand the fried chicken?”

She likes fried chicken very much, but she is more afraid of having to have an infusion after eating.

“I’ve asked the doctor,” Gu Ci pushed the menu in front of her and said, “It can’t.”


Yan Luqing fired a big question mark at him.

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“The doctor said that you can only eat steamed chicken.” Gu Ci said slowly, “I checked, and found that only this fried chicken shop sells steamed chicken.”

“…?” Yan Luqing still had a question mark in her head: “So, why do we come to the fried chicken restaurant to eat steamed chicken?”

“To let you feel the atmosphere?” The ending of Gu Ci’s tone rises as if he were guessing it.

“… Thank you.” Yan Luqing said expressionlessly, “I feel it. It’s really such a strong atmosphere.”

“You are welcome.”

In the end, the two really ordered a healthy and nourishing steamed chicken soup set meal in the fried chicken shop.

Yan Luqing’s mobile phone vibrated several times while she was eating.

They are all messages from Little Twisted Braids.

Little Twisted Braids’ name is Xiao Xiao, and Yan Luqing hadn’t had time to change her remarks, so she just casually glanced at the messages after she changed the remarks.

[Little Twisted Braids]: Where are you?

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