As Gu Ci’s voice fell to the ground, all the surrounding lights went out, leaving only one advertisement after another on the brightly lit big screen in front of them.

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While listening to the loud advertisement sound, Yan Luqing is still remembering the conversation between the two just now, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She really didn’t remember what she ate but unexpectedly, Gu Ci noticed it.

When he said this, Yan Luqing suddenly remembered what the platter looked like. She also remembered that she did seem to eat some popcorn while playing with her mobile phone.

While eating the popcorn, the owner of the Yan house can’t help but habitually begin to give herself and Princess Ci a play. In the play, a certain person is a kind and careful wife today, but the owner of the house is very dissatisfied with the last sentence of the careful wife.

This tone of Princess Ci…

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Is it necessary to stress so much that she ate it all until nothing was left? It seems as if he dislikes that she can really eat so much.

Obviously, he saw that she liked to eat popcorn and he went to buy popcorn for her. Why is there such a strong meaning of blowing a heavy damage to her?

As expected of the princess of the bamboo shoot country, Yan Luqing thought. No matter how kind he is, he is also the natural enemy of her panda country.

Just as her head was thinking in confusion, the music at the beginning of the movie finally sounded.

When Yan Luqing watched it, she didn’t think the movie was interesting. At the beginning, a person found himself very strange, and people around him also said he would become very strange occasionally. Then he speculated that there might be another soul in his body. After a few turns in the middle, he discovered that it was actually his second personality.

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Yan Luqing has seen similar movies before. The protagonist seems to have split six or seven personalities. She found it quite exciting after watching it, so when she saw the middle part of this film or even the middle and late stages, she didn’t feel much.

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Until the end, there was a scene of confrontation between the protaginist and the sub-personality in a fantasy space.

Yan Luqing didn’t know whether this could be realized from a scientific point of view, so she turned her head and whispered to Gu Ci: “Isn’t it said that multiple personalities won’t know each other?”

In order not to affect the people around her, but only Gu Ci, she had to lean over and get very close to him.

Yan Luqing was still holding popcorn in her arms and she ate it for the entire night. So when she leaned over to talk, it was that sweet smell which came out. Gu Ci didn’t even need to look over but could already feel that it was a human shaped milk candy that leaned over.

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He turned his head and met the girl’s bright eyes.

“It’s just a movie.”

“Okay.” The human shaped milk candy nodded and leaned back into her seat.

It may be that the spirit is too relaxed and the movie is not taken seriously, so when the next plot appears, it shocked the human shaped milk candy.

The dialogue between the protagonist and the sub-personality is relatively unclear, which make the audience start to think about ‘what does this mean’, but the dialogue ends suddenly with the usual way of how ghost movies and thrillers end, with a sudden close-up of the sub-personality smiling up and a bell-like sound that suddenly rises.

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The previous conversation was quite calm and strange, but after this messing scene in the end, many people in the cinema were frightened and screamed one after another.

Yan Luqing was also stunned for a moment, but the stun was short-lived——because Gu Ci, who was beside her, suddenly touched her arm.

Yan Luqing’s original state of confusion was suddenly interrupted, and she turned around abruptly. She didn’t see Gu Ci’s face clearly, but heard him say, “Pass it to me.”

Her senses seem to have not yet returned: “What?”

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