According to these little fragments, he roughly knew what her dream looked like.

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Yan Luqing is not always as heartless as she appears.

She is probably good at pretending and even pretends so well that she deceived herself, and that scene in that movie aroused all the fears and worries she had been pressing down to the bottom all this time. That’s why she has nightmares for several days in a row and it produces such a dream scene, and even… sleepwalking.

She hugged his arm and cried for a while that day, but Gu Ci didn’t know much about sleepwalking. He wanted to touch her but was afraid that she would become even more afraid when she woke up.

Yan Luqing didn’t cry for too long. After she finished complaining with those two sentences, she returned to her room according to her original route, while Gu Ci followed her all the time. He did not stop until he watched her enter the room door and lay back on the bed.

After planting the psychological suggestion, she definitely won’t have any nightmares again, but he is not sure about sleepwalking.

Gu Ci remembered her reaction towards the refrigerator when she was sleepwalking, but he couldn’t get any answer out of her.

He looked at her face with her eyes closed for a while. The dark color under her eyes could not be covered. It was simply like a panda.

Gu Ci’s voice rang in the room. It was unusually gentle, as if to appease a frightened little animal.

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“Listen up, Yan Luqing.”

“All your nightmares are fake.”

“The movie you saw is also fake.”

And the last sentence.

He said it in a voice with a very warm temperature that he didn’t even notice.

——”Don’t be afraid.”

When Yan Luqing woke up again, the surroundings were pitch black.

She felt comfortable all over, and even her head, which had been drowsy for five days, became extremely comfortable. Every cell in her body was interpreting to her: I finally got enough sleep.

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Yan Luqing sat up and touched the switch of the bedside lamp. The light suddenly lit up in the room and she stretched greatly.

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After getting enough satisfaction, she fell silent and looked at the furnishings around her.

——This is her own room.

When did she fall asleep?

What was she doing before she went to bed?

Yan Luqing’s brain is running at full speed, and the events that happened today appeared in her mind one by one——

In the morning, Princess Ci told her with a sleepy look that he couldn’t sleep well and asked her to help him.

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She came back from school in high spirits, took him back to his room, started the steps of hypnosis like last time, and then… and then…

Then she suddenly ran to her room and fell asleep???

What a hellish supernatural event is this???

Yan Luqing almost bounced up from the bed, looked around and found her mobile phone on the bedside table.

It’s ten o’clock in the evening.

She got home after one o’clock in the afternoon, and she has no memory of the time after that.

With trembling fingers, Yan Luqing found Granpa’s WeChat, and then made a video call with trembling fingers too.

The other party picked it up five seconds later. Grandpa was smoking, and the smoke was lingering in his voice. He said in a kind voice: “You don’t need to give me money, little girl. So don’t be so persistent anymore…”

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“Grandpa! Grandpa, wait, listen to me first——” Yan Luqing interrupted him, “Didn’t I tell you before that I successfully hypnotized my friend?”


“Today, he said he didn’t sleep well again so I went to help hypnotize him again, and I did it according to your instructions…” After Yan Luqing described it in detail, her eyes widened in the end and said in an almost broken voice: “Why is it that! After that! It’s me who fell asleep?! And I even slept for a full nine hours?!”

There was a dead silence in the bedroom.

Yan Luqing looked at the screen. Grandpa was silent for a long time before he finally made a movement again.

“Ah…” The old man’s hand that lit the cigarette trembled slightly. “Little girl, this case of yours… is what we call an anti-hypnosis.”


Yan Luqing: “??????”

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