So on and so on. The cycle just keeps repeating.

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This is totally f*cking self-contradictory!

So why is this Princess so hard to be seen through!!!

There are no more things like the head of the family and the wife! Yan Luqing thought fiercely, how could there be a rebellious wife who would hypnotize the head of the family!


She doesn’t know how long she rolled and tangled on the bed. In the end, Yan Luqing was so tangled that even Makabaka couldn’t watch it anymore and jumped out to say to her, “Although I don’t know what happened, your head is full of garbled characters and your mood also fluctuates greatly. Why don’t you… calm down? Stop thinking about Gi Ci first?”

Yan Luqing stopped for a moment, then looked up and asked seriously: “How can I calm down?”

“Eat something to calm yourself down.” Makabaka said, “You might be so focused that you didn’t pay attention to it. In fact, your stomach has been growling since you started sleeping.”


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Yan Luqing rubbed her stomach and she indeed felt a little hungry. It was already midnight before she knew it and she was several hours late for dinner. If she doesn’t eat now, she is afraid she will start to have a stomachache.

She sighed, put on her shoes and fixed her hair a little, and then went downstairs.

While going downstairs, she also talked to Makabaka in her mind: “By the way, do you have anything related to the golden finger in cooking here? That is, the kind that turns a pot of raw ingredients into a pot of delicious food with just pointing one finger out?”

“…” She really dreams too beautifully. Makabaka was speechless for a while, “Maria, I am not a treasure chest. You are making things difficult…”

However, its words were not finished yet.

When Yan Luqing had already arrived at a place just a few steps away from the kitchen, that little Early Adult Voice disappeared——It disappeared in the sound of electric current.

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment.

Now is the time when everyone is sleeping.

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There are night lights in the villa at night, which is just enough to illuminate the corridor. But at this time, the headlights in the kitchen are turned on, and the warm light comes out from the door.

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Yan Luqing: “…”

It can’t be so coincidental, right?

But thinking about it just now—— The one who could make Makabaka disappear suddenly, who else other than that person?

Except for Princess Ci of the enemy’s country whose whole body is full of secrets, who else?!?!

Yan Luqing didn’t want to understand these causes and consequences. She came downstairs to calm down, not to face her source of embarrassment and do things that are impossible for her. Just as she was about to turn her head and leave, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

In just two or three seconds, the source of her entanglement appeared in front of her.

He is standing by the kitchen door with his black hair and white T-shirt, with a lot of warm yellow lights behind him, as if enveloping him.

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Gu Ci’s eyes slowly swept over.


As soon as they met, Yan Luqing didn’t feel the embarrassment and suffocation she imagined instead.

Because Gu Ci’s gaze… is not quite right.

Usually, sometimes he looks at her with a lazy look, but more often it was with a smile, and then with expressionless face and silent eyes.

But now, his eyes seemed to be observing and studying some specimens.

Specimen Yan is made very confused by his way of looking at her. When she wanted to ask aloud, he was the first to speak instead.

“Conscious?” Gu Ci seemed to have finished his observation, and his expression finally returned to normal, “Are you coming here to look for something to eat?”

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Yan Luqing was stunned for a second.

Why is the first sentence ‘conscious’ instead of ‘woken up’?

Thinking it might be a slip of the tongue, she quickly skipped this point and replied: “Yeah…I am hungry after sleeping too long.”

Gu Ci didn’t say anything. He just tilted his head and motioned her to go in.

Yan Luqing thought it was really magical.

According to his character, shouldn’t he ask ‘How is your sleeping’ as soon as they met?

But he is so kind today.

While sighing emotionally, she followed behind him into the kitchen.

The kitchen is very large, with a long table in it. This is where the aunties and the bodyguards of the villa usually eat. The dining room where Yan Luqing usually eats her meal is next door.

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