Chapter 43.3

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Little Black didn’t notice that his young lady’s face was pale at this time, and continued to ask: “But Miss Yan, I remember that when I listened to your conversation with him yesterday morning, it seems that Mr. Gu Ci said he wanted to sleep and asked for your help… Why was it in the end, you were the one who came out of his room in a sleeping state?”

——This naive question seemed like the last blow, which hit Yan Luqing with a ‘bang’, and weighed down a straw that was supposed to pretend to be strong.

She thought: It’s over now. Everyone saw it.

Everyone saw it when she played a hypnotic video in and out of the living room before. Before leaving yesterday morning, she even told Gu Ci that she would hypnotize him when she came back from campus. When she really came back from campus, she took Gu Ci into the bedroom but in the end she was the one carried out by Gu Ci in a sleeping posture.

Even Little Black knows it so clearly, then the rest must have grasped all the ins and outs.

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Yan Luqing looked at Aunt Disney who was cleaning around them, at the Aunt Cook who just came home from shopping and smiled at her, at Big black who had just finished placing the ice water, and at Little Black whose face blushed into tomato-red next to her…

She suddenly felt dizzy in front of her.

Oh no. She can’t stay in this place anymore.

She touched the mobile phone on the sofa, opened WeChat, and was about to ask Little Twisted Braids for help when she found that on her chatbox with Little Twisted Braids, a bright red of ‘5’ appeared in the upper left corner.

The first four are the messages from yesterday.

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[Little Twisted Braids]: My dear sister, I think you haven’t joined any club yet, right? I signed up for an art club because of my hobby and there will be a lot of clubs in the campus holding activities together tomorrow. I have handed over a wall mural to our club, but we don’t have enough manpower. Can you help us? We provide a whole evening’s meal!

[Little Twisted Braids]: It only needs a little bit of drawing skill. All my roommates are busy with their own matters QwQ…

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[Little Twisted Braids]: What happened? = =, How did you disappear after you got home in the afternoon?

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[Little Twisted Braids]: It couldn’t be that you are with the one who has been living with you, right?

And the last one is the message that has been sent just now.

[Little Twisted Braids]: Dear! Why didn’t you reply to so many messages I sent?! Are you coming or not coming or not coming or not?

Yan Luqing looked at the pile of words and seemed to have found a life-saving straw to escape from the villa.

[Fleeing Goddess]: I am coming. I will be there soon!

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It was still summer when she first came here, and now it is almost early winter. The weather outside is getting colder and colder. Yan Luqing changed into thicker clothes, dressed up a little, and left the house without stopping at all.

It was noon when she arrived at school. She ate lunch with Little Twisted Braids, and then the two walked towards their destination.

“Ah, it is also a coincidence. There are four seniors who have a very good relationship with each other in our club, but four of them skipped a class for a day to climb the mountain and their car hit a tree. One went to repair the car, and three were in plaster casts in the hospital… ” Little Twisted Braids lamented, “These four are our main force!!”

Yan Luqing was relieved after she came out of the house. She said with a smile: “This has taught us that we can go out to play, but we can’t skip class just to go out to play.”

Little Twisted Braids: “…You really know how to sum it up.”

When the two of them arrived at the place, which seemed to be a corner of the campus, Yan Luqing saw a wall that was two meters high and more than ten meters long. There are already many people standing in front of the wall painting something which looks like a landscape painting, but the degree of completion is less than one third.

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