Yan Luqing was tracing the outline of the illustration on the paper, and the voice of Makabaka sounded in her mind.

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“Maria, if you get approval after you finish painting it, you can complete the task of helping others.” Makabaka said excitedly. Then, with some hint of anger in its voice, it said again: “Actually, you can go out and do some good deeds many times to get all kinds of small rewards, but you are really too lazy…”

“Really?” Yan Luqing automatically ignored the second half of the sentence and said in surprise, “Then I really have to draw well.”

Yan Luqing has always liked to draw, and unlike cooking, her talent is also in painting.

Although she did well in school and was always praised by teachers of various subjects, what she wanted to do most was to be an art student and she wanted to learn art.

The reason why she did not take the art exam or applied for the art major was not because she was reluctant to give up the results of culture courses, nor was it for the so-called future.

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… But because of the lack of money.

This obstacle is too real.

So after realizing this, she never mentioned her desire to draw to anyone. She only searched the videos related to art tutorials with the Dean’s computer in her spare time, as well as the kind of online class teaching that is very conscientious.

This was one of her few recreational activities during every holiday.

But Yan Luqing didn’t have the extra money to buy a lot of paints, so she had to draw with only pencils. After she had really drawn enough, she went to search for homemade paint… Later, she was busy with her high school studies, and she didn’t draw much after during the holidays anymore.

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Looking at the gradually forming mountains and rivers, Little Twisted Braids said in surprise: “Oh my God. You actually know how to draw! I thought you were just like me who can only draw a little…”

“Isn’t it so?” Yan Luqing cooperated with her and sighed while painting. “With me not studying art, the world has lost a precious artist.”

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The two of them were talking and drawing. Because they were far away, they didn’t realize that they were progressing faster than the others around them.

During this period, Wine Bottle came to see their progress once.

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At that time, Yan Luqing had not painted the color yet. She was sketching the rough edges. Although he can see that the brush strokes are jerky, like an amateur, the orientation is mostly correct, and it won’t turn into an impossible thing to adjust later. Moreover, now there is such a shortage of manpower, it would be good to be able to finish the painting, and there is no time for nitpicking.

Seeing that her drawing was probably quite right, he left with confidence.

An hour later, the progress of the large group was finally approaching half.

Wine Bottle’s back was patted, and he turned around immediately. “Oh, Twisted Braids. What’s wrong?”

Before Little Twisted Braids could speak, she saw the Senior Sister that she had always hated making a sarcastic statement: “What else can there be? The drawing may be ruined. I told you not to hand it over to the newcomer, but you just didn’t want to listen to me.”

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“That’s not it…” Little Twisted Braids retorted, “Senior Sister Lu, we have probably finished drawing a piece, so I want Senior Brother to take a look.”

“So you have finished it?” Senior Sister Lu sneered, “That’s all the more awful then. Wang Jiu, go and see if you can still save it.”

Wine Bottle rolled his white eyes, completely not wanting to argue with a woman at all. He directly signaled Little Twisted Braids with his eyes to withdraw together.

“Senior Sister Lu is really… Why does she always act like we owe her money every day?” Little Twisted Braids complained.

“Don’t pay attention to her. She will just get more and more aggressive if you give more attention to her…” Wine Bottle comforted her. The two of them reached the second-to-last wall, where Yan Luqing was in charge.

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