Chapter 44.4

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There was silence in the car.

But the silence was broken by Yan Luqing’s long sigh before five seconds.

“Alas——” She leaned her head back on the back seat of the car, with a small complaint in her voice, “You don’t know how much sensation you caused when you picked me up at campus last time, and how many people misunderstood our relationship… Like how the Senior asked me just now, I couldn’t even explain it.”

“Really?” Gu Ci thought of the scene just now and suddenly chuckled: “It seems that it is still not enough.”

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It happened that a sports car passed by quickly from Yan Luqing’s side and the roar drowned out Gu Ci’s voice, so she didn’t hear anything.

Yan Luqing looked puzzled: “What did you just say? What is not enough?”


Immediately after that, the smile on Gu Ci’s face hadn’t dissipated yet when with a tone that was unknown whether jokingly or sarcastically, he said, “It’s strange. Why didn’t you get drunk today?”

When the topic turned to this, Yan Luqing also waved her hand in disappointment: “Don’t mention this anymore. I just drank a little bit. All of them can’t drink——They are all obviously my seniors, but I didn’t expect them to be younger brothers instead!”

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After complaining about this, Yan Luqing remembered that she hadn’t shown off her all afternoon’s great achievements to him yet. She turned to look at Gu Ci, and her whole person looked very excited: “By the way, Gu Ci! Did I tell you I am a genius?”

“…” Gu Ci turned his face and looked at her with the look of ‘please redefine genius’.

Yan Luqing thought that when talking about genius, the person in front of her seemed to be the genius deity, so she added a little embarrassedly: “Ah, I forgot to add the field… Well, I mean, did I tell you that I am a genius in the field of painting?”

Gu Ci’s eyes returned to normal, “You didn’t say it.” After a pause, he added again, “You can say it now.”

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Yan Luqing immediately opened the conversation box: “I went to rescue my friend this afternoon. She is a member of the art club. Today, their club is going to paint a wall. Their four main painters ran out to play but their hands and feet were injured in a car accident, so they couldn’t participate in the painting process. Then she asked me to come over and help…”

“… Babble, blah blah blah…” In the following time, Yan Luqing described in great detail what kind of technique she used, how smooth her brushwork was, and how superb her mastery of color transitions was. Finally, she asked Gu Ci in a summary: “How is it? I am amazing, right?!”

Yan Luqing was praised by people in the art club when she was painting. After finishing the painting, she was greatly praised too. Her response was either laughing it off and saying that she was a folk artist, or showing an embarrassed look. She humbly shirk it away and said that she just painted it by following the example on the paper.

She is still quite uncomfortable after listening to others’ sincere praise and flattery all the time——Because she knows that she only surprises them as a non-professional. That’s why they would react like that towards her. Her advantage is that she draws relatively completely and quickly. In fact, the details are not so magical, and it is still far from the professional seniors there.

But after seeing Gu Ci, this mentality changed unconsciously.

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He didn’t participate in her highlight moment today, and Yan Luqing suddenly felt that something was missing.

So she wants to boast to him and tell him how awesome she was today.

In her subconscious actions, she wanted to take the initiative to tell Gu Ci these things.


Gu Ci looked at the person who kept talking all the time, as if she was a tireless person.

The girl’s eyes are amazingly bright in the dim car. The black and white are very clear, and all her emotions could be seen at a glance, as if saying to him without any cover: I am asking for credit.

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