She understood in an instant and was quite compassionate.

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It’s hard to imagine what it’s like for Princess Ci to wake up from his sleep and hear these songs.

Yan Luqing also instructed: “Little Black, don’t play it in the open anymore in the future. It’s not conducive for your chance of looking for a partner and also for our physical and mental health. If you really want to listen to it so much, you can listen to it yourself by wearing the headphones, but my suggestion is to stop listening to it——”

Little Black: “?”

Yan Luqing: “Be obedient. Let’s seal this playlist.”

When she was done, she turned and went upstairs.

Little Black stayed where he was, full of doubts and couldn’t figure it out. He went to Big Black and complained, but after explaining the ins and outs, he felt very wronged: “But I also played songs before, and Miss Yan didn’t say anything. Why did she tell me to seal the playlist once Mr. Gu Ci said it was unpleasant to hear?”

Big Black was helpless and looked at him with an expression of ‘oh, my stupid little brother’ and said: “Didn’t you tugged at me every day and say that the two of them are in a relationship?”

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Little Black is puzzled: “Does their relationship have anything to do with this matter? Why did she let me play it before, but now she doesn’t allow me to play it anymore?”

“How stupid are you actually…” Big Black sighed. “Are you sure you want to compare with Mr. Gu Ci?”

Little Black: “…”

It turns out that him being favored is only an illusion.

Yan Luqing returned to her room, and first told Little Twisted Braids that she will take ‘that one from her family’ to participate tomorrow.

[Fleeing Goddess]: I will go tomorrow.

[Fleeing Goddess]: Also bring the handsome man you are thinking about with me.

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[Little Twisted Braids]: !!!

Yan Luqing saw these three exclamation marks and knew that Little Twisted Braids can still send another 300 exclamation marks again. She ignored row after row of exclamation words after that, directly changed her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After coming out, she fell on the bed and browsed through short videos in the application.

Under multiple factors, unexpectedly, she falls asleep while browsing through the videos.

When she woke up again, she was awakened by the urge to go to the toilet. As Yan Luqing walked towards the bathroom in a daze, she heard Makabaka calling her in her mind——

“Maria! Do you want to see the loaded reward?”

Yan Luqing felt refreshed and nodded slowly: “Okay. Let’s have a look.”

After a busy afternoon, she naturally wondered what the so-called reward for helping others was.

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Makabaka’s voice was a little hollow: “This time, it’s another grand prize again…”

“Really? Is it so generous?” Yan Luqing feels a little strange, “Then, will I also be able to get the grand prize again if I just go out to pick up garbage or something like that in the future?”

“No, no, no. Many rewards are just for adding value to the original Golden Finger. It’s because you are very lucky…” Makabaka also said with a mixture of truth and falsehood, “I really don’t know why it can get the highest reward every time. Maria, have you ever played card drawing games? Are you the Emperor of luck?”

Yan Luqing: “… Card drawing games, whether it is the Emperor of luck or not, always need to be played with a lot of money. I’ve only played the kind of humiliating game such as Honor of Kings which can be played without spending any money.”

Makabaka made an ‘oh’ sound and then said again: “You can read the introduction yourself and you can experiment with it at any time.”

Yan Luqing looked at the words in front of her.

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Dear Maria, the world is fortunate to have you. Please open your exclusive task’s reward for helping others below——

[The Magical Brush of Ma Liang]


“——F*ck!” Yan Luqing’s drowsiness completely disappeared and she burst out with excitement instead, “It’s for painting!!”

“Yes. The reward is related to your content of helping others~”

The Magical Brush of Ma Liang? It shouldn’t be the same as in the story, where everything it draws will come true, right?? Then, isn’t she invincible??!!! She is going to be Yan Maliang[1] now!!!

[1] Ma Liang: an official serving under the warlord Liu Bei (Three Kingdoms) during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China.

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