Yan Luqing took the sticker and looked at its left and right. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it and the more she felt that it was fun.

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What is this called? This is called the manual production of Gu Ci’s peripheral products?

She drew a few more pictures of his face, and found that this Golden Finger also had an automatic generation system. For characters who have appeared in the book, their face can be automatically generated with just a few strokes.

Everything that Yan Luqing drew came out in the form of ‘small peripheral products’ since it started. She already had an exquisite key chain based on Gu Ci’s face, a mobile phone case with his face printed on it, a number of stickers, and acrylic cards… Some are piled around her and others are piled on the bed.

She looked at the surrounding piles, and still wanted to draw a full-body Gu Ci.

——What peripheral product will appear if she draws the entire body?

Yan Luqing was so excited that she forgot the time and didn’t notice what time it was at all.

Although Gu Ci promised to go out with her tomorrow, when he has to stay up at night, he still has to do it.

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He has the sleep monitoring software on his hand.

They got home at more than 10 o’clock. At that time, they went back to their rooms respectively. It showed that Yan Luqing went to sleep at 11 o’clock.

Gu Ci didn’t take it to heart at that time.

After all, the test results were so good last night. With her going to bed so early today, he guessed she would still get a good night’s sleep. In addition, she said that she drank a little bit, so she will probably get the title of Sleeping God again.

So he turned off the mobile phone prompt, focused on the text in the computer and listened to the people in the computer.

Until the break just now, Gu Ci opened the software and saw the above record.

The records showed that Yan Luqing fell asleep at 11:00, woke up and left bed at 12:30, and then didn’t fall asleep again, but there was no record of any physical data——It proved that it was not because she had not fallen asleep, but that she had never stayed in bed.

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It’s half past two in the morning now.

It’s been two hours.

Gu Ci’s forehead jumped——This data, when it appears on a person who has experienced sleepwalking, the meaning of the result is quite obvious.

He turned off the computer without expression and walked out of the room with his mobile phone in hand.

First, he went to the kitchen restaurant where she sleepwalked before, and then went around all the places on the first floor of the villa, but he still couldn’t find her.

He went up to the second floor, his footsteps were almost silent, and he continued to look under the night light that was dim but enough to illuminate the surrounding environment, and there was no one in sight either.

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Gu Ci finally stopped at the door of Yan Luqing’s room.

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It is impossible for her to leave the villa, so there is only her room left.

Sleepwalking, or maybe only being active in the room.

He waited for a moment and listened attentively. He didn’t hear any sound in the room. It was so quiet that it was almost strange——not even any footsteps sound.

Suddenly, a strange and unknown premonition enveloped his heart.

Gu Ci lightly knocked on the door.

If Yan Luqing didn’t sleepwalk, but was simply awake, she would definitely come to open the door for him.

But no.

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He could not help frowning, turned the door handle of her room almost silently, then pressed it all the way and pushed it away slowly——

The room is brightly lit.

Gu Ci saw at a glance the person he had been looking for everywhere. At this time, she was sitting on the floor not far from the bed. She is wearing pajamas and headphones. Her fingers dance back and forth in the air, as if she is doing a practice, or performing some kind of magic trick.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes flashed. He moved his eyes a little and saw a bunch of small objects that seemed to have human faces placed beside Yan Luqing, who seemed to be performing some sorcery, and also a very, very conspicuous…

Piece of shit.


Although the rational brain clearly knew that it should be some kind of fake toy, Gu Ci’s eyes still froze there but he immediately turned elsewhere afterwards. At this turn, he happened to see Yan Luqing’s bed that made people can’t ignore it.

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