She was originally a fan of Gu Ci, the character in the book, so Yan Luqing’s remarks were justifiable, “You are so good at physics, so I treat you as my idol in physics now——I can treat all geniuses as my idols, right?”

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Gu Ci looked at her with great interest for a while and said: “Right.”

Then he continued: “One last question.”

“We can meet every day. Why do you still have to make these things?”


Yan Luqing doesn’t know why, but she suddenly feels touched emotionally by the phrase ‘we can meet every day’ in his words.

But the days of seeing each other every day will soon be gone.

Yan Luqing remembered the plot in the original book. Gu Ci left the villa with the help of his uncle, who took him away after he found him. At that time, it seemed that his uncle had just returned to China, and he got the news of Gu Ci from somewhere.

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Now that Gu Ci has contacted his uncle so early, maybe he will leave early too.

Although she did this for fun, in a sense, it can also be used as a memorial in the future.

Yan Luqing’s mood changed from tension and embarrassment at first, to speechless panic and flustered in the middle, and now it suddenly fell vertically.

All the emotions were reflected on her face.

Gu CI looked at those inexplicably changed eyes and suddenly remembered the time when she asked for credit and praise in the car.

He felt like she had two invisible fluffy ears on her head.

But if it really exists, the pair of ears should be drooping down at this time.

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Gu Ci was originally in a very complicated mood, because when he first came up, all the things that were skipping in his mind were about sleepwalking that he had intentionally read recently. And made a lot of guesses about what might happen to her.

Then he pushed the door open.

He saw her sitting on the floor playing with things that he didn’t know what it was. Anyway, she seemed to really have a good time with it.

Then he saw a lump of fake shit and a pillow with his face printed on it, lying in the middle of the bed.

The first reaction in his heart was similar to the previous several times——

Sure enough.

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One can always believe in the ‘surprise’ brought by Yan Luqing.

Every time she was caught, she was tangled and embarrassed. She knows it’s impossible to explain to him, but she still has to rack her brains to find a lame reason for herself, all of which were very interesting.

Gu Ci likes to tease her and make her talk more.

But unexpectedly, after he kept teasing and teasing her, he would suddenly see her eyes turned into that kind of lost little animal. Because it was too vivid, a certain part of the body collapsed inexplicably——It was like a table that was originally supported by four legs, and now one leg was suddenly crippled.

He straightened up himself from the door frame, and the slight sound caused Yan Luqing to regain her senses.

“You haven’t slept although it’s already so late. Do you still plan to go tomorrow?” Gu Ci reminded her, “To that exhibition.”

“… Ah?” The sudden change of the topic caught Yan Luqing a little off guard, “Oh, it’s better to go… Anyway, the event lasted for a whole day, and we can just go in the afternoon.”

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Gu Ci nodded and said okay, then added again: “Then, take a rest early.”

Then he pulled the door handle and seemed to want to turn around and leave.

Several doubts flashed in Yan Luqing’s mind in an instant: Is he leaving just like this? Why the sudden turn? Why didn’t he keep asking? He hasn’t got her answer yet, right?

“Eh——wait a minute!”

One second before he closed the door, Yan Luqing stopped him.

Gu Ci looked back and said: “What’s the matter?”

Although she didn’t know why he suddenly changed his mind and didn’t intend to stay and continue to ‘torture’ herself anymore, Yan Luqing still felt that it was not good for him to see… such a scene.

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