WVHRA Chapter 46.1

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It looks like it’s going to hurt! So before he could say the next sentence, Yan Luqing quickly interrupted him: “It is a work of art designed by a folk artist, of course.”

Then she directly took his mobile phone and the case in his hand, put them together, and buckled them tightly, so as not to give him a chance to resist.

“This is nice.” Yan Luqing stuffed the mobile phone with the phone case back into his hand and took the lead in leading the way, “Let’s go now.”

Because she hadn’t been in contact with anyone in the morning, Little Twisted Braids sent a lot of messages to Yan Luqing. However, she has been immersed in drawing since she woke up so she didn’t open her WeChat until she got into the car.

Inside the car that was driving to her campus, Yan Luqing was so happy that she even hummed a song that was a little out of tune.

Gu Ci asked indifferently: “Are you so happy?”

“Yeah.” Yan Luqing replied, “I’m going to see the works I participated in being displayed to the public soon. So of course I am happy!”

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But she vehemently denied it in her heart: As if!

It’s all because the princess of bamboo shoot country put on an exclusive mobile phone case with himself painted on it, but he doesn’t even know it yet! Just thinking about it makes her feel good.

This is probably the counterattack from the panda that is used to bamboo shoots.

Yan Panda couldn’t restrain her joyful emotions. Thinking that she had to do something to divert her attention, she opened the short video app in the car again, and browsed through the videos in front of Gu Ci.

Sometimes she called the beauties who changed their appearances in the videos with ‘wife’. Because she is in a particularly good mood today, her mouth is extraordinarily sweet——

Fleeing Goddess: [I gave you 94 points for your appearance, of which 6 points were deducted for disturbing my thoughts and made me drive through the red light.]

Sometimes when she sees sand sculpture videos, she still complaint according to the content as before——

Fleeing Goddess: [God didn’t give you a pair of eyes to play puzzle matching games.]

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Sometimes when she come across a copywriting that makes fuss about an imaginary illness, she can’t help but put one of her foot in too——

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Fleeing Goddess: [Don’t feel wronged just because no one understood you. Do you understand mathematics and physics then? Neither of them feel wronged.]

When she had browsed enough, she locked her mobile phone again and sat honestly looking at the scenery sweeping back quickly outside the window.

Yan Luqing suddenly thought of something, turned around and glanced at Gu Ci, “By the way, when will your class start again?”

Gu Ci said: “Tomorrow.”

Tomorrow is Monday. Yan Luqing also has to start her class too.

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But she thought of the person’s recent work and rest, and wondered: “Then, your uncle’s side…”

“I told him that I would contact him during the day.”

“Oh.” Yan Luqing said casually, “That’s good.”

After saying this, Gu Ci glanced at her inexplicably.

Because it was just after noon, she couldn’t see his face because the sun was behind him, and could only see the pitch-dark in the bottom of his eyes.

Feeling his gaze sweeping over, Yan Luqing explained again: “It’s because I am afraid of you having a sudden death. Now there is more and more news of sudden death due to staying up late and lack of sleep. We have to take care of ourselves more.”

Lack of sleep?

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Gu Ci was silent for a long time and suddenly chuckled: “Actually, you don’t need to worry about that.”

If she still needs to worry about lack of sleep in her current state, then, only few people in the world can sleep well.

Yan Luqing looked at him suspiciously and was about to ask why, but was preempted by Gu Ci.

“Why have you been so…” He paused, then continued, “fond of running outside?”

Gu Ci raised his eyelids slightly and asked as if joking: “Do you really have too many thoughts?”


He really remembered this ‘having too many thoughts’ sentence.

Yan Luqing blinked and said seriously: “I was joking when I sent you the message at that time,but maybe I’ve been stuck at home for a long time so recently when I went to campus, I suddenly felt that it was not that annoying to go out.”

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