Before she could say anything further, she saw Little Twisted Braids keep winking hard at her from behind.

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Then her voice came from between her teeth to Yan Luqing’s ear: “What nonsense are you talking about! Introduce us first!”

Yan Luqing looked at the corner of her eyes that was about to cramp and sighed in her heart. The day finally came.

She turned to Gu Ci and said, “This is my best friend in college. Her name is Little Twisted…no, her name is Xiao Xiao, nicknamed Little Twisted Braids.”

Little Twisted Braids gritted her teeth fiercely: “The nickname doesn’t need to be introduced.”

Yan Luqing ignored her voice, pointed to Gu Ci according to the procedure and said: “His name is Gu Ci, he is my…”

When she was about to say the relationship between the two of them, Yan Luqing subtly paused for two seconds.

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And it was precisely because of these two seconds that Little Twisted Braids immediately waved her hands very discerningly: “Okay, okay, okay, no need to introduce the relationship. I understand, I understand it all. Didn’t you tell me earlier?” Then she immediately probed out from Yan Luqing’s side and greeted, “Hello, handsome guy. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

While greeting, she keeps thinking that these two people are really too matched.

This height, this appearance, how to describe it? In addition to describing them with the popular ‘handsome guy’ and ‘beauty’ or the likes, she also has the feeling as if she is looking at a big beauty and a cute little beauty.

In short, it is a perfect match!

“Hello.” Gu Ci smiled at Little Twisted Braids and his polite smile was just right, but his tone seemed curious, “What did she tell you?”

Little Twisted Braids was not used to looking at such a handsome man from a close distance, so she froze for a moment before saying, “She told me too much. So which one do you mean?”


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The two were chatting here, and Yan Luqing remained in a daze.

There was no other reason——She found that when she was introducing Gu Ci to Little Twisted Braids just now, when she said ‘he is Gu Ci, he is my’, the first word that popped into her mind turned out to be——

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… ‘wife’.

Putting them together, it is——”He is my wife”.

Then, if she connects it with the front part of that sentence, it becomes——”His name is Gu Ci, he is my wife”.


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… What a sin!!!

Aaahhhh, what disease does she have?! How did she come up with such an introduction! ! !

Is it because there is usually too much inner dialogue in her brain? Because of those parables of the owner of the house’s wife? All formed a conditioned reflex?

Yan Luqing suffered a great shock in her heart, and when she noticed the two around her again, they had already ended their conversation.

Gu Ci’s expression was the same as usual, but Little Twisted Braids’s eyes were bright and her face was red.

“Don’t get it wrong!” Little Twisted Braids walked up to her, pointed to her face and said in a very candid voice, “I have never seen your boy… Bah, I have never seen a real person as handsome as your friend. This blush is out of politeness. My whole heart is only devoted to my boyfriend, till the seas dry up and the rocks decay.”

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Yan Luqing: “……” Is this the basic idiom skill of science students? It really enriched her.

Yan Luqing said “Oh”, but her focus was not here, “What did you two talk about?”

At this distance, probably because she was afraid that Gu Ci would hear it, Little Twisted Braids said in a whisper: “Don’t worry, I didn’t say anything that shouldn’t be said.”

“……?” Yan Luqing didn’t get it for a moment and replied with a whispering voice too, “Is there anything that can’t be said?”

Little Twisted Braids: “I didn’t say that you asked me why he said you were cute, and I also didn’t say that you liked him as a paper man.”

“…” That is indeed not something that can be said.

Yan Luqing glanced at her approvingly.

Little did they know that their open behavior of whispering with each other in front of a certain someone is just like pasting three big words on the top of their heads: we’re hiding something.

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