10th Floor [= =]: Damn. As a person who has never supported a real human CP, I am really stunned. Even if it’s just based on the face, can it be supported too? Big beauty and Little Beauty, please paste to each other quickly!

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11th Floor [= =]: Who would believe that you two are not a couple? The girl’s stare at the very beginning was too charming, wasn’t it? It’s so cute! The Big beauty remained calm throughout the whole process. Maybe he is thinking ‘It’s so cute to see my baby embarrassed’? It’s so charming, so charming, so charming!

12th Floor [= =]: I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it (screaming and shaking my head)

13th Floor [coriander is really unpalatable]: I should be happy to know that such a handsome man is single, but why am I so disappointed when I hear that these two people are not a couple…

14th Floor [coriander is my wife]: Loss + 1. Probably because I know that although they are single, it will not be my turn anyway, so I want to send ‘kill me, kill me, kill me’ in this post to them…

15th Floor [My CP is the most authentic]: Hahahaha who doesn’t like supporting CP? I don’t care anymore. I’m going to support them till I die! Kill me, kill me, kill me!

16th Floor [= =]: Wait, the young girl is from our college, and the Big beauty is from T University. Then, won’t it mean that the fat water from T University has flowed to the field of us, the outsider? Hahahaha, I really feel so satisfied! Young girl, you are really great!!!

17th Floor [= =]: Is this really not a two-way crush? Is it really that both of them are too good at acting?

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18th Floor [= =]: There are a lot of people who really want them to get married.jpg


Gu Ci originally just wanted to watch something to relax his mind, but he didn’t expect such content.

He read the text very quickly, but the speed of sliding down suddenly became much slower than before, and because of this, he soon saw comments with a different style from the above.

40th Floor [= =]:??? So the girl is single! That guy is single too! Then, can that benefit the public??

41st Floor [= =]: It has long been spread in the software engineering department. A super beautiful freshman junior joined software engineering last week. I haven’t seen her yet, but wow, she looks really good in the video…

Please support this translation by reading it on the translator’s original website to read the new chapter faster.

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42nd Floor [= =]: I showed it to my buddies. He was shocked that there is a girl with such a good look in the software engineering major in the same college as him. He is preparing to chase her now hahaha.


49th Floor [= =]: I still don’t believe it. Is there anyone, who commented above, that knows her name? Are there any insiders who can come out to talk about whether they are a couple or not? Wuwuwuwuwu QAQ

The post update stopped here. This is the latest one.

Then, a few seconds later, the next floor appeared below it——

50th Floor [.]: Their mobile phone’s screensaver is the other party’s picture.

A moment later, the following poster became excited.

51st Floor [= =]:??? 50th floor? Sister Full Stop? Are you an insider???

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52L [= =]: Aaaaahhhhhh! The other party’s picture! Kill me, kill me, kill me!

53rd Floor [= =]: Hahaha. For brothers and sisters above who want to start the chase, you should give up now.

54th Floor [= =]: Sister Full Stop, please, give us more, give us more, give us more.

So, the mysterious full stop sent a comment again——

55th Floor [.]: They have been living together..

56th Floor [= =]:???!! F*ck! Living together? My support has become true aaaahhhh! Kill me, kill me, kill me!

57th Floor [= =]: Damn. I immediately become addicted in supporting them . By the way, I’d like to ask Sister Full Stop, what position of an insider are you?

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Gu Ci’s fingers paused, and then he smiled.

66th Floor [.]: I am her best friend.

After answering that sentence, Sister Full Stop did not appear again.

But the atmosphere of the forum was suddenly driven by the short sentences of the anonymous Sister Full Stop——

61st Floor [= =]:!! This good ‘best friend’ wants to make her relationship public! No problem!!! Sister Full Stop, you are the most amazing best friend!!!

62nd Floor [= =]: Aaaahhhhh, thank you, Sister Full Stop! I am so excited that I sat up from my bed and shouted to my roommate to get up and support a CP hahahahahahaha!!!

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