The two sat in the back seat, one by the left door and one by the right door. When they just sat down, there’s a moment when their gaze met and Yan Luqing seemed to see that Gu Ci seemed to smile indistinctly.

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He was dressed like yesterday, but his shirt was changed to black. When he didn’t speak or express himself, he looked very cool. This faint smile softened his whole person a lot.

Yan Luqing was holding the breakfast and wanted to open it, but she didn’t know why and asked instead: “…What are you smiling for?”

Gu Ci leaned on the back of the seat and asked in a leisurely tone: “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

Yan Luqing was taken aback: “My eyes?”

“Yeah.” Gu Ci said, looking at her with great interest for a few seconds before commenting, “It looks like an animal.”

She hasn’t reacted yet: “Like what?”

Gu Ci: “Giant panda.”

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Yan Luqing: “……”

Yan Luqing said in her heart: Not only am I a panda, I am also a panda who was persecuted and charmed by bamboo shoots, and I am also the king of the panda kingdom.

It’s just that I am a faint king.

She had been up late in the morning and had no time to do her makeup at all, so it was normal for the skin under her eyes to be a little dark now.

When the car started to drive, Yan Luqing started to eat breakfast. While eating, she asked the person next to her: “Gu Ci, what time is your first class? You won’t be late, right?”

He didn’t seem to have much energy. His eyelids were drooping and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he replied, “It’s the same as yours.”

The distance between the two campuses was only ten minutes. After Yan Luqing counted it, she nodded and said: “Oh, there should be no problem.”

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Then she was somewhat doubtful again: “Are you sleepy, too? You didn’t sleep well last night?”

“A bit.”

Yan Luqing wanted to ask him what he did last night, but after seeing his appearance, she changed her mind and said: “Then go to sleep. I will call you when I get out of the car.”

After she finished speaking, she continued to concentrate on eating.

It’s just that eating on the road is no better than sitting in a dining room. Yan Luqing was a little hurried at her last bite, so she swallowed in one go, and choked.

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It was not the first time she choked so she has some experience. She took her time and tried to get the food down, while rolling her eyes——

At this moment, a water bottle was stuffed into her empty hand.

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It seems that there is even the touch of a finger, cool and warm, that just touched and left immediately afterward.

Yan Luqing took the water and drank it. After a few mouthfuls, she finally swallowed it smoothly and her whole person feels much more comfortable.

The driver is driving, so it could only be passed to her by Gu Ci.

Princess Ci is really so sweet today.

With this in mind, she turned her head and was about to thank Gu Ci. However, because she drank too much water, when their eyes met, she opened her mouth but uncontrollably made a short burp instead.


Feeling the momentary stagnation of the atmosphere, Yan Luqing wanted to pretend that nothing had happened and smiled awkwardly, but unfortunately, Gu Ci didn’t think so.

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“Are you thanking me?” He raised the corners of his lips and curled his eyes, “This method of yours is quite novel.”


Seeing her speechless, as if she was trying to please him, Gu Ci smiled and said: “You are welcome.”

Obviously, he also said that he was sleepy, but his state was clearly different from that of Yan Luqing with panda eyes. Now that he smiled, he doesn’t look sleepy at all anymore, but has a kind of lazy look that seduces people instead.

She didn’t know whether it was because she had lost face in front of him, or because of this smile, she suddenly felt the tendency of an increase in her cheeks’ temperature now.

And when Gu Ci said this, Yan Luqing’s gratitude disappeared instantly. She closed her mouth tightly, buttoned the lunch box for the sandwiches and put it in the back before turning her face away and looked out the window.

The silence then continued.

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