After that, regardless of what Twisted Braids did, Yan Luqing began to focus on recalling every time she and Gu Ci got along.

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From the beginning to the end, he rarely seemed to say clearly what he wanted to do and what he wanted to obtain.

Only once——

After she went out to learn hypnosis, she returned to the villa with a guilty conscience. As usual, she wanted to make her conscience better, so she went to the back garden to try to pick flowers and make a garland for Gu Ci again.

Unexpectedly, two people stood in the back garden earlier than her. A princess who was watering the flowers and Little Black, the servant, who was also watering the flowers.

After the servant left, Yan Luqing and the princess had a short conversation and he saw through her intention of giving him a garland.

Then he said——

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My best friend, I don’t want the garland.

Pick a star for me.

While preparing to celebrate Gu Ci’s birthday, Little Black was surprised to find that Miss Yan’s whereabouts in the past two days were quite mysterious.

She had no afternoon classes on the 10th, only half-day classes in the morning, but did not return to the villa on time at noon either.

It’s actually nothing. The problem is that she brought back a strange man from somewhere, a middle-aged man in his thirties, followed by a few staff members carrying giant cardboard box.

Little Black couldn’t hold back his curiosity and wanted to see the things that were being moved. Unexpectedly, she pointed to himself to stop and said: “Don’t look, and don’t ask either. What you should be doing, just go and do it.”

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Little Black said “Oh” and watched her lead those people upstairs with a gloomy expression. The food they went to is even… the third floor?

He felt even more strange. He went to find Big Black and asked: “Brother, is the third floor of this house still used? Isn’t that the attic?”

“There are still two or three rooms there. I remember there was a small room for viewing.” Big black said, “What’s the matter? Why do you ask this?”

Little Black recounted what happened just now: “Miss Yan just went up to the third floor with a man and a big cardboard box…”

After hearing this, Big Black pondered for a moment: “Did you ask her?”

“I asked but she told me not to ask or look.”

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Big Black felt that with such a big fanfare and the approaching of Gu Ci’s birthday, the matter is mostly related to gifts.

She doesn’t want to let Little Black know, it was probably for fear that he might have a slip of tongue.

“Since she said so,” Big Black patted the stupid little brother on the shoulder, “then just do it.”


Yan Luqing was busy all afternoon and at more than four o’clock, she finally sent off the invited expert. After returning to the room, she took a comfortable bath first, then sat cross-legged on the bed, and became Yan Maliang once again.

Before she started drawing, she specially summoned Makabaka and confirmed: “If I paint a star, will it really summon a star and let it fall here in the villa and smash us to death?”

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“… No.” Makabaka said, “I don’t know how to explain the reason. In short, things outside the earth and objects beyond a certain range are impossible.”

Yan Luqing was relieved: “It’s fine if it won’t.”

Then she began to concentrate on creating and producing all kinds of things. It was not until Gu Ci came back in the afternoon that she went downstairs and prepared to have dinner. As soon as the dinner was over, Yan Luqing went upstairs again and continued working, even giving up the time to watch TV with Princess Ci.

But it will just be these two days. Watching TV with him is not as important as his birthday gift.

Yan Luqing painted quite devotedly and happily. When it was time to go to bed, she put away her drawing board, climbed into bed after washing, and was about to close her eyes but the mobile phone on her pillow suddenly vibrated.

It was a WeChat message sent by the Female Lead Jiang Baichu.

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