Gu Ci had no classes in the morning, so Yan Luqing set off to her campus by herself.

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She originally thought that the matter with Little Black was just an exception today, but she didn’t expect that when she arrived at her campus, more people were making fun of each other and wishing each other a Happy Singles’ Day.

At noon, Little Twisted Braids’ boyfriend unexpectedly came to their campus from T University. He said it was because he signed up for some lectures, so while he was at it, he went to have a meal with her too.

Yan Luqing also finally met the boyfriend that Little Twisted Braids always talked about. He is handsome, pedantic and not good at talking, and it happened to be very complementary to Little Twisted Braids.

After the three of them finished their meal and sat down, a voice came from the side: “Oh, what a coincidence?”

Yan Luqing looked over and found that Senior Wine Bottle was sitting next to the table they chose.

She was just thinking that it’s great now. Little Twisted Braids and her boyfriend are a couple, and she can be considered to have met another single person——When the words of ‘Happy Singles’ Day‘ was on her lips and she was about to say it, Senior Wine Bottle suddenly pointed to the girl opposite her: “My juniors, let me introduce someone. This is my girlfriend, and I already got off the list before Singles Day! Hahahaha!”

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Okay, the clown is only me.


On the left is a new couple. Senior Wine Bottle’s way of calling and talking to his girlfriend was so nice today, and he also served the dishes and bought the drink for his girlfriend. The girl is served so comfortably by him, and the ‘wife’ that was out of his mouth becomes more and more smooth.

On the right is an old couple. Although the man is not good at expressing himself, the way he called out ‘wife’ with his lowered voice still accurately penetrated into Yan Luqing’s ears.

In a word, they don’t care that there is a festive single person next to them.

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After Yan Luqing finished the meal, it seemed that his mouth was bitter with sourness.

After all, Little Twisted Braids and her boyfriend are in a relationship but in different schools. After the meal, they go on a date alone. Yan Luqing walks back to the classroom by herself.

On the way back, Yan Luqing began to reflect on herself again.

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In fact, in high school, everyone would tease each other every November 11, but she never cared about it at that time and never envied anyone that was in pairs. She just thought that she loved being single, and it’s not impossible to be single all her life too.

But what happened now?

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Why does she suddenly can’t bear the sight of couples, seeing kissing scenes, and hearing people call ‘wife’?

Is this her psychological condition of not being able to see other people having a good time or good life? Is she so narrow-minded?


Fortunately, tomorrow is the 12th, and the birthday present has sucked up most of her energy. Other than when she was in school, Yan Luqing has no time to get tangled in this kind of matter again.

In the afternoon, she had one less class than Gu Ci, so she returned home early and entered her room.

When Gu Ci also got home, there was no one on the sofa in the living room. Usually, he can always see Yan Luqing sitting, leaning and lying down on the sofa in various postures, but these two days, she turned into someone that often comes and goes like a shadow.

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Little Black, who was standing by the entrance, looked at him and hesitated.

He can understand Little Black so easily. In fact, there is no difference between him hesitating to speak and him speaking about it directly. Just like at this time, Gu Ci has clearly seen a line of big words on Little Black’s face: [Something happened with the relationship between the two of you]

He smiled, said nothing, then walked to the sofa and sat down before turning on the TV as usual.

It’s dinner time an hour later.

Yan Luqing, like yesterday, quickly went upstairs after finishing her meal again, as if someone was chasing her from behind.

Because she had already know since the beginning that the time was really pressing until Gu Ci’s birthday, and it was too late when this idea come up in her mind, coupled with the time to prepare the presents was also too short, and she didn’t want to be found out by the people in the villa too, Yan Luqing could only rely on herself——After all, as long as there was even one person that preparing it with her, with Gu Ci’s observation ability, he would know what she wanted to do at a glance. Then the sense of surprise would be reduced.

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