“….” Gu Ci asked her again, “You really don’t need me to open my eyes? On which floor is the gift?”

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“No, no! It’s fine with you like this!” Yan Luqing finished speaking very quickly, and then continued to pull him forward again.

The strength of her hands was not small, and the two of them just ‘helped each other’ up to the third floor like this.

This attic, Gu Ci has hardly heard it being mentioned, and no one has cleaned it up either. It should be used to store sundries.

He knew that Yan Luqing had been running back and forth on the second and third floors recently, but he didn’t know what she did with the attic.

“Here we are!” Yan Luqing’s voice came from his side, and then Gu Ci heard the sound of the door being opened before he heard her voice say happily: “Okay, open your eyes——!”

The darkness in front of Gu Ci’s eyes was taken away, and he gradually saw the scene in front of him.

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The room he was facing was very small, and the ceiling was also low. Visually, it was the height that he could barely stand upright. Opposite the door is a large glass window. At this moment, the starry sky outside was extremely bright tonight.

And this small room was filled with stars all around. Some are strings of star-shaped lights, some are hand-held star lights. There are even stars on the wall and stars that were pasted on the floor.

There is almost no furniture inside, only a soft cushion on the floor and a beanbag sofa next to it, which is big enough for one person to lay on. Other than that…

There is also a white telescope with a lens tube in the middle facing the window.

It’s just that the height of the telescope is adjusted very low.

After these two days’ busy work, Yan Luqing was already very familiar with this place. After walking in, she naturally knelt down and sat on the cushion inside, “Come here, come here! The good thing is here!”

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Gu Ci looked at the excited look on her face, and the indentation of the clothes on her side face from her sleep just now was still there.

If she was awake, when he looked at this room just now, she would have clearly explained what she had done, taking credit one by one.

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But now that she is drunk, this step is also omitted by her.

He walked to Yan Luqing’s side. She tilted her head and patted the cushion beside her: “Come here and kneel on this, I want to show you something good.”

Gu Ci wanted to laugh a little and asked seriously: “Do I have to kneel down to see it?”

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Yan Luqing stared with wide eyes and nodded: “Yes. I finally found the angle. We must kneel down to be able to see it!”

So just now, she suddenly disappeared for a few minutes to come up and adjust the angle.


After Gu Ci knelt on the cushion like her, in Yan Luqing’s expectant gaze, without moving the telescope at all, he aimed his eyes at the lens.

At that moment, he was stunned.

In the circular field of vision, the left half is the real starry sky, while the right half is a picture of a young girl’s silhouette. She is looking up and reaching out, as if she wants to catch something.

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It was also at the same moment that Gu Ci understood that she should have found something similar to a sticker, then cut it into such a shape and pasted it to create such an effect.

So in this circular field of vision, the right half is always the same and only the left half, which is the thing caught by the girl’s hand, will change.

At this time, the girl’s silhouette was holding an extremely bright star in her hand.


Gu Ci looked at it for a while and then looked back.

At some point unknown, Yan Luqing had moved a little bit to the right from the cushion, sinking herself into the beanbag sofa. Seeing Gu Ci raise his head from the telescope, she immediately stared at him with wide eyes: “How is it? Does it look good?”

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